80s sitcom star Scott Baio is one of the few celebrities to publicly support Donald Trump. Picture: AP
media_camera80s sitcom star Scott Baio is one of the few celebrities to publicly support Donald Trump. Picture: AP

What Trump’s presidency means for his celebrity supporters

PRESIDENT-elect Donald Trump was shunned by many stars in Hollywood but a few celebs stuck by him throughout the election, such as Antonio Sabato Jr., Stephen Baldwin, and Scott Baio, to name a few.

Sabato Jr. told FOX411 Trump can call on him for anything he needs during his presidency.

“I believe in his message and that is the type of change we need for this country. Now that he is in the White House, I am going to keep supporting him and if his campaign needs me for anything — speeches or showing up whatever needs to be done — if he needs me I am there.”

media_cameraTrump’s celebrity friends are few and far between.

Meanwhile, Baio and Baldwin expect to be punished in Hollywood for their support of Trump, even though he has won the election.

“Personally if I don’t ever work again … and Donald Trump is now president-elect … I’m good,” Baio said on Justice with Judge Jeanine on Sunday.

Baldwin hinted that he hopes to remain close with the president-elect.

“We’ve come up with an idea: ‘The two Fresh Princes of the White House’, starring Scott Baio and Stephen Baldwin,” Baldwin joked. “We may need to be adopted by President Trump at this point. That’s how bad the situation is.”

media_cameraStephen Baldwin (right) supported Trump through the election, while his more famous and talented brother Alec mocked him on SNL.

However, Dan Gainor, VP of business and culture for the Media Research Center, said pro-Trump stars may want to distance themselves from the President-elect.

“I think the media will work hard to make association with Trump toxic — especially in Hollywood. The rational reaction by Tinsel town would be to admit they are out of touch with much of America. Unless they are willing to do that, I think Hollywood may well punish famous Trump supporters.”

Variety senior editor Ted Johnson expects Trump will stand by his famous supporters.

“Everything I have heard and read is that Trump values loyalty. He should too, as a lot of these figures took a pretty big beating during the campaign by going to the mat for him. Remember, there were a lot of conservative celebrities who just sat this one out and didn’t want to get into the fray.”

media_cameraActor Antonio Sabato Jr supported Trump, surely swinging undecided voters by the million. Picture: AP Photo/Dan Steinberg

Jill Stanley Cohen, founder of celebrity legal news site ProofwithJillStanley.com, agrees that Trump will keep his famous friends nearby.

“Donald Trump will certainly keep his loyal Hollywood friends close; That doesn’t mean they will be appointed to cabinet positions or be named the next ambassador to France.”

No matter what’s in store for their friendship, Sabato Jr. doesn’t expect Trump to slow down anytime soon. He said the president-elect is just getting started.

“I’ve talked to Donald Jr., I told him and his family how proud I am of him and his father and to tell him I send my congratulations.”

media_cameraTrumpy loves Chachi. Picture: AFP/Mandel Ngan

This story originally appeared on Fox News and appears here with permission.

Originally published as What his presidency means for Trump’s celeb fans