Microsoft chief Satya Nadella reveals government's artificial intelligence plans

Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella is heading up a new, more innovative, chapter of the company's history. Image ...
Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella is heading up a new, more innovative, chapter of the company's history. Image used with the permission of Microsoft. Supplied

Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella has revealed the Australian government will be among the first in the world to deploy artificial intelligence "bots" to deal with inquiries from citizens.

As the tech giant looks to lead in the new era of cognitive computing, Mr Nadella told a technology developers' conference in Sydney on Wednesday morning that increasingly intelligent technology would allow human-like interaction with complex business systems.

Mr Nadella told The Australian Financial Review after the speech that the Department of Human Services had completed the largest deployment of the Windows 10 operating system in the Asia-Pacific region and was now working on AI-powered applications.

He said the DHS was working to create a smart software-driven conversational bot, which could help in reducing the amount of time citizens had to wait to speak to human staff.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 16: CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, speaks at a developers conference held at the Star ...
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 16: CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, speaks at a developers conference held at the Star Casino in Pyrmont on November 16, 2016 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Dominic Lorrimer/Fairfax Media) Dominic Lorrimer

The move is of broader relevance because, according to Mr Nadella, all companies would soon begin to develop bots for internal and external communications, as smarter software aligns with cloud computing power to make previously sci-fi ideas a reality.

He said in his short time in Australia he had been impressed by the way companies were deploying leading-edge applications, and the government department was demonstrating a sophisticated approach to using data to improve the knowledge of its human workers.

"They're not just using technology for technology's sake, they're trying to achieve their mission. So to me that's what's key," Mr Nadella said.

"They want to bring cognitive services as building blocks to give powers to their bot."

In simple terms, a bot enables a customer to talk to computer systems as if they were conversing with another human, and then finds relevant information among the vast amounts of data available.

Microsoft's heavy investment in AI software is seen as a key pillar in its recent resurgence under Mr Nadella.

Having been later to large-scale cloud computing than the likes of Amazon Web Services, it is making an increasingly strong play to attract large organisations to use its Azure cloud as the basis of more intelligent new systems.

"Just like you built websites in the past or mobile applications in the past, you're going to now start building bots as new interfaces and new applications," Mr Nadella said.

"You're going to take every business process and build a bot interface. But in order to do that you need to have natural language understanding."

Microsoft recently announced a new Azure Bot service, which lets companies create bots and then use its cloud services to provide the technical grunt in the background.

The company is competing fiercely against Google, AWS and IBM to be seen as a leader in emerging AI, and Mr Nadella said Microsoft had been independently verified as having the best speech-recognition and image-recognition software.

This is crucial, as users come to expect their technology to handle tasks previously assigned to human workers.

"As the world becomes more digitised, you need more automation and more business process automation," Mr Nadella said. "We want to completely get rid of the impedance that existed between productivity and communications, so that users can use their software much more productively.

"That's what we mean by reinvention of productivity."

Mr Nadella's two-day visit to Australia has already seen him formalise a deal for Microsoft to provide intelligent software analytics to help the national cricket team select and manage its players.

It is understood Mr Nadella was due to meet Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Wednesday, where numerous issues, including methods of targeting cyber-security problems, would be on the agenda.

The company also announced its AI credentials had been given a boost by the signing of a deal with Elon Musk's artificial intelligence research group, OpenAI.

The group, which performs research and aims to ensure AI is developed with ethics, responsibility and equity in mind, will use the Azure cloud system for most of its large-scale experiments.