Dover Update!

6 01 2016

Well, since we announced the demonstration in Dover on January 30th, a lot has happened. Lots of groups have organised transport, and the day is shaping up to be a good one.



London Antifascists have announced they’re running coaches to Dover on the day. If you want a seat with them, email ldnantifascists[at]riseup[dot]net with the subject line “Coaches2Dover“. Facebook event here.


Brighton Antifascists have also organised a coach for the day. If you live in the area and want to travel with them email brightonantifascists[at]riseup[dot]net with the subject line “BRIGHTON2DOVER“. Cost will be £10 waged or £5 unwaged. Facebook event here.


Manchester Antifascists are organising transport and accomodation for anyone who wants to travel with them. They’ll be leaving Friday eve and getting back Sunday lunch time. Cost is approximatly £15-20. Email them at Manchesterantifascists[at]riseup[dot]net before 16th Jan if you’re interested. Facbook event here.

The group “Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants” have also announced a bloc on the demo, and are also looking at transport options and meetup times/locations. For more info, keep an eye on their facebook event here.

More groups are planning travel, so if you’re interested in that or in meetup times and locations, keep an eye here, on our facebook page or our twitter.

See you on the streets


Berkshire & Oxfordshire

Berkshire Antifascists and Oxford Antifascists have teamed up and are now offering travel from Reading and Oxford. If you want to travel with them, email berksantifa[at]riseup[dot]net for costs and meet up points. If you’re looking for more info and updates, they’ve set up a facebook event here.

Brighton (again!)


Brighton Antifascists have announced that they’re holding a public meeting in the run-up to Dover. It’s gonna be on the 19th January in the Cowley Club at 12 London Road, and they’ve got speakers from the Kent Anti-Racism Network and the Hummingbird Project (a Brighton based refugee aid group). You’ll also be able to pick up tickets for their coach to Dover in person if email isn’t your thing. It’s shaping up to be a cracker of a night. There’s a facebook event here.




7 responses

6 01 2016

Reblogged this on Wessex Solidarity.

7 01 2016
Dover Update! | Anti-Fascist Network | Indiĝenaj Inteligenteco

[…] Source: Dover Update! | Anti-Fascist Network […]

13 01 2016
Sane person

Why do you hate the British people? Genuine question. It is not Nazi to not want your children raped and pimped. FFS

7 03 2016

It is Nazi to throw up sig Heils at a protest. And they ARE all Fascists, go google what it is. Sounds like you’ll enjoy it as a concept.

23 01 2016
Call-out to all antifascists for Dover – January 30th – NFA Anti-Fascists

[…] in Dover gets closer, we share the latest update on the counter-demo and travel to it from the Anti-Fascist Network – and earlier one from London Anti-Fascists on the importance of the […]

24 01 2016
Common sense is not so common.

anti-fascist more like anti-English, filthy leftist cucks.

7 03 2016

You’re defending the guys sig hailing, and calling the guys going to go shut it down anti English.
1 min 30. – Don’t be calling us the “anti-English” ones. And if we’re cucks, how comes we beat the shit out of you everywhere we meet? Ain’t no EDL in London any more is there.

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