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New Chrome extension turns Donald Trump's face into a burger

Experiencing Trump overload? In a pickle over the state of your Facebook feed, now clogged with pictures of the free world's new leader?

Fear not, Melbourne burger company Mr Burger has come to the rescue, creating a Chrome extension that will magically turn online images of Mr Trump into a tasty burger.

President-elect Trump discussing trade policy? Nup, can only see a juicy burger.

Trump meeting Obama? Mmm, nice buns. 

How about a quick Google image search of The Donald? Nope, just a glorious sea of delicious-looking cheeseburgers.

The website wonder, known as Make Trump Burger Again, has gained worldwide attention and prompted a slew of happy reviews online. 


"Thank you! You saved my eyes!" writes Soo Yun Kim, who was content to replace images of Mr Trump with patties.

"This helps with the 5 stages of grief and beyond," writes happy user Jim Tatol.

Mr Burger co-owner Daragh Kan said the fast food offering was served up as a bit of a laugh.

"We all talked about how much Donald Trump's picture had been flooding our feeds and mentioned we were all getting a bit sick of it," he said. "He's also probably the same colour as us, having orange as a logo."

Not a Trump fan then? "I wouldn't call myself one," Mr Kan laughed. "It was more about us saying let's look at something else and we like looking at burgers."

The Chrome extension has copped a small grilling online, with some users upset that it doesn't cover every single online image of Mr Trump ever published.

"Obviously it's just something we put together over a couple of hours," said Mr Kan. "I think they might be taking it a little bit too seriously."

One grateful user, Cindy Edwards, had this to say: "LOVE IT! Now if we could only get this to work on TV."

It's not clear what the President-elect (aka burger king?) thinks of the burger association. But in September, he told TV host Jimmy Fallon he wasn't against eating fast food while on the campaign trail.

"At least you know what you're getting," he told Fallon. Mr Trump also alluded to the fact a little anonymity can go a long way when ordering.

"I don't want to go into a restaurant and say, 'Mr Trump would like a hamburger to go,'" he told Fallon's show. "Now I don't know what they're going to do to that hamburger. If they like me, I'm happy. If they don't like me …" 

Either way, Make Trump Burger Again is on a roll, with more than 3000 active users to date.