Lunch with Vanessa Guthrie: Coal, tweeting and post-truth activism

Minerals Council of Australia chairman Vanessa Guthrie plans to take on social media activists.
Minerals Council of Australia chairman Vanessa Guthrie plans to take on social media activists. Philip Gostelow

Vanessa Guthrie makes a quick apology. She's 15 minutes late and in an instant I'm remorseful.

Guthrie, the first woman to chair powerful industry lobby group Minerals Council of Australia, had suggested we catch up for lunch at a restaurant opposite her West Perth office.

I, rather selfishly, thought it might be better to meet a couple of blocks away at the re-opened Julio's Restaurant, the venue of a notorious punch up between mining executives Miles Kennedy and Karl Simich in 2009 and known for serving the odd celebrity – apparently U2's Bono and Lady Gaga have eaten here.

It was shut for a couple of years, but re-opened in August within the bowels of the new Sage Hotel. I was keen to find out if they had retained the comforting Italian fare despite the modern makeover.

Vanessa Guthrie, far right, on stage with Nicki Ivory, Brendan Harris, Elizabeth Lewis-Gray and Ken Brinsden at ...
Vanessa Guthrie, far right, on stage with Nicki Ivory, Brendan Harris, Elizabeth Lewis-Gray and Ken Brinsden at October's WA Annual Resources Overview event in Perth. She has lived and worked in the city since 1998. Stefan Gosatti

As I waited for Guthrie I had pored over my iPhone, consuming several social media feeds that keep me abreast with everything that has happened in the world, blow-by-blow, second-by-second. I would learn over lunch that the world's growing social media addiction – it's not just me – is a cause of frustration for Guthrie.

She's planning to fight back against the keyboard warriors hell-bent on stopping mining and using social media for their cause. More on that later.

First we tick off an important task: wine.

Guthrie was here just a few days ago and enjoyed the Sandalford sauvignon blanc semillon, so she orders it again. I opt for a glass of St Hallett riesling.

She also tells me the octopus is divine. So I order it, while Guthrie selects gnocchi with tiger prawns, zucchini, gorgonzola and chilli.

"I am a very strong advocate of clean energy and renewables, but coal has a role, as does uranium and nuclear power," ...
"I am a very strong advocate of clean energy and renewables, but coal has a role, as does uranium and nuclear power," says the Toro Energy managing director. Philip Gostelow

From humble beginnings

Guthrie is dressed conservatively in a black blazer and skirt and a cream blouse. She has a svelte frame and a warm smile. She's also quite down to earth for someone who has more letters after her name than there are in the alphabet. There's the bachelor of science with honours, a PhD in geology, diplomas in natural resources, business management and law.

Her working class parents – her dad was a carpet layer and her mum a house wife – were strong advocates of education. It's served their children well. Guthrie's older sister teaches and her younger brother is a barrister.

For the past five years, Guthrie has been managing director at uranium group Toro Energy, making her one of the few women at the helm of a resources company.

To go with her tiger prawn gnocchi at Julio's Restaurant, Vanessa Guthrie picked a sauvignon blanc semillon.
To go with her tiger prawn gnocchi at Julio's Restaurant, Vanessa Guthrie picked a sauvignon blanc semillon. Philip Gostelow

Toro was born in the boom, putting together a project a decade ago as uranium prices soared to $US130 a pound. It was the first uranium project to gain government approvals since Yeelirrie in the 1980s. The only problem is, to get the project off the ground and make money it requires a uranium price about $US70 a pound. It is now less than half that. So Guthrie's team is working on an alternative strategy.

A lack of senior operational experience is often cited as a key reason more women haven't made it in to the country's boardrooms. I'm curious for her opinion.

"Five years ago if you said to me, 'Do you need to be a CEO to be an effective board member?' I would have said, 'Absolutely not'," Guthrie says. "But now that I have sat in the MD role and have continued on boards I have come to realise that it should not be a filter but it should be an advantage."

She argues that managing a company, regardless if you are a man or a woman, provides a better appreciation of any business "because you've been accountable".

But this doesn't mean she thinks to be a director you must first be a managing director.

"I think in the past it [being a CEO] was to filter out which men are the right men for boards," Guthrie says.

"Certainly in the last five years that has shifted. More and more boards are saying we don't want 10 ex-CEOs sitting around our board table. What we want is diversity of thought, diversity of style and diversity of experience. If you have one of your board members with that experience, why do you need two?"

Getting women on board

By this point, we are well into our lunch. Guthrie was right. The octopus is divine. She's also pleased with the gnocchi.

We continue. If attitudes are changing, then do Australian boards need female quotas?

"In the past I have always said absolutely not," Guthrie says. "Women don't want to be selected because you need a number, they want to be selected because they are good at their job."

But now?

"I have come to the conclusion that I actually don't care why I get on the next board," Guthrie says.

She points out that societies that are genuinely "shifting the dial" in terms of gender balance at leadership level, such as Scandinavia, have quotas.

"If it's because it is a quota or the board says, 'We need a women', you know what? I actually don't care. If that's what opens the door then I will perform as best I can and if my skills and experience and capability sells itself and I actually get in to the role then I will do everything I can to outperform everyone's expectations."

She recalls a function she attended where Virgin and Transurban director Sam Mostyn told a crowd the only people who should be scared of women being selected for board positions were underperforming men.

"I've seen some exceptional people in the boardroom and in executive roles and I've seen some real duds in the boardroom and in executive roles where you think, 'How did they get there? How did they get that job?'" Guthrie says.

The boomtown move

Guthrie's own household went through a gender shake-up of sorts 16 years ago.

Guthrie and her husband Joe had been in Perth for about two years - Guthrie had got an environment job with Western Mining Corporation. Up until then most of her working career had been in Tasmania, where the couple moved after Joe had received a post-doctoral research grant.

But after 11 years on the Apple Isle they knew that to progress their careers they would need to move.

Guthrie refers to this stage of their life as the "map experiment".

They sat down with a map of Australia; they each had a choice on a city to relocate to. Guthrie chose Perth, her husband chose Brisbane.

"We made a pact that whoever got the first job offer in either of those two cities that is where we would go," she says.

Turns out they would go to Sydney, where Guthrie, then 36, had secured a job as a company secretary.

But she didn't take to it – she describes herself as someone who thrives on a challenge over compliance – and so stuck to her guns and got a job in Perth. They moved in 1998.

By 2000, Perth was in the grip of a severe mining downturn. Her husband felt the brunt. The exploration geologist had been out of work for 18 months. He decided to quit the industry for a more stable job that could also allow him to be the one who could be at home more for their two young boys (then aged 10 and 6).

He became a settlement agent and now owns the business he initially worked for. Joe may have taken on more of the home life responsibilities but that didn't mean Guthrie was off the hook completely. She recalls the time she was woken in the middle of the night on a business trip in London with someone on the end of the phone wondering if she was coming to get her son from after school care.

Then there was the time she was moments away from meeting then prime minister Kevin Rudd (during his first term) when one of her sons called.

She was walking down a corridor with Anthony Albanese.

"I said, 'Sorry I've just got to take this phone call, it's home'," she says.

"I answered and said, 'Hi mate, what's up?' He says, 'Umm, I just got home, where are you and what's for dinner?' I said I'm at Parliament House walking toward the Prime Minister's office, ask your father."

On social activism

The plates are cleared and we both say no to a tea or coffee, in order to finish our wine and continue our discussion.

As the head of the Minerals Council of Australia, Guthrie must manage the diverse group stretching from iron ore to uranium to precious metals to coal. They have different agendas and different ways of operating. But it doesn't stop the entire sector coming under fire when one section of it is taking the heat.

Take east coast coal for instance. "It is severely under attack from social activism. It needs all the help it can get. But it means that the rest of the minerals industry gets somewhat tarnished by the coal debate and I think unfairly," Guthrie says. "I think coal is under attack unfairly so, even though I am a very strong advocate of clean energy and renewables, but coal has a role as does uranium and nuclear power."

She is concerned about a growing wave of "social activism" that wants to stop development – from mining to construction to infrastructure. She's annoyed because she argues if most Australians assessed their personal wealth, most of us would have generated at least some of it from the mining sector.

I ask her if she feels the anti-mining activists are a little like vegans who wear leather shoes? She smiles and nods.

"Every social activist uses a mobile phone and tweets. Where do you think a mobile phone comes from?" she asks. "Sixty-one minerals are in a mobile phone. Sixty-one different elements that the world mines to produce mobile phones are in there. Without mining you wouldn't have an iPhone. And how do you think it gets powered?"

She is frustrated that from behind a keyboard false claims can be made and assumed by many as truth.

"Most people go and get their information from Twitter or Facebook today and once it's been tweeted it's the truth apparently," she says. "Somebody tweets that we at Toro are polluting rivers and killing babies, well there is nothing I can do about it. The fact that things get tweeted with no integrity, no facts, no research behind them frustrates me."

Social media is perhaps helping fuel a worrying trend for populist politics.

She's annoyed the prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has reneged on plans to change the GST distribution that is woefully unfair, saying he's playing populist politics. So too, she says, is Nationals WA leader Brendon Grylls over his plans to slug BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto with higher taxes.

"The state's economy and people's futures are really being played out in populist politics on all sides. Grylls' plan doesn't fix the problem because it causes the GST to get worse!"

Swelling royalties, particularly from iron ore, have left a nasty sting in the tail for West Australians. Because of the higher revenue generation, WA loses a significant chunk of GST income to the other states – it will get just $2 billion from a $60 billion GST pool this year. Critics argue Grylls' tax will not significantly improve the state's finances because it would also lose GST revenue to Tasmania and South Australia.

Tackling the challenge

This theme plays out following our lunch, with voters in the United States electing Donald Trump for their next president. I call Guthrie for her view.

"I think it's a wait and see until Trump gets into the White House and if he will be different from his protectionist position during the campaign," she says. "Domestically it could be quite good for nuclear power and coal."

For global uranium prices it's a different story. After getting all its approvals Toro needs the uranium price to more than double to make its current mine project viable. In the meantime it's working on reducing the capital cost with the hope of making the project economic at $US50 a pound.

Trump could have a negative effect on the global economy, and therefore energy prices, if he tears up trade deals and institutes a protectionist regime. In the meantime the self-confessed social media dinosaur – Guthrie doesn't have a personal twitter account – is taking up the challenge to arm the "inner city smashed avocado eaters", and the politicians, with the facts.

So the Minerals Council plans to engage more on social media.

"You fight fire with fire. So we will use the same tactics. It's about saying something in 150 characters. If you can't say something in 22 seconds you won't get people to listen. We will use social media to access people's time."

Guthrie loves a challenge. It's part of what drives her. It's also what's led her to own her very first bike this week. She didn't even own a bike as a kid. But she's agreed to a CEO Ride for Youth charity bike ride between Perth and Mandurah in March. It's roughly 70 kilometres.

She jokes this makes her a "COBWEB" – a "cranky old bitch with expensive bike".


Julio's Restaurant

1309 Hay Street, West Perth

1 Voss sparkling water, $9

1 gnocchi, $26

1 polipo, $24

1 rocket & pear salad, $12

1 glass Sandalford SBS, $12

1 glass St Hallet riesling, $12

Total: $95