Microsoft Australia signs tax transparency code

Microsoft's global tax chief Bill Sample (left) cops a Senate Committee tax avoidance grilling in April 2015, while ...
Microsoft's global tax chief Bill Sample (left) cops a Senate Committee tax avoidance grilling in April 2015, while Google's then chief Mailie Carnegie and Apple Australia's Tony King look on. Christopher Pearce

Microsoft Australia has become the first local arm of a technology multinational to agree to sign the Board Of Taxation's Voluntary Tax Transparency Code, under which it will publicly display its accounting profit and the income tax it pays here.

Microsoft's move was revealed by Catherine Livingstone on Thursday night in her final speech as chair of the Business Council of Australia. The BCA has encouraged its members to adopt the code, which came into force in May and also obliges signatories to compare their effective company tax rate in Australia to their global operations, and to detail international related party dealings.

"We welcome Microsoft's intention to sign up to the Tax Transparency Code as a great sign of leadership on this important initiative," said BCA chief executive Jennifer Westacott.

"Microsoft will be the first multinational technology company to sign up and we look forward to others following their lead."

Ms Westacott said it was crucial that all businesses gave the community confidence in the integrity of their tax arrangements.

"As of Friday, 42 member companies of the Business Council have already signed up to the Tax Transparency Code and 56 companies have signed up in total. The member companies accounted for $23 billion, or a third, of company tax paid in 2013-14."

Microsoft Australia's undertaking comes 18 months after its global tax chief Bill Sample was grilled at a Senate Committee inquiry into corporate tax avoidance. He admitted that $2 billion of software and services revenue generated in Australia in 2013-14 had been booked to Singapore, whose corporate tax rate is 17 per cent compared to Australia's 30 per cent.

Later in 2015 the Australian Tax Office, which had been auditing Microsoft Australia as well as the local arms of Apple and Google, revealed Microsoft had reduced its 2013-14 taxable income here to just $103.9 million – mostly consulting revenue – on which it paid tax of $31.2 million.

Microsoft Australia had not responded to requests for comment at presstime. Google Australia and Apple Australia, whose executives appeared alongside Mr Sample at the Senate Committee enquiry, also had not confirmed whether they would become signatories to the code.

Google Australia underwent a restructure in April that will see it recognise more of the revenue generated here that was previously booked in Singapore. New managing director of Google Australia, Jason Pellergino, told BOSS Magazine last week that reducing multinational tax avoidance could not be achieved by Australia acting alone.

"The solution really needs to be at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development level. The solution needs to be an agreement amongst governments and jurisdictions globally, because the actions of an individual country have shown this actually creates more complexity," Mr Pellegrino said.

"It's a topic everywhere because what it really fundamentally is about, is the changing nature of commerce and the changing nature of society. There are some fundamental questions and some fundamental answers that need to be provided globally."