New Year… Same Struggle!

3 01 2016

2016 is only a few days old and already it looks set to go off with a bang. Several far-right groups have already announced protests and the AFN is gearing up for a busy year.



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Luton is Antifascist! 22nd Nov

3 11 2014

On November 22nd, the EDL will be holding a national demonstration in Luton. The Antifascist Network, alongside many other antifascist groups, is mobilising to oppose them.

A previous EDL demonstration in Luton.

A previous EDL demonstration in Luton.

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Get EDL Out Of London Nov 24th

18 11 2012
political prisoner someone imprisoned for holding, expressing, or acting in accord with particular political beliefs

The regional EDL groups are gearing up to go and do a static protest outside Wandsworth Prison next Saturday to support their dear leader who they claim is a political prisoner. Mr Yaxley-Lennon is not a political prisoner, he’s inside because he broke the law by using someone else’s passport to enter the USA illegally as well as a load of other shit like the Vangate scandal.
Here’s a repost from 3cafa

Event created by ALARM

“The E.D.L (English Defence League) is a group of pathetic racist, fascist mugs who blame everything on Muslims.

They’re doing a demonstration at Wandsworth Prisonon November 24th starting at 1pm so get there for 12.45pm and give them a proper london welcome.”

Facebook event page


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