Posts Tagged ‘Bremen’

Bremen: Arson attack destroys 18 military vehicles causing 15 million euros worth of damage (Germany)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

From the German corporate media we learn that on the 23rd of October unknown attackers targeted a civilian system engineering company in Bremen that was equipping Bundeswehr (German armed forces) vehicles with new communications technology.

The attackers lit three separate fires at the premises which resulted in the complete destruction of 18 military vehicles.

The damage bill from the attack has been reported as being around 15 million Euros.

via Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

New Year's Eve Overview from ABC Berlin (Germany)

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

The night of the new year’s eve has seen again a lot of different type of protests taking place in Germany against prisons and all forms of detention, as well as against some of those, who daily enforce their existence.

The traditional demonstrations at local prisons saw an increase in their numbers and more cities decided that this was a good way to salute the upcoming year.

In Berlin, the month of December hosted several events under the motto “Behind different windows… but the chains remain the same ones! New year’s eve to the prisons – question, demount and destroy the machine of prison!”, events ranged from discussion about ongoing trials against comrades, the building of a new detention center at the new Berlin’s airport, to a demonstration against the local detention center for immigrants. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle