Nazis: You’ll Always Walk Alone

28 02 2016

What a day in Liverpool!
After initially calling their demonstration for Manchester, the North West Infidels and National Action decided that they’d have another bash at Liverpool instead. What a rookie error that was.

fash Read the rest of this entry »

Dover – Final Update

25 01 2016

There’s less than a week to go until our protest in Dover, and antifascists from across the country are finalising travel details, making sure we get maximum numbers on the streets to support Kent Anti-Racism Network and proudly say that while refugees are welcome here, racists and fascists aren’t!


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What does Dover Mean for Antifascists?

14 09 2015

There are already a lot of reports of what happened in Dover on Saturday knocking about, so we’ll keep ours short and sweet, and focus on the analysis. What does Dover mean for the Antifascist Movement in this country?

The day started with a 150-strong bloc of locals and AFN gathering in Pencester Gardens, forming up behind a large “Open the Borders” banner, and marching to occupy the fascists’ RV point at the Castle Inn.


The AFN bloc forming up.

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Far Right Demonstration in Nottingham on Saturday

28 03 2013

re-posted from East Midlands Anti-fascists

Far right activists, led by Casuals United and Tony Curtis of the English National Resistance, will be holding a demonstration against a Muslim conference in Nottingham this weekend. They will be protesting outside the East Midlands Conference Centre at 1pm on Saturday 30th March.

Demo organiser Tony Curtis: Hate speaker?

Demo organiser Tony Curtis: Hate preacher?

In response to our previous article asking why they were coming, they have now seen fit to reveal that they are protesting the invitation of Haitham al-Haddad to speak at the conference. Previously they just told their followers to blindly follow their command to oppose the “hate preachers” and none of them asked questions. Blind obedience seems to be as alive and well in the far right as it was in the days of “just following orders” 1930s Germany.

The decision to oppose al-Haddad is not unreasonable, given that he hasreportedly described Jews as “the enemies of God, and the descendants of apes and pigs” and believes in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. He has said that should a woman refuse to sleep with her husband, “angels will curse” her and has written in favour of the prohibition of musical instruments. That he is speaking at a family event and passing on these bigoted ideas is very disturbing.

But it is the utmost hypocrisy for former EDL members to be protesting this man. After all, Tony Curtis has supported the NWI recently, even though leader, John “Snowy” Shaw also believes in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and extreme anti-Semitic ideas. Why is Curtis protesting a Muslim hate preacher but not the hate preacher in his own midst? We can also point the finger at Jeff Marsh, leader of Casuals United, who set up the the openly Nazi Welsh Defence League. Even the former leader of the EDL’s Jewish Division quit claiming that the organisation had been taken over by Nazis. The EDL has courted Jews when it has seemed politically useful but is now turning back to anti-Semites for support.

Casuals United leader Jeff Marsh's Welsh Defence League: very tolerant of Jews

Casuals United leader Jeff Marsh’s Welsh Defence League: very tolerant of Jews

It’s also hypocritical for the far right to criticise al-Haddad’s sexist ideas and lack of respect for a woman’s sexual consent. EDL members have been exposed for promoting rape as a weapon against their enemies and local members were exposed by us for their misogynist and sexually predatory posts. Some of these men will be turning up to “oppose” al-Haddad’s views on women at the weekend, but their own are equally disgusting and backwards. Why aren’t Casuals and Curtis booting them out of the ranks? Maybe because they aren’t brown or bearded enough.

Al-Haddad should be opposed by the vast majority who find his views abhorrent, not this ragtag bunch of far right misfits whose own ideas are just as disgusting. It would be best if both al-Haddad and the racist, sexist, homophobes of the far right were sent packing.

Berwick Gears Up For A Second Wave Of Human Excrement.

9 02 2013

The Scottish Defence League will be protesting against their own deluded imaginations next Saturday (16th Feb) In  Berwick-upon-Tweed. (Berwick is in the borders, technically in England, but lets not sink to arguing over borders imposed from above eh?).

The last time they marched in Berwick it was a bit of a damp squib – here’s the local newspaper report: The Berwickshire News

This time they again look to be joined by North East branches of EDL and also the openly fascist northern groups of the ‘infidels’. The local UAF will be holding a counter demo in the city and an antifascist group called BIRA (Berwick Against Racist Idiots) is calling for antifascists from the North to show solidarity. Last time The SDL protested in Berwick almost all of their support was bussed in, so hopefully antifascist calls will be answered.

To end on a more positive note there’s nice little post here from Occupied London about a Greek neo-nazi police officer getting hospitalised, i’m sure we all wish wish him speedy recovery (or not): bloodied pig 

ACA Manchester have also set up a wordpress blog that can be found on our links section: ACA Manchester

Gearing Up For A New Year Against The Splitters!

1 01 2013

As reported by EDL News & Malatesta, the EDL Christmas address this year from Kev Caroll was a complete fucking joke. One of the highlights for anti fascists was when he slagged off all the other break away groups, pissing off a lot of potential supporters and splitting an already fragmented far right. The splits are very visible to see with groups of ‘Infidels’ (both North West and North East) saying they will no longer attend the EDL Manchester outing on the second of March. Some ‘Infidels’ are even suggesting they have their own demo’s the same day, but we can’t imagine they would be able to get anything near the sort of numbers they would need, It will probably turn out to be a flash mob… in a pub… ordering beer… in protest…at something.

Whilst it’s easy to laugh at these public tiffs that seem to be becoming more frequent, It does look like it’s only the leaders & organisers of the splinter groups who seem to get upset as all they want is to be their own little Hitlers. The average EDL supporters are also in an ‘Infidels’ group (or two) , and also display Casuals United images all over their facebook pages, for these people who are the remaining hardcore of travelling fascists, they will go to the biggest nationalist event of the day, and do not seem too fussy who’s name they march under, as long as they get to shout abuse and piss people off, and if they are really lucky get into a scuffle with the cops/reds/locals. For example the poster below is doing the rounds on many of the EDL & ‘Infidel’ sites. We already know that March For England (MFE) organiser Dave Smeeton is furious as he has lost all control over this event, and he has asked that EDL stay away, but if this is the biggest nationalist event happening on the 21st April we can almost guarantee it will bring out every lowlife from MFE to the National Front, and every misfit in between, and the same will go for Manchester in March.

Not an MFE Poster

Not an MFE Poster

Luckily work is already underway to meet and greet our travelling fiends, and in a place like Brighton, no matter how many fascists get bused in they will always be outnumbered by a town sick to death of the fascist scumbags targeting them. In northern towns like Manchester we usually see the EDL either equaled or  just outnumbered by counter protesters, and that is usually following a call out from UAF. There is still a lot of work to be done to get the majority of locals out, who like any normal person despise fascism, but feel it is ok to leave it for someone else to deal with, or perhaps are put off by politically motivated opponents of the EDL. Either way there’s a lot of work to do, but hey, it’s a new year!

Manchester Demo Facebook Page (worth a laugh)

EDL told to F*ck off out of Norwich

12 11 2012
By 3cafa

Fresh from having their main website hacked again last night the ever persistent flotsam and jetsam of what was “Britain’s biggest street movement” (according to themselves) arrived in Norwich today for a so-called ‘national demonstration’ numbering around 150 if that.

The people of Norwich were out in considerably larger numbers (*an estimated 1,500 according to mainstream press reports) to give the bedraggled ‘leaderless‘ boneheads the rousing welcome that they deserved by letting the racists know in no uncertain terms that the hatred spread by the EDL was definitely not welcome in the city as the video below clearly shows.

Arrests were made as boneheads tried to attack locals. Scuffles with anti-fascists also took place. *Mainstream report here

Meanwhile EDL neo-nazi splinter group the ‘infidels’ were out in West Ham having an equally shit day.