
Accurate information to plan and operate your network

We understand the needs of Electricity and Gas Network Managers, that’s why our products give you accurate real-time monitoring of severe weather, allowing you to maximise resource allocation for repairs and maintenance. Our solutions are specified to how the weather will impact your network, rather than offering a broad and general forecast.

How can our innovative solutions help you? Our Australian meteorological experts will take the time to understand your needs and then develop custom interfaces integrating all weather information into a single, easy to use interface.

Minimise network disruptions

Precisely anticipate network disruptions such as wind, heat and lightning storms in order to minimise network disruptions.

Accurate monitoring

Weather events across a large network can be precisely monitored in real-time.

Diverse data formats

Receive weather information in a number of geospatial formats for ingesting into your own monitoring systems.

Custom interfaces

We develop customised, easy to use interfaces integrating all weather information simultaneously.

Intuitive, customised and reliable

All-in-one Dashboard

Weatherzone services are delivered through its flagship web based interfaces, accessible by any staff, anytime, anywhere. Designed for your business, the interface provides you with the complete weather and environmental picture and critical business decision making tools, allowing you to make the right decision every time.


Customised overlays on Google Maps provide accurate, real-time monitoring.

Expert advice,24/7

Powerful forecast modules are coupled with written notes from our team of professional meteorologists, so you can plan operations with precise and timely forecasts.

Alerting & SMS

Automatic alerts based on site specific variables sent to wherever you are, when you need to make decisions.

Energy Networks Products


Highly detailed forecasts, updated every hour.

Total Lightning

Australia’s only Total Lightning Network.

Operational Forecast

Business Integrated Forecast Systems.


Quick verification of weather-related insurance claims.


Observations, lightning, radar, satellite and your site on a single animating display.

Find out how Weatherzone can empower your decisions



+61-2-9955 1536
For inquiries regarding our public website or any of our apps, please use this form.