Trumpworld Politics: context is everything

Allan Lichtman, the political professor who was one of the few to forecast a Trump election victory, predicts that Trump ...
Allan Lichtman, the political professor who was one of the few to forecast a Trump election victory, predicts that Trump will be impeached. David Rowe

It is regarded as a bit impolite to say so, but Papua New Guinea is an almost, if not entirely, broken state. Almost broken in the sense that, partly thanks to us, it has never really made it successfully to statehood. Corruption remains a big problem and a direct problem for us in terms of our aid budget.

PNG is by far our biggest aid recipient and the handouts increased significantly as a result of the deal struck in 2013 - but regularly updated – to have PNG host an offshore detention centre for asylum seekers on our behalf on Manus Island.

Everything is always connected to everything in this world so just think about how Manus Island has distorted our relationship with PNG in the past three years, and curbed our capacity to influence events there, or demand answers about how our aid dollars were being spent.

When things went bad on Manus, various ministers would announce in barely coded language that they would be starting regular, even monthly, meetings with their PNG counterparts. The subtext was that heads would be knocked together, pressure applied etc etc.

Shorten getting close to real Australians in Moe, Victoria.
Shorten getting close to real Australians in Moe, Victoria. Joe Armao

But the reality, conceded privately, was that every time Australia went to PNG in an official capacity and wanted something, the hands would come out for some more money.

So, beyond the immense relief all around that the deal announced this week to get people off Manus Island – and Nauru- and in to the United States would resolve the future for people found to be refugees, there lay other possibilities, too.

Prominent among these was the prospect that we will not be held quite so uncomfortably over a barrel by a small country that is heavily reliant on us for aid.

Over a barrel

No, instead, we will be vulnerable to the possibility that someone in the United States might think they have us over a barrel too.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull accuses Bill Shorten of protectionism for his policy on 457 visas.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull accuses Bill Shorten of protectionism for his policy on 457 visas. Andrew Meares

That is life, in a diplomatic sense. But it is also an illustration of the rather obvious point that context can change a relationship just as much as an explicit initiative. Which is another way of noting how idiotic a lot of the discussion this week has been about Australia's alliance with the US, in the sense that it is been conducted as if it is only through the actions of Australian politicians that the relationship becomes better or worse, not because the tectonic plates of the world might be shifting as a result of what is happening elsewhere in the world.

The Trump ascendancy has shifted the context for a lot of our domestic debates by the atmospherics it creates around discussions that were taking place anyway, whether that be asylum seekers, migration, trade, jobs or tax.

Just think about 'jobs and growth', the prime minister's rather hollow sounding campaign mantra which everyone dismissed as lacking any substance. Well, now the prime minister keeps pointing at it when he is asked about the Trump victory, just as he points to his company tax cuts when people talk of the Trump agenda.

Bill Shorten points to Trump's advocacy of American jobs in support of changing 457 visa rules here to support Australian jobs.

Job shortages

If we extract ourselves from the heat of Trumpworld briefly, we can note that 457 Visas are something which should, by definition, be perpetually under review since they are supposed to reflect job shortages in particular industries. Both sides are now tinkering with them as one of the few really potent symbols they can adopt to appease concerns among locals about their jobs.

But this does tend to overlook the complexities of our job market and of our population. And understanding the dynamics of our population would be some really good context for having a slightly more intelligent conversation about temporary migration, as Peter Mares has done in his book "Not quite Australian" published earlier this year.

Coalition frontbencher Kelly O'Dwyer had a point when she observed that "just a fortnight ago Mr Shorten was arguing in favour of giving foreign backpacker workers a tax break not available to Australian workers to increase the number of foreign workers coming to Australia".

Yet, now, he is talking about Australian jobs for Australian workers.

By happenstance, we are moving on from asylum seeker policy being a red hot issue to temporary migration being a red hot issue.

This was going to happen without Donald Trump. But his win will change the language of the discussion and the sense of respect that must be paid to the view that we can close ourselves off from the world.

Trump's appearance also changes the terms of the debate about tax. The Business Council and Scott Morrison were quick out of the blocks this week warning that Australia must match Trump's plans to cut the US company tax rate from over 35 per cent to 15 per cent or find itself uncompetitive.

But Trump's other plans – most notably to put a a tax on goods made in China as high as 45 per cent – must make that argument at the least more complicated.

What is certainly true is that while everyone has been distracted with the same sex marriage debate, the new Senate, the Racial Discrimination Act, and Trump, the government's language has been subtly changing about tax.

Remember all that ardent insistence by the Treasurer that Australia had a spending problem, not  a revenue problem? That the way to budget repair is purely by spending cuts not by increasing taxes like that dreadful Labor wants to do.

Revenue problem

If you go looking for Morrison mentioning recently that Australia doesn't have a revenue problem, you would be in some difficulty. There is only one reference to it that I can find in recent months and that was to correct an interviewers' question. According to insiders in the government, this is because the realisation has finally dawned within cabinet that there is a revenue problem.

In a comment lost in the ocean of words last month the Treasurer was asked on Sky what he would do if his welfare cuts didn't get through the Senate. Would he look for others?

"Of course", he said, "and ultimately if revenue measures are required but, our focus is on ensuring we bring the Budget back to balance and we have said very clearly that we need to do that by getting expenditure under control."

But hey, that was before Donald Trump, and before markets decided he'd be good for fossil fuels, which potentially will boost our budget bottom line.

So may be the revenue problem (the one we don't have) will go away.

Context really is everything in politics