WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting and Managed Webhosting

Starting WordPress? Know your hosting options!

When you have decided to create a new WordPress website you can select from different types of WordPress hosting options. You may basically choose from free hosting, managed hosting or a several different types of self-hosting. Which one suits best for your website depends on several factors as for example your web experience, your budget and the kind of website you are planning to launch.

Which WordPress hosting to choose?

In general we can not recommend a particular WordPress hosting company as this greatly depends on your individual requirements and needs. But we would like to introduce some WordPress hosting companies which are either quite popular amongst the WordPress community and used by many website owners or stand out for reliable services according to WordPress hosting comparisons.

Overview of WordPress Hosting Providers

WordPress Hosting Options Overview

Which types of WordPress hosting are there?

There are several different types of WordPress hosting you can choose from. Which hosting provider, package or options suits best depends on your web experience and the needs and requirements of your website. If you have a hard time to decide, we would advise you to read some comparisons and reviews on web hosters and their (customer) services. Still keep in mind, that there is always the option to switch your WordPress hosting to another company if you are not happy with your current choice. Now following is an overview on possible WordPress hosting options – they might vary according to the hoster.

1 – Free WordPress hosting

Some hosting companies advertise free hosting for WordPress websites. Choosing free hosting means that you do not have to pay for the hosting itself, but maybe for additional services you may make use of. Choosing free hosting can be limited in a certain way (e.g. limited storage space, additional fees for services etc.). On the other side, you can lay back and leave all the hosting management / administration to the hosting company and you can solely work on your website’s content.

2 – Managed WordPress hosting

Managed WordPress hosting usually provides comfortable services for the website owner, so to speak, they might install WordPress for you and even set it up. Some also offer a carefree 1-Click install option. For less web experienced users, this might be a good and suitable solution. Prices for managed hosting vary depending on website speed, storage space and other things. Among those who offer managed hosting there are all kinds of different options and packages you can opt for.

WordPress Hosting Service
Image Source: geralt – Pixabay.com / License: CC0 Public Domain

3 – Self-hosted – shared, VPS, dedicated

Shared WordPress hosting

For more experienced users the self-hosted option is a good solution – self-hosting comes in different types. You can opt for a shared hosting, meaning you will share a server with other websites. The server will be maintained by the company which also provides technical support. Shared hosting is less suitable for very active websites with many visitors because that could cause slow response times meaning a slow website.

Dedicated WordPress hosting

Another self-hosted option is called dedicated WordPress hosting. Thereby you have a server dedicated to your website only. You will further have full control over its use and administration. Choosing this option you will have to configure and maintain your server by yourself using your web expertise. Dedicated hosting is suitable for middle and bigger sized companies with high website traffic.

VPS WordPress hosting

A third type of self-hosting is the VPS – Virtual Private Server – this is especially recommended for websites with higher traffic. VPS basically combines dedicated and shared hosting. You will have full control over your server but on a shared basis. For more flexibility, some hosting companies also offer variations from the above mentioned hosting options like for example managed dedicated hosting or else.

Self-hosted or managed hosting?

By going self-hosted with your WordPress website, you will have most freedom – but only in combination with your own web expertise. So if you are a pro or eager to learn about how to manage a server and maintain a database self-hosting might be a suitable choice to take your website to the next level. For all WordPress beginners with less web experience, a managed hosting service could serve you best.

WordPress Hosting Requirements

WordPress hosting minimal requirements

The WordPress hosting companies we have mentioned in our hosting overview usually all meet the minimal or even advanced requirements for hosting a WordPress website – but as there are many other companies as well, make sure they meet the basic requirements for WordPress hosting before making your choice. WordPress.org recommends the following minimal requirements:

PHP version 5.6 or greater
MySQL version 5.5 or greater

Apache or nginx are recommended as “robust and featureful” servers, but besides that, also any other servers which support PHP and MySQL properly are suitable. For better security, WordPress.org advises that PHP applications as the WordPress software are run under your account’s username opposed to the server’s default shared username. To find out more and to keep yourself updated on WordPress hosting requirements, please see: WordPress Hosting Minimal Requirements.

WordPress Security With Sucuri

Website Security

Is your WordPress website protected?

There are a few best practices to secure your website from malware and potential hacks which you can manage and take care of yourself. Beyond that, you could reach out to companies like Sucuri who will take care of your website’s security and help you in case your site has been hacked. Sucuri is specialized in protecting websites and cleaning up properly after malware has been detected. They offer an easy to use plugin as well as full all around services. Have a look at their free SiteCheck:

Still looking for a suitable WordPress theme?

Premium WordPress themes

Are you still searching for a suitable WordPress theme to launch a fresh website? Or do you have plans to switch your WordPress theme to take your website or blog to the next level? We offer a nice collection of high quality WordPress themes which are very suitable for modern online magazines, dynamic news websites and other editorial projects. Have a look at our premium WordPress themes for stylish online magazines, professional business websites and personal blogs.

WordPress Themes
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