

Foxtel Play embraces try before you buy with HBO's Westworld

Aussie viewers can get a free taste of Westworld and Foxtel's other new HBO dramas as the pay TV giant fights to win more viewers away from the BitTorrent channel.

With its new pricing structure kicking off on December 1, Foxtel Play subscribers will finally be able to sign up for the $15 p/m Drama or Pop packs on their own – which both include the Showcase channel, offering first-run HBO content. There's no need to sign up for a basic package that you don't really want, these are entry-level basic packages.

Foxtel Play is offering a free taste of HBO's sci-fi hit <i>Westworld</i>, hoping you'll sign up in order to see how it ...
Foxtel Play is offering a free taste of HBO's sci-fi hit Westworld, hoping you'll sign up in order to see how it all plays out. Photo: Supplied

At these prices you only need to be interested in one or two shows to make it worth the money, like Netflix. Unfortunately Foxtel's dreaded bundle isn't completely dead and buried, as you'll still need to sign up for an entry-level package before you can sign up for the premium sport or movie packages.

The ability to watch Game of Thrones and other HBO hits for only $15 per month is certainly going to help curb piracy. At these prices it's hard to argue that you're not getting a fair deal, although it's a shame it's not in high-definition.

Foxtel plans to rectify this early next year – hopefully in time for the return of Game of Thrones – although it remains to be seen whether, as with the home packages, you need to pay extra to watch Foxtel Play in HD.

The price drop will certainly make Foxtel Play more attractive, plus it will deter any thoughts that HBO might have of launching a direct streaming service in Australia. Of course it can still be difficult to rope in new customers when all your content is locked away behind a paywall.

Foxtel Play already offers a two-week trial, but now it's also offering a free taste of new HBO dramas – posting the first episodes of Westworld, Quarry, Divorce, Insecure and High Maintenance online for anyone to watch.

The early reviews of Westworld are very positive, so it will be interesting to see whether Australians turn to Foxtel Play to see what all the fuss is about rather than file-sharing and illegal streaming sites. So far the offer only applies to new HBO shows, it doesn't apply to AMC's The Walking Dead which returned this week or CW's DC Comics series like The Flash, Supergirl and Arrow which returned this month.

Offering a free taste of new programs is a show of good faith from Foxtel, which is working hard to reposition itself in the Netflix age, but is it enough to win you over?