Dover – Solidarity and Kettled Nazis

2 04 2016

Today, anti-fascists from across the country stood in solidarity with locals from around Dover to oppose neo-nazis and assorted far-right rejects who decended on the town, once more openly flying fascist flags and seig heiling.


The pathetic fascist turnout.

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Nazis: You’ll Always Walk Alone

28 02 2016

What a day in Liverpool!
After initially calling their demonstration for Manchester, the North West Infidels and National Action decided that they’d have another bash at Liverpool instead. What a rookie error that was.

fash Read the rest of this entry »

New Year… Same Struggle!

3 01 2016

2016 is only a few days old and already it looks set to go off with a bang. Several far-right groups have already announced protests and the AFN is gearing up for a busy year.



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What does Dover Mean for Antifascists?

14 09 2015

There are already a lot of reports of what happened in Dover on Saturday knocking about, so we’ll keep ours short and sweet, and focus on the analysis. What does Dover mean for the Antifascist Movement in this country?

The day started with a 150-strong bloc of locals and AFN gathering in Pencester Gardens, forming up behind a large “Open the Borders” banner, and marching to occupy the fascists’ RV point at the Castle Inn.


The AFN bloc forming up.

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Slough and Beyond

3 09 2015

September is shaping up to be a VERY busy month for Antifascists. There are going to be three (!) AFN actions, alongside several other non-AFN Antifascist demonstrations. The refugee crisis has pushed the far-right into a frenzy of activity and it is our social duty to combat them.


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Mobilise! Upcoming Antifascist Events

16 03 2015


This coming weekend sees a whole range of antifascist mobilisations in different parts of the country. See you on the streets!

Friday, March 20th


Justice4Bolton, a community group, will be rallying in Victoria Square, Bolton, at 12:30pm on Friday. The group exists to seek justice for the antifascists arrested at a protest against the EDL in 2010. Friday is the 5 year anniversary of that protest.

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Fuck Off Golden Dawn.

7 01 2013

Anyone reading this will already be aware of the situation in Greece with the classic fascist party ‘Golden Dawn’ getting around 10% of the vote, whilst antifascists are being repressed by the police (40% of cops admitted voting for Golden Dawn). There have been instances of militant antifascism with Golden Dawn offices being burnt down and gangs of antifa on motorbikes patrolling Athens in the evenings.

Many watching the far right over here will have seen our fascist friends get inspired by the shit that’s going down in Greece, here’s a screen shot from one of Portsmouth’s stoopider ‘patriots’ Martin Jackson.

Middle Picture Next to an EDL Poster is 'British Friends Of Golden Dawn'  (underneath that is a good example of how some of these pricks view women).

Middle Picture Next to an EDL Poster is ‘British Friends Of Golden Dawn’ (underneath that is a good example of how some of these pricks view women).

A BBC reporter who recently infiltrated the Golden Dawn reported about how they make a bit of extra cash in their head office by selling paper copies of Hitlers speeches. There’s no way the EDL & Casuals United scum can claim they are not fascist when displaying pictures like the one above – maybe they are financially coming to terms with what they stand for.

It was mentioned at the Anarchist book fair this year that it is not inconceivable for the UK to slip into the kind of economic shitstorm that has given rise to the fascists in Greece, and this is why it is vitally important that we build antifascist networks and and strong communities now, should the situation here ever get that bad.

Things in Greece could be about to get better, below is a repost from Athens Antifa 19th Jan Blog. People here may want to think about solidarity actions for our Greek counterparts.

The initial Declaration for 19 January

November 30, 2012 by Athensantifa19jan

On the 19th of January 2013, we flood the streets of Athens from every city and neighborhood of the country, workers and youth from every workplace, place of education and art. We occupy the city with music, chants and speeches, to shout that the Nazis are not welcome, that the coalition government’s racist policies of concentration camps, FRONTEX and of the denial of citizenship to the children of immigrants, enrage us as much as the barbaric measures that send hundreds of thousands to unemployment.

We cannot tolerate the rich and the government that sows poverty and deprivation, leads to suicides, sends homeless to queue at soup kitchens putting the blame for the crisis on immigrants, turning them to scapegoats, just like Hitler blamed the Jews for everything. This policy led to Dachau and Auschwitz camps, to gas chambers and the crematories with millions of dead Jews, Roma, Communists and gays. It led to the massacre of WWII, the Nazi brutalities in the occupied countries like Greece, with the martyr cities that were burnt, the lives lost in the blockades by the assassins of the “Security Squads” in Kalavryta, Kokkinia, Chortiati, Kontomari, Viano, Distomo and other places.

We cannot accept [Minister of Public Order] Dendias’ police attacking strikes and demonstrations with tons of chemicals and extending a hand of cooperation to the Neo-nazi assault squads of Golden Dawn, organizing racist pogroms in the neighborhoods with stabbings of immigrants, destruction of shops and house intrusions. It’s the same police that jails demonstrators like it did in Thessaloniki, where it reached the point of torturing the antifascist demonstrators of the motorbike demonstration. We are disgusted by the vulgar attack against artists like in the case of “Chitirion” theatre and the censorship of Dendias with journalists’ lay-offs and criminalization of journalist revelations.

We can not close our eyes to the thousands of dead immigrants and refugees, women and children, being hunted by the guards of FRONTEX. We demand to stop the disgrace of the nazi-type concentration camps and the sweeping operations by the Greek police. The immigrants need legalization and the refugees need asylum, victims as they are of the imperialist wars, the dictatorships and the annihilating measures of austerity by the IMF.

Samaras rushed to proceed with the new law to deny the citizenship to the children of immigrants born in this country, with a decision by the High Court that shared the racist prejudice of New Democracy and the Golden Dawn. Thousands of children that are studying in schools are deemed illegal once they turn 18 and are asked to go back to the country of their parents where they have never been themselves!

This is why the last months an unprecedented antifascist uprising has unfolded. On the 24th of August thousands of immigrants sent their message to Dendias that they are not afraid of the police sweeping operations called “Xenios Zeus”. In the neighborhoods the racist pogroms were challenged everywhere. On the 28th of October, the teachers, the students and the antifascists showed who controls the streets sending the neo-Nazi of Golden dawn back to the sewers. “Neither in the parliament not anywhere, Nazis out of our neighborhoods” shouted thousands around Greece.

We call all workers and youth, intellectuals and artists, the immigrants’ communities, trade unions, student unions, school students, the local councils, all the committees against racism and fascism, the collectives of resistance, people’s assemblies to support the national demonstration in Athens on the 19th of January. In the city which sent the greatest message against the Nazi occupation and today sends a message of resistance to the memorandums and the Troika that Neo-Nazis are not welcome – they are racist killers!

We call for international solidarity with participation in Athens demonstration on 19th of January and antifascist action around the world outside Greek embassies.

Saturday 19/1 Athens, Anti-fascist city
National demonstration, Omonia Square, 2pm
Concert, Syntagma Square, 4pm

Say it with a song…
Nazis out!
No to concentration camps!
Citizenship for all the children of immigrants!

Called by:

Movement United Against Racism and Fascist Threat (KEERFA),
Panhellenic Federation of Artists and Entertaiment (POTHA),
Intellectuals and Artists,
Theatre “EMPROS”,
Initiative “MAVILI” (Artists),
Union of Immigrant Workers,
Pakistani Community of Greece,
Afghan Community of Greece,
Open School of Immigrants in Piraeus,
Egyptian Community,
Union of United Afghan Refugees in Greece,
Iranian Political Refugees Union,
Union of Syrians in Greece,
ASANTE (African immigrants in Greece),
Trade Unions,
Teachers’ Local Unions, Hospital Workers unions,
Local and peripheral councilors,
Student associations,
School pupils.

Supported by Kostas Arvanitis, journalist of Public TV.

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