Young Rich List tech entrepreneur Nick Bell eyes US

Nick Bell has big plans to expand his website hosting business into America.
Nick Bell has big plans to expand his website hosting business into America. Jesse Marlow

Nick Bell formed his website hosting business only a year ago, but the serial entrepreneur believes it can grow quickly to become the biggest part of his empire already worth an estimated $68 million.

Bell, 36, will debut on the BRW Young Rich list this year in position 38, having built his fortune after starting the digital marketing group WME in 2008 with $400 in the bank and working from his bedroom.

That move came after stints working in hospitality and running his own skin care company, and saw Bell relentlessly cold call and email prospective clients after teaching himself about search engine optimisation, until he starting building a substantial business.

Today WME has operations in seven countries, employs more than 450 people and has annual revenue approaching $50 million.

BRW YOUNG RICH DEBUT  Nick Bell Chief executive, founder: WME Wealth: $68 million Sector: Technology Age: 36 Lives: Melbourne Stavretis is one of several Young Rich members in the technology sector. Others include Mike Cannon-Brookes & Scott Farquhar - Atlassian David Greiner & Ben Richardson - Campaign Monitor Sam Salter & Jason Wyatt - Marketplacer Peter Nyguyen-Brown & Karl Redenbach - LiveTiles Source: BRW, BRW Young Rich list

Having started offering SEO services, it now also undertakes social media, online advertising and marketing campaigns for about 5000 clients around the world.

Bell also has an app development business, Appscore, which has clients such as Telstra, Mercedes Benz and the Victorian government, and has bought into LeadChat, a company that provides live chat and support services that pop up on clients' websites.

But he is most excited about Hosting Australia, which has been steadily growing in Australia in the past year and for which Bell has big plans.

Most importantly, he stresses he has no plans or need to raise money from investors to keep growing his business.

"We'll be taking it into America, where you have companies like Amazon doing web hosting services," he says.

'Big market'

"But it is such as big market and I think we can do well there targeting the SME (small to medium enterprise) sector. So my plan is to spend up to six months of the year there, and just focus on providing good customer service, like we have here. "

Bell's entrepreneurial habits go back to his school days, when he would ask his mother to make him bigger lunches on the pretence that he needed to eat more.

"I would tell my mum I was so hungry that she'd give me extra lunches and snacks, which I'd auction off on the bus. I was earning thousands of dollars a year as a teenager".

His most important tip for budding entrepreneurs is not to raise seed funding or venture capital. At all.

"I see these companies raising funding at an early stage when they have no revenue, and I wonder what they are doing," he says.

"I have never taken any funding and don't want to. When I've put money in, I've been spending my own money. I think for those that raise capital early it is really a case of spending others' money and maybe they treat it a bit differently to what I would do."

Bell would also like to expand WME into Europe next, having already opened offices in New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Dubai, China and Los Angeles.

The latter could be a base for Hosting Australia, with Bell to establish its US arm in California.

"WME is going really well, and I have some great people working here to manage it. I just really enjoy starting businesses, and building something out of nothing and doing something that people out there want," he says.

*The BRW Young Rich list is published on Friday in The Australian Financial Review Magazine and online at