UNDATED : Italian porn actor Moana Pozzi, who died in 1994, in undated photo. Her death is being investigated 09/05 on the suspicion that it was faked to hide her links with a top politician. Pozzi/actor

Porn star prompts Disney name change

WHEN Disney’s newest film hits overseas theatres next week it will have a different name, and the reasoning behind the change is as un-Disney as it gets.

Baz Luhrmann’s monster auction

Baz Luhrmann’s monster auction
ICONIC movie props, an E-Type Jag, and even a Christmas tree were among 259 items that went under the hammer in an auction of treasures owned by filmmakers Baz Luhrmann and Catherine Martin.

Vote 1: Portman for First Lady

Vote 1: Portman for First Lady
NATALIE Portman’s transformation into JFK’s widow in Jackie has her in reach of her second Oscar. See the trailer that has Hollywood buzzing.

Can Fantastic Beasts live up to Harry Potter?

Can Fantastic Beasts live up to Harry Potter?
AS THE first spin-off movie to the Harry Potter juggernaut, Fantastic Beasts has big shoes to fill.

Has Dr Phil exploited star’s illness?

Has Dr Phil exploited star’s illness?
TALK show host Dr Phil has been accused of exploiting a clearly unwell Shelley Duvall, who says she believes Robin Williams is still alive in a new interview.

Ryan Reynolds had major ‘breakdown’

Ryan Reynolds had major ‘breakdown’
IT MIGHT have been a box office smash, but Deadpool caused some major problems for Ryan Reynolds.

If you see just one more movie this year

If you see just one more movie this year
WITH only six weeks left in the year, there are still dozens of movies demanding your attention. If you only see one more, make it this one.

Kanye’s bizarre pick to play him in movie

Kanye’s bizarre pick to play him in movie
KANYE West is reportedly turning his life story into a movie. You won’t believe who he’s asked to play him.

Emma Watson is Belle of the ball

Emma Watson is Belle of the ball
SEE your childhood come to life in the first look at Disney’s live-action remake of animated classic Beauty and the Beast — and get the inside word from the set.

Reluctant teacher strikes a chord

Reluctant teacher strikes a chord
REVIEW: The spartan Stalinist backdrop sets this inspirational teacher movie The Fencer apart from the crowd.

‘Deadpool gave me nervous breakdown’

‘Deadpool gave me nervous breakdown’
IT WAS a massive global hit, but starring in Deadpool gave Ryan Reynolds a nervous breakdown, the star reveals in a new interview.

This is friends without benefits

This is friends without benefits
REVIEW: Ken Loach’s Cannes-feted film exposes the ugly humiliating reality of life on the dole through the fate of two proud, resourceful characters.

War’s a bloody, buddy cop caper

War’s a bloody, buddy cop caper
REVIEW: Alexander Skarsgard and Michael Pena reveals a crooked kind of chemistry in cop comedy War On Everyone.

‘If Ange needed me, I’d be there’

‘If Ange needed me, I’d be there’
ANGELINA Jolie’s ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton has pledged his support for her following her nasty split with Brad Pitt.

The roles celebs shouldn’t have turned down

The roles celebs shouldn’t have turned down
THEY might’ve thought they were making the right decision at the time but turning down these iconic roles were huge career mistakes.

New witch to dazzle Harry Potter fans

New witch to dazzle Harry Potter fans
THIS is the female star of JK Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, who is bewitching the movie world right now.

Movie grabs viewers by the horns

Movie grabs viewers by the horns
REVIEW: Brazilian director Gabriel Mascaro grabs the bull by its tail in this gender-fluid cowboy film that has attracted a R18+ rating.

Mrs Doubtfire house finally sells

Mrs Doubtfire house finally sells
THE San Francisco home that featured in hit movie Mrs Doubtfire has sold for a huge amount of money.

Jamie Dornan talks sex after 50 Shades

Jamie Dornan talks sex after 50 Shades
CHRISTIAN Grey might have a penchant for S&M in 50 Shades, but actor Jamie Dornan says his real sex life is a whole different story.

The ‘Happy List’ to ease Trump blues

The ‘Happy List’ to ease Trump blues
BREXIT, Wilder, Bowie and now Donald Trump. Aaaargh! Use this survival entertainment guide to put a smile back on your dial.

Potter spin-off defends Depp casting

Potter spin-off defends Depp casting
THE director of the upcoming Harry Potter spin-off has been forced to defend his decision to cast controversial actor Johnny Depp in a key role.

How star was told he’d be Spider-Man

How star was told he’d be Spider-Man
YOU’D think that Tom Holland would have received a call from his manager to let him know that he’d won the role of Spider-Man, but that’s not the case.

Actors dead after film stunt goes horribly wrong

Actors dead after film stunt goes horribly wrong
TWO Indian stunt actors died after they plunged from a helicopter into a lake while shooting a scene, with the grim moment caught on camera.

A romantic thriller that catches fire

A romantic thriller that catches fire
FILM REVIEW: Performances across the board convey both a despair and hope in Nocturnal Animals that only intensifies as the ending nears.

Air Force One: What you never knew

Air Force One: What you never knew
AS America elects their next President, we thought we’d dig up some little known facts from the hit 1997 movie starring Harrison Ford.

Why that Independence Day sequel sucked

Why that Independence Day sequel sucked
LET’S face it, this year’s Independence Day sequel was a dog. Now an ‘honest trailer’ pokes fun at a film that was “so bad Will Smith did Suicide Squad instead.”

How Redmayne blew Star Wars audition

How Redmayne blew Star Wars audition
EDDIE Redmayne has described his “catastrophically bad” audition to play Kylo Ren in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

‘Voldemort’s coming for the office’

‘Voldemort’s coming for the office’
EZRA Miller and the other stars of JK Rowling’s new blockbuster do not mince words when discussing their fears about the US presidential election.

Hacksaw Ridge: the box office verdict

Hacksaw Ridge: the box office verdict
MEL Gibson’s comeback movie was up against Doctor Strange in its opening weekend. Will the controversial director be Mad Mel or happy as hell?

Is Mel Gibson really back with fans?

Is Mel Gibson really back with fans?
THE box office verdict on Mel Gibson’s first movie as a director in 10 years Hacksaw Ridge is in — will he be Mad Mel or happy as hell?