BCA heavyweights lock horns with Michael Kroger

State Liberal president, Michael Kroger, has been outspoken in his criticism of the BCA.
State Liberal president, Michael Kroger, has been outspoken in his criticism of the BCA. Craig Sillitoe

Leading businessman Tony Shepherd has called on the country's chief executives to be more vocal in pushing the business reform agenda, as former Business Council of Australia chiefs closed ranks around president Catherine Livingstone and rejected an attack by Liberal powerbroker Michael Kroger as misguided.

Victorian Liberal Party president Mr Kroger slammed the BCA on Monday as irrelevant, arrogant and hopeless and said the lobby group should be abolished. Former Labor treasurer Wayne Swan backed the attack by Mr Kroger and said the BCA should be "shut down".

But former BCA presidents Mr Shepherd and Graham Bradley hit back, saying the BCA is not a cheer squad for the government and the Liberal Party was blaming the lobby group for its own failings in the election.


Catherine Livingstone, president of the Business Council of Australia, has come under fire for claiming the BCA should ...
Catherine Livingstone, president of the Business Council of Australia, has come under fire for claiming the BCA should not have to campaign. Peter Rae

"I think it's disappointing that Kroger appears to be fingerpointing and blaming the BCA in some way for the Liberal Party's own failures during the past election, particularly its fundraising shortfalls which had a lot more to do with alienating its electoral supporters with policies such as retrospective changes to superannuation than anything the Business Council should or could have done," Mr Bradley told The Australian Financial Review.

Mr Shepherd agreed Mr Kroger's attack was "unfair" but called on business leaders to be more vocal in the public debate, even if they are on a "hiding to nothing" such as Commonwealth Bank's chief executive Ian Narev's public explanation last week not to pass on the Reserve Bank's rate cut in full.

"The BCA needs to get more support publicly from its members," Mr Shepherd said. "Business in general is a little bit shy and that's a luxury we can no longer afford. It's very hard for the BCA to come out hard publicly on an issue without being accused of massive self-interest, so they would prefer to work with governments and sell the sensible story.

"As a business leader you are on a hiding to nothing but that shouldn't stop you from having a go," he said.

Graham Bradley has gone into bat for the BCA against criticism from Michael Kroger.
Graham Bradley has gone into bat for the BCA against criticism from Michael Kroger. Cole Bennetts

"In the bank's case, do you want successful, well capitalised banks paying dividends to the million-odd superannuants with shares or banks struggling like in Europe and being propped up by the state?"

Breathtaking arrogance

Speaking on Sky News on Monday, Mr Kroger, who has lashed out at the organisation before, took exception to BCA president Catherine Livingstone telling The Australian Financial Review the BCA should not have to campaign for change.

"The BCA doesn't want to campaign, it should not have to campaign because the integrity of its policy decisions should speak for themselves," she said.

Westconnex chairman Tony Shepherd says trucks won't be forced off Parramatta Rd.
Westconnex chairman Tony Shepherd says trucks won't be forced off Parramatta Rd. Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Kroger said the comment showed "breathtaking arrogance".

"What a hopeless contribution. No wonder the BCA are in a world of pain because they're an irrelevant organisation and they may as well wind up, frankly," he said.

"This is an appalling contribution. If you want to know why these people have such a hopeless record of failure... the greatest evidence of that is this comment."

BCA a spectator 

Mr Kroger said the Coalition had taken to the last election "some of the most business-friendly policies I have seen in my lifetime" but "the BCA was missing in action for that whole campaign".

Mr Kroger did not mention the TV ads the BCA ran during the campaign promoting the company tax cuts.

He said the BCA needed to work out why it existed and decide whether it was a commentator in the crowd watching the game or "are they on the field playing".

He likened the organisation to somebody watching from a corporate box.

"Their contribution has been hopeless, they don't as far I can see have any influence over the government and nor should they because they are unable to articulate an argument," he said. "They're unable to influence public debate."

Former Labor treasurer Wayne Swan backed Mr Kroger's attack on Monday.

"The BCA should be shut down for their craven adherence to trickle-down economics," he said.

Kroger misunderstands

But chairman and former BCA President Mr Bradley said Mr Kroger fundamentally misunderstood the role of the BCA.

"I think he has completely misunderstood the nature of the Business Council. It is not a politically partisan advocacy body and the moment it is it will diminish the effectiveness of its voice. It represents the views of the largest 150 companies in this country and as its CEOs know very well they must work with and deal with all sides of politics."

Mr Bradley also rejected calls for the BCA to be more assertive in the political debate.

"The BCA is at its best when it advocates for national public policy issues which may not be getting adequate attention on the national agenda and Catherine Livingstone has done that extremely effectively in relation to innovation, the importance of STEM, education and those longer-term government policies," Mr Bradley said.

Wesfarmers Effect

But Peter Strong, the chief CEO of the Council of Small Business of Australia joined Mr Kroger in criticising the BCA and claiming it lacked credibility and ethics.

He said it was disingenuous for Ms Livingstone to want wages growth when BCA members such as Wesfarmers and Woolworths cut deals with the "shoppies' union to cut wages and penalty rates. Similarly, it is Wesfarmers who has led the charge from inside the BCA to adopt an effects test to prevent the misuse of market power by big business.

"The influence of Wesfarmers on the BCA is extraordinary," he said.

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