Developer Evolve offers $21,000 to lure buyers

BRW richlisters Ron Walker and Ashley Williams founded Evolve.
BRW richlisters Ron Walker and Ashley Williams founded Evolve.

Melbourne developer Evolve, founded by BRW rich-listers Ashley Williams and Ron Walker, has dangled a $21,000 carrot in front of first home buyers and local investors as overseas demand for off-the-plan apartments dwindles.

As part of a new marketing pitch, Evolve will match a 5 per cent deposit on a $420,000 one-bedroom apartment at its Botanic high-rise development on Southbank with 5 per cent of its own money to ensure a minimum 10 per cent deposit is raised.

The hefty incentive, which is on top of sales commissions Evolve will pay to marketing agents Colliers International, comes as some developers offer commissions as high as 10 per cent to clear unsold stock as the pipeline of new units swells.

Concerns about an oversupply of apartments on the east coast, where almost 45,000 apartments are due to settle this year, are putting a brake on sales, as are the new hefty stamp duty surcharges imposed on foreign investors in NSW, Victoria and Queensland and a bank pull-back from lending to the overseas market.

Mr Williams denied the incentive was due to the slowing market, but said it reflected a shift in the profile of buyers.

"We're finding that as the apartment market has shifted away from being a very strong investor market to an owner-occupier market, we are getting more inquiries from younger first home buyers. 

"When you talk to these buyers, the biggest stumbling block to them moving forward to making a purchase is putting together a 10 per cent deposit.

"With this incentive we are removing this stumbling block and also responding to the affordability challenges."

He said the campaign had generated five to 10 sales in the past couple of weeks.

A similar shift in the buyer demographic was also occurring in the house and land market, where Evolve had several projects, Mr Williams said.

"For many first home buyers the cost of buying [a small apartment or new house] is the same as renting. The challenge is not so much making the repayments as getting the deposit together."

Victorian boss of the Urban Development Institute, Danni Addison, applauded the move by Evolve to assist first-time buyers.

"Developers are finding responsible opportunities to assist purchasers into the housing market in the context of changing government and financial regulations, which have put tangible pressures on their ability to enter the market," she said.

Of the 288 apartments in Botanic, more than 120 have been sold so far.

"We've come back from heady days. It's a slow and steady market with buyers a little more selective and taking longer to make a choice," said Mr Williams, echoing recent comments made to the Financial Review.

"The off-the-plan market in Melbourne has largely reacted to all the talk and speculation about oversupply. There are a lot less projects getting started than the last couple of years and fewer sales occurring. In some pockets of the CBD, there are small amounts of oversupply," he said.

"We're in a similar position to 2003, when the market was jawboned into reduced sales. After that, quite a shortfall emerged in 2006 and the risk is that we dip too much again."

In the minutes of its November monetary policy meeting released this week, the Reserve Bank board noted "a considerable supply of apartments was scheduled to come on stream over the next few years, particularly in the eastern capital cities".