How Australia Post CEO Ahmed Fahour delivers innovation

This story was first published in Boss magazine in June 2013.

Ahmed Fahour: " I went and got my motorbike licence so I could deliver the mail and see what it is like."
Ahmed Fahour: " I went and got my motorbike licence so I could deliver the mail and see what it is like." Josh Robenstone
by Patrick Durkin

It is early Saturday morning when Ahmed Fahour swings his leg over his newly acquired red Honda motorbike, kick-starts the engine and sets out across the footpaths and driveways of Melbourne's leafy inner eastern suburbs.

Maintaining his balance across the multitude of cracks and bumps, Fahour – who secured his motorbike licence just two weeks earlier – dutifully stops at each letterbox and pretends to deposit a letter.

It is not long before an elderly woman pruning her garden stops the Australia Post boss to ask excitedly, "Are you delivering mail on the weekends now?"

"No, I'm just practising," Fahour yells over the whirring engine.

Workers process parcels at the Australia Post mail depot in Sundhine West, Melbourne.
Workers process parcels at the Australia Post mail depot in Sundhine West, Melbourne. Josh Robenstone

"Well you better keep practising," the woman yells back as Fahour lurches away, weaving between dogs and small children, "you look like you need it!"

The humbling experience convinced Fahour to go ahead with the roll-out of a multimillion-dollar range of waterproof gear and padded suits designed by DriRider to protect his 8000 posties from the wind, hail and rain.

"I wanted to take off my tie, put on our safety clothes and work in the processing centres, but I also went and got my motorbike licence so I could deliver the mail and see what it is like, see what the issues are and think about the safety implications," Fahour says in his distinctive nasal tones, leaning forward and lighting up as he talks about his experience.

A similar anecdote involves Fahour, now coming up for three years in the job, changing the design of Australia Post's parcels. He made the decision after visiting a delivery centre where the staff complained they were slowed down because they couldn't tell one side of the package from the other.

The anecdotes are not surprising for those who know the Lebanese-born immigrant who has risen from cleaner's son to chief executive. He clearly revels in stepping onto the factory floor to live out the experience of his workers.

Mail volumes peaked in 2008.
Mail volumes peaked in 2008. Andrew Quilty

Controversy follows

"I spend less time in head office than some people would like," he says proudly.

The stories reveal something about why Fahour, whose striking looks were described by one passer-by as "a kind of Middle Eastern George Clooney", seems very different from other top CEOs.

The laser-like stare, olive complexion, slick suits, evangelical speeches and high-powered friends such as James Packer and Andrew Demetriou make the Australia Post chief seem more politician or celebrity than sombre CEO.

Then there is the fact that everywhere Fahour goes, controversy seems to follow.

There was the frenzied speculation before and after Fahour was passed over for the top job at National Australia Bank in 2008. Then there was his resignation from the bank in 2009 to head the ill-fated property financing vehicle for the federal government dubbed the Rudd Bank. That same year, he had a short-lived stint as CEO of Gulf Finance House in Bahrain.

Last year, as a director at Methodist Ladies' College, Melbourne, he was involved in the controversial sacking of principal Rosa Storelli and he also faced a parliamentary interrogation over Australia Post's lavish sponsorship of the London Olympics.

His current power-play is to seize control of the Carlton Football Club board.

Fahour insists that rather than trouble following him, others have recognised his ability to deal with a crisis.

"Within three months [of me starting work at NAB in 2004], we were really worried we were going to get taken over, because the share price was collapsing, the business was collapsing and it was really touch and go in those first few months," Fahour says about being appointed to head the bank's Australian operations.

"The business had been losing market share in every single product, we had the [foreign exchange] scandal and earnings had dropped pretty badly. Then we got hit by APRA [Australian Prudential ­Regulation Authority] issuing a whole bunch of rulings against us which were quite draconian, and I was the tender age of 36 or 37 years old.

"So clearly, there is something in what people see in me as a change agent to take companies out of difficult situations, leverage their strengths, and work with people to bring about that change," Fahour says.


But even his most ardent supporters agree Fahour's dynamic and turbo-charged approach has a tendency to shake things up and rub some people the wrong way.

"He is a very intense person," says Australia Post chairman John Stanhope, who as a former chief financial officer at Telstra, remembers being on the opposite end of negotiations with Fahour. "It's almost like when he was selling NAB. He is very focused on what he needs to do. He works very, very hard and lives what he is doing. I imagine he lives his life pretty much the same way."

Fahour's drive, ambition and endless energy seem to have marked him as too controversial for some of the nation's leading corporate roles, despite him being a contender for jobs at blue-chip companies Qantas and Telstra.

His tendency to dominate conversations is rumoured to have caused problems when he was elevated to the NAB board, in a trial run for the chief executive role eventually given to Cameron Clyne.

Some insiders claim that Fahour's love of self-promotion and cocky self-assuredness ultimately cost him the top job at NAB as the bank entered a period of cost restraint and conservatism.

"The reality was that the board of NAB decided that, at that moment, the right leader was going to be Cameron Clyne to take the company to its next stage," Fahour says, shaking his head with furrowed brow, frustrated at the repeated questions over NAB, which he says is now "ancient history".

"I had been part of the leadership team for four years, I had run 70 per cent of the organisation with John [Stewart] and I believe we had done a really good job in the time that I was there; the results speak for themselves," says Fahour, who is largely credited with turning around the performance of the bank and its wealth management subsidiary MLC during his tenure.

"To lead an organisation at any particular time I believe a board needs to pick somebody whose style and approach suits their needs at that moment," he says, gesturing towards the window at the big four banks which dominate Melbourne's city skyline.

"There are times when you are appropriate for something, or I am appropriate for something, and we will all be picked, selected or asked when there is a perfect match between what you are good at and what the organisation needs," Fahour says, pausing to emphasise each point.

Business in crisis

In other words, the same characteristics which discounted Fahour for the NAB job may make him the perfect choice to turn around a traditional business that is now in crisis.

After 200 years as a mail and letters company, this year Australia Post made more money from parcels than mail and is striving to reposition itself as a digital business.

Mail volumes peaked in 2008 and since then letter volumes have fallen 20 per cent, leaving a $190 million black hole in the company's $5.1 billion revenue that has reduced profits to just $281 million.

"The board sat down with me and said: 'We are a 200-year-old business and we are potentially facing extinction. Our core mail business is dying and we need to reinvent ourselves.' "

In 2010, when he took on the role, the business volumes and earnings had plunged. "We got down to about $100 million, so our credit rating had been cut, we had a strike on and the ACCC [Australian Competition and Consumer Commission] had knocked back our price increase, but I still took the job."

Former Australia Post chairman David Mortimer, who selected Fahour for the role, agrees that this time, the critical juncture tipped the board in favour of Fahour.

"We selected Ahmed because we thought he would bring great imagination and a freshness to the business, which it needs at this stage in its development," Mortimer says.

"We had some outstanding choices, you would know quite a few of them, but we felt he was right: to be a change agent you need to be a little more daring."

Mortimer says the board was conscious of Fahour's high profile and specifically asked him to keep his head down until the business had bedded down some of the more radical changes (Fahour has done very few interviews since taking on the role).

Fresh talent

Fahour's digital revolution has started by bringing in new talent from outside the organisation to help refocus the business. This year, the company has swooped on Microsoft's Asia Pacific president Tracey Fellows to bolster its technology expertise.

Fahour also brought in Richard Umbers, who was general manager of customer engagement at Woolworths, to run the ­parcel operations.

The CEO has injected a healthy sprinkling of NAB executives, too, including former chief financial officer Ewen Stafford to be Post's chief operating officer and Chris Blake to head corporate affairs.

Blake, a long-time colleague, says: "He is a paradox in some ways because I have had some of the most difficult conversations in my professional career with Ahmed, but I have also never worked with anyone who has had so many ex-employees work with him again. 

"I think if you want to work with someone who can change something for the better, he is definitely the kind of leader who can do that. He is also the sort of person who gives you a challenge and the accountability and responsibility to deliver on it, as well as really strong feedback."

Fahour rejects suggestions that he has consciously changed his style following criticism at NAB, saying that as a leader you are always "evolving". He also claims that the circumstances are slightly different from when he took over at the bank.

"If a plane goes into a dive, what do you do? The captain takes it out of automatic pilot, grabs hold of the steering wheel and deals with it directly; that is what you do when you are in a crisis," Fahour says, pounding his left fist into his open hand.

"The question is how quickly do you let go and start to empower people to handle the situation and let everyone do their job. We were in crisis mode [at NAB] in 2004, but the difference this time is that very quickly we have empowered people, set the place up and leveraged the talent of the organisation."

Union clashes

Regardless of his style, Fahour will face a string of tough decisions and public criticism this year as he agitates to restructure the long-entrenched postal service workers.

He has already copped flak in the media for being Australia's highest-paid public servant at $2.78 million – more than RBA boss Glenn Stevens or Prime Minister Julia Gillard – but he claims none of the new executives are there for pay. "We all took pretty serious pay cuts," he says.

Last year, the Communications Workers Union branded Fahour a Christmas Grinch after workers received a $100 voucher to be spent at Australia Post stores and $60 worth of stamps, rather than the $500 they had received in previous years.

The government-owned entity is negotiating with the union over the enterprise bargaining agreement. In May, Fahour returned from a two-week tour of the country and spoke with staff to stave off industrial action. Postal workers say they have suffered real wage cuts for the past three years, with pay rises of 2 per cent in 2010, 1.5 per cent in 2011 and 1.5 per cent in 2012.

The union also alleges that Australia Post is increasingly relying on 457 visa workers to deliver letters and parcels and keep down costs, but Fahour says there are just four workers in that category.

"He is an absolute despot," says the secretary of the CWU, Joan Doyle. "We are getting a bit sick of Ahmed Post rather than the Australia Post the community needs.

"He is pretty ruthless. He will attend union-management summits where staff who speak up are given a death stare and they will suddenly change their question or comment."

Just as BOSS is going to print, Doyle calls back to refine her comments following an in-principle agreement between Post and the CWU.

Doyle points to Fahour's first job working at a chemist when he supposedly hired his brother to work his shifts and pay him half his wage.

Fahour's version is much more entrepreneurial. He says his father was sick and his mother was running a cake shop on Lygon Street, so he got an after-school job at a local chemist delivering medicines to elderly customers. He was paid $2 for each delivery. To increase the number of deliveries, he got his younger brother Moustafa to cover half the route. He says his brother was paid handsomely in tips, but admits he kept the $2 fee for each delivery.

"I think the deal is really good for the company while being fair to workers," Fahour says.

Shape of things to come

Post has fewer staff now than it did when Fahour took the reins – 33,000 compared with 35,000 – and there is the strong prospect of more job losses, although the company won't say how many.

Blake says: "You have to stand back and say how far through the process is the substitution from letters to digital, and we are only just ­beginning that.

"There is another five years of trying to work out what the organisation is going to look like and how many people we need in that world, but there will be a lot less."

The executive team admits reshaping and retraining the 30,000-plus, highly unionised staff will be a big challenge.

"There is a lot of good quality people who work here but they hadn't necessarily been developed to the extent you would see in a fully commercialised organisation," chief operating officer Ewen Stafford says.

To grow the company, Fahour plans to spend $1.2 billion on the parcels business as part of a $2 billion investment strategy to counter the problem of old-fashioned letters going the way of the dinosaur.

"A lot of the red postboxes you see in the suburbs are now empty," Fahour has said.

The company is unashamedly betting on the growth of parcel delivery with its $400 million acquisition of Qantas's half-stake in StarTrack Express.

It is also moving to capitalise on the growth with price hikes for parcels. Services such as tracking and signature on delivery that were included with registered post now cost extra. This means costs for some online sellers have increased up to 40 per cent. Australia Post says the increases are mostly "less than 7 per cent" and include tracking.

Sellers such as bookstore owner Chris Elworthy of Port Macquarie, NSW, say it costs $11.70 to send an $8 paperback book to an Australian buyer. Booksellers in the UK can send the same book to Australia for about $3.

Fahour defends the prices, claiming that many overseas retailers have cottoned on to claiming "no shipping cost" but build the cost into their price. He cites a test where three identical watches were put for sale on the internet: one for $50 with no shipping; one for $40 and $10 shipping and one for $25 with $25 shipping. Over 80 per cent went for the $50 watch and less than 5 per cent for the $25 watch, he says.

Fahour says Australia is also unfairly disadvantaged because of an agreement under the Universal Postal Union, which benefits countries that are net exporters of letters.

Digital revolution

Finally, Australia Post is pinning big hopes on the launch this month of its digital mailbox app for iPad, tablet and smartphone, which will be a one-stop shop for email, banking, paying and reviewing bills, retail purchases and storing documents such as your passport and birth certificate as well as transactions such as paying your tax.

"You can receive mail, store it in your digital mail box and pay for it all in the same place," says the new head of digital, Tracey Fellows. "When you work with technology you are in a constantly changing marketplace which is very dynamic, and that hasn't been the history of mail, so we need to be aware of the threats and opportunities."

Most of the top 10 users of transactional services, including ANZ, NAB and Telstra, will provide banking and bill services for the digital mailbox. However, several competitors are well established and new players are entering the market, such as Rupert Murdoch's nephew and magazine king Matt Handbury, who is backing a venture to create digital kiosks in news agencies. Also, high-profile businessmen Mark Bouris and James Packer are unveiling a 24-hour smart-locker parcel service.

Handbury says: "Everyone's least favourite destination after the dentist is the post office. I call it shiny socialism – lots of irrelevant products, and long queues in a very modern, clean environment." 

Fahour, a family man with four children, credits his rise to an array of mentors, family and friends drawn from his extensive business network who have helped him travel from Melbourne's northern suburbs to the top echelons of Australia's corporate scene.

"Any child of immigrants will tell you if you want to pay respect to your parents for the hardship they went through to give you an opportunity in life, you don't squander your opportunity to work hard, contribute and be thankful for what you have," says Fahour, who was raised a Muslim. "[You] give it your best. And nobody will die wondering about me; I will give 110 per cent to everything I do."

Fahour reels off the names of executives who have influenced him since his early days at Boston Consulting Group before he moved to a Wall Street job at Citigroup in 2000 and quickly rose through the ranks to be named Australian chief executive of Citigroup in 2004: the late James Strong, former Qantas chief Geoff Dixon, former ANZ boss John McFarlane and the former chairman at Qantas, Margaret Jackson, are among the names.

A rare talent

"His style obviously works for some and not others, but Ahmed has got amazing energy," says Geelong Football Club president and director Colin Carter, who gave Fahour his first job at Boston Consulting.

"He is one of those rare talents who combines a really prodigious intellect with really commercial knowledge. When I have been asked to provide a reference I have always said he is the only bloke I know who could solve problems with derivatives and sell carpets at the back of a store in [Caribbean beach] Baie Rouge."

Then there are his extracurricular activities including with the AFL, as chairman of the Council for Australian-Arab Relations, as chairman of Rip Curl, and his regular appearances in Melbourne's top restaurants and at sports events such as the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival.

Fahour is embroiled in a play for the Carlton presidency, with Stephen Kernahan likely to step down at the end of the year, although he may stay to fight on. Club vice-president Jeanne Pratt is believed to support her son-in-law Raphael Geminder taking over on a ticket with Fahour as president. Another powerbroker, Bruce Mathieson's son, Craig, is also believed to support Fahour, although there is also strong backing for PwC chief executive Luke Sayers.

At Australia Post, for now, Fahour's star seems set to keep rising, with no one quite sure where the charismatic leader might land next. Most agree Fahour has the drive and ambition to try his hand at anything.

Another anecdote involves Fahour calling on former Toll Holdings boss Paul Little when the two men were holidaying on ­Melbourne's Mornington Peninsula. Fahour invited himself to Little's holiday retreat and the two men sat on the balcony drinking coffee – Fahour's preference is a piccolo. Staring off into the distance and watching the ships crawl along, Fahour remarked, "Paul, I want your job", much to Little's surprise.

When asked, Fahour says he didn't mean Little's "actual job", just working in logistics, which he says he has now achieved.

Fahour wraps up our interview by warning me not to believe everything I've heard about him.

"People who have never even met me will have an opinion on me. If I am really this 'mean ogre' people say, why do these employees keep following me? Whoever it is, first have the guts to call out who you are. And secondly, if I have employed five or six people from NAB, I probably would have got 10 times that in CVs, so why would people want to follow me?" 

Fahour  seems sensitive to criticism of his management style.

"There is no right or wrong style, but there will always be people who get their nose out of joint. If you want to change anything there are always winners and losers: do you want to judge the outcome by the majority or do you want to judge it by the tails?" 

Fahour asks that question rhetorically before shaking my hand, staring directly into my eyes and thanking me profusely for my time.

Could the $4.17b Post be privatised?

Nothing stands in the way of selling Australia Post, one of the federal government's last monopoly services since telecommunications, electricity and banking were sold to investors.

"Quite frankly, I don't care," says Fahour. "I think of the government as a shareholder, like any company, it is just that we are not listed on the stock exchange. The CBA has millions of shareholders; we have one, the government, so it is a matter for them."

Post is required to provide a nationally mandated letter service, at a cost of $165 million in 2011-12, while delivering a commercial return. The Institute of Public Affairs says there is no sound rationale for Post to stay in government hands.

Malcolm Turnbull has said no plans are on the table, but with assets worth more than $4.17 billion, the sale proceeds would be a nice windfall for any government.

Australia Post by numbers

  • 8000 walking, bicycle, trike, motorcycle posties and transport officers received new wet weather gear in May 2013 as part of a multimillion dollar investment.
  • Established in 1809
  • 32,400 employees
  • 4400 outlets
  • 93.1 million items delivered every week to 11 million points.
  • 1 billion fewer letters were sent than five years ago
  • The online shopping market is forecast to grow about 10 per cent a year until 2019.
  • 70 per cent of parcels delivered by Australia Post originate from an ecommerce transaction.
  • 24/7 Parcel Lockers at some post offices get round the problem of people missing parcel deliveries. Parcels are left in a locker for 48 hours and the recipient is sent a text message or email with the location of their parcel and an access code.

SOURCE: Australia Post 2012

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