It’s That Time of the Year Again…

8 11 2015

It’s getting towards the end of the year, and fascist activity is beginning to round up (they don’t seem to like the cold). It looks like the final AFN callout of the year will be in Bradford on the 14th November, against the EDL. Check out that callout here. It’s been a busy autumn though, with antifascist demonstrations across the country over the last few weeks.

Graffiti Spotted in Brighton.

Graffiti Spotted in Brighton Recently.

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What does Dover Mean for Antifascists?

14 09 2015

There are already a lot of reports of what happened in Dover on Saturday knocking about, so we’ll keep ours short and sweet, and focus on the analysis. What does Dover mean for the Antifascist Movement in this country?

The day started with a 150-strong bloc of locals and AFN gathering in Pencester Gardens, forming up behind a large “Open the Borders” banner, and marching to occupy the fascists’ RV point at the Castle Inn.


The AFN bloc forming up.

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