World News


  1. UN's dire Syria warning

    UN humanitarian adviser Jan Egeland says food has run out in eastern Aleppo as the country gets set for a "killer winter".

  2. Bringing dead to life

    Once the place for "drunks and has-beens", the obituary page of one of America's biggest papers is embracing the digital age.

  3. All eyes on Trump Tower

    All eyes are on Trump Tower, which is now the centre of the known universe ahead of the presidential transition.

  4. Bright radio flash

    A bright radio burst from over a billion light-years away gives scientists a view of what lies between galaxies in the Universe.

  5. The Grand Tour

    Will Australian consumers find a way to access Jeremy Clarkson's new show and avoid paying another online fee?

  6. 'Lame-duck' duties

    With such little time left in the White House, does President Barack Obama still have any power?

  7. Trump's 'security theatre'

    Islamophobia expert Corey Saylor says that Donald Trump's plan to implement a Muslim immigration registry would be 'security theatre'.

  8. South China Sea in focus

    A former Defence official says Australia should expect Donald Trump to ask it to send a ship to the South China Sea.

  9. Melania's journey to DC

    Ever since she was a child, those around Melania Trump say she was ambitious and drawn to a world outside Slovenia.

  10. Joe Biden's cult appeal

    If you've been online in the past week and you'll definitely have seen Joe Biden. So what's behind his cult appeal?

  11. NGOs for Rakhine State

    NGOs are calling for access to Myanmar's Rakhine State following reports of government persecution of its ethnic Rohingya community.

  12. Trump to test APEC leaders

    When Malcolm Turnbull and about 20 other world leaders meet at APEC, they will be wracked by recent events in the US.

  13. Trump supporters watching

    Donald Trump's supporters are watching closely for signs he will deliver what he promised.

  14. COP22 for global security

    Retired Brigadier General Stephen Cheney, the CEO of the American Security Project, discusses climate change's effects on global security.

  15. New Zealand on a fault line

    After a night of more than 300 aftershocks, Anthea Prentice woke up to the disheartening realisation that her home was beyond saving.

  16. Global Terrorism Index 2016

    The 2016 Global Terrorism Index report shows an overall decrease in the number of terrorist attacks around the world.

  17. 'Supermoon' delights world

    From Beijing to Berlin, star gazers around the world admired the supermoon: the largest, brightest full moon in nearly seven decades.

  1. Tensions rise over Jakarta Governor

    Tens of thousands of worshippers have gathered at mosques, churches and temples in Jakarta and at the national monument to pray for unity and peace, as tensions simmer over blasphemy charges against the Christian and ethnic Chinese governor.

    It comes a fortnight after more than 100,000 protestors took to the streets to demand the Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama be arrested and jailed for comments he made about the Koran.

  1. Spratly Island runway

    Vietnam is reportedly extending a runway on an island it claims in the South China Sea in apparent response to China's reclamation work.

  2. UN to decide numbers

    The US Government says the United Nations will decide how many refugees it accepts from detention centres on Nauru and Manus Island.

  3. Marcos given heroes burial

    Former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos is buried at the Heroes' Cemetery in Manila.

  4. No 'Kim Fatty the Third'

    Chinese websites are censoring the term "Kim Fatty the Third", a nickname widely used to disparage North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.