
Donald Trump picks Alabama's Jeff Sessions for attorney general

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President-elect Donald Trump on Friday confirmed Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his attorney general, elevating one of his earliest congressional backers and one of the most conservative US lawmakers to serve as the nation's top law enforcement official.

Trump also named retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his White House national security adviser and Kansas Republican Representative Mike Pompeo to run the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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Trump picks Sessions for attorney general

Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions has accepted President-elect Donald Trump's offer to serve as attorney general.

Sessions "is a world-class legal mind and considered a truly great attorney general and US attorney in the state of Alabama," Trump said in a statement. "Jeff is greatly admired by legal scholars and virtually everyone who knows him."

The 69-year-old, four-term Alabama Republican is a hard-liner on free trade and immigration, arguing that prospective immigrants don't have constitutional protections. He has opposed efforts to overhaul prison sentencing, back off the war on drugs, and legalise marijuana.

Sessions, a former federal prosecutor, was one of the few lawmakers to defend Trump after he proposed a complete shutdown on Muslims entering the US. He told Stephen Bannon – the former Breitbart News chief named as Trump's chief White House strategist – on a radio show in 2015 that Trump was "treading on dangerous ground" but it is "appropriate to begin to discuss" the issue.

The attorney general represents the US in legal matters and gives advice to the president and government agencies. The Justice Department's broad portfolio includes prosecution of white-collar crime and enforcement of antitrust and civil rights laws. Sessions would oversee all the US attorneys' offices.


Sessions was born in Selma, Alabama, the son of a country store owner. An Eagle Scout, Sessions received his undergraduate degree from Huntingdon College in Montgomery and his law degree from the University of Alabama. After some time in private practice, he became the US attorney for Alabama in 1981 at age 34. Sessions has served as a captain in the Army Reserve and Alabama state attorney general.

One of his earliest decisions would be whether to follow through on Trump's campaign promises to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the e-mail practices of his election opponent, Hillary Clinton. Before the election, Sessions called for a special prosecutor.

Senator Jeff Sessions and Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager for President-elect Donald Trump, speaks to reporters at ...
Senator Jeff Sessions and Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager for President-elect Donald Trump, speaks to reporters at Trump Tower in New York on Thursday. Photo: AP

Trump also has yet to say whether he'll ask for the resignation of Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey, who he criticised over the handling of the investigation into Clinton and for not recommending criminal charges against her.

Sessions would also be deeply involved in vetting potential Supreme Court picks for Trump, including one to fill the seat of Antonin Scalia, who died in February.

Shaping his cabinet: President-elect Donald Trump.
Shaping his cabinet: President-elect Donald Trump. Photo: AP/Matt Rourke

Sessions opposed all of President Barack Obama's US Supreme Court picks and also voted against the nomination of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, citing her support for the president's executive actions that shielded some undocumented immigrants from deportation.

"At the outset of this nomination process, I said that no senator should vote to confirm anyone for this position – the top law enforcement job in America – who supported the president's unlawful actions," he said of Lynch's nomination.

Trump named retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his White House national security adviser.
Trump named retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn as his White House national security adviser. Photo: AP

It's hard to imagine Sessions's fellow senators staging a fight over his confirmation, but there is likely to be scrutiny of his past in Alabama, particularly given the Justice Department's role in protecting civil rights. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan picked Sessions for a judgeship, but his nomination never got out of committee after a firestorm over charges he had made racist statements.

Sessions acknowledged referring to the NAACP and other organisations as "communist inspired" and "un-American organisations with anti-traditional American values," the New York Times reported in April 1986.

Mike Pompeo will run the CIA.
Mike Pompeo will run the CIA. Photo: AP

Sessions, though, eventually made it to the Senate and to a senior position on the Judiciary Committee.

Sessions has been hostile to gay rights, voting for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in 2006 and against the 2010 repeal of "don't ask, don't tell," the policy that banned gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military.

David Stacy, the government affairs director for Human Rights Campaign, told Metro Weekly that the prospect of Sessions as attorney general is "absolutely terrifying."

Sessions could also face questions over his defence of Trump's vulgar remarks about women that were recorded by the television show Access Hollywood. Sessions dismissed the notion that Trump was describing something akin to sexual assault.

Sessions, who chairs the Judiciary subcommittee that oversees immigration, would also be heavily involved in the planned review of Obama's executive orders, many of which Trump has promised to reverse. Sessions called Obama's executive order that would have granted work permits to a broader group of undocumented immigrants "brazen" and 'illegal."

His position on Trump's proposed Muslim ban could provoke the most scrutiny.

After Trump suggested a "total and complete shutdown on Muslims" entering the US, Sessions said, "It's time for us to think this through and the classical, internal American religious principles I don't think apply providing constitutional protections to persons not citizens who want to come here."

Still, he stopped short of fully endorsing the idea.

"As a principle, we want to be not condemnatory of other people's religion," he said to Bannon on the Breitbart News radio show last December. "And there are millions of wonderful, decent, good Muslims, hundreds of millions worldwide, and so we've got to be really careful that we don't cross that line and I guess Mr Trump has caused us all to think about it more concretely."

Sessions strongly opposed a bipartisan criminal justice overhaul to reduce sentences on drug traffickers, although in 2010 he cut a deal with Democrats to reduce disparities between crack and cocaine sentences from 100:1 to 18:1.

On the Armed Services Committee, Sessions looked after the interests of Alabama defense installations such as the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville and the Anniston Army Depot.

In the Senate, Sessions also sits on the Armed Services, Budget and Environment and Public Works committees.

While most congressional Republicans spent much of the year avoiding talking about Trump, Sessions was an enthusiastic booster throughout, serving as a senior adviser on politics, national security and policy. Sessions serves a vice chairman of Trump's transition.

Sessions had been fighting a lonely battle against the party's establishment before Trump came along.

In Trump, Sessions saw someone strong enough to smash the system in Washington that he says caters to big money interests like the Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street, particularly on trade and immigration.

"Trump has a way of driving a message so people hear it. I've been talking about it for years and nobody hears it," Sessions said in an interview before the Republican National Convention. "Trump has that gift."

National security and CIA roles go to Trump loyalists 

Flynn, a retired US Army three-star general and one of Trump's closest advisers, was fired from the Defence Intelligence Agency in 2014, a move he has attributed to his outspoken views about combating Islamist militancy. Other officials who worked with Flynn cited his lack of management skills and leadership style as reasons for his firing.

An Army intelligence veteran of three decades, Flynn was assistant director of national intelligence under President Barack Obama.

Pompeo, 52, a third-term Republican congressman from Kansas, was a surprise pick to lead the CIA.

He was a member of a congressional committee that investigated a 2012 attack on US diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the US ambassador and three other Americans.

Pompeo argued that the Obama administration was more concerned with protecting the reputation of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton than with finding out what happened.

A member of the House Intelligence Committee, he is a former US Army officer who founded an aerospace company in Kansas. During his first run for Congress in 2010, opponents charged him with outsourcing American jobs because his company opened a factory in Mexico. Pompeo said the move helped his business to add jobs in the United States.

Like Sessions, Pompeo will need to be confirmed in the job by a majority vote in the Senate. Republicans will hold at least a 51-seat majority when the chamber convenes in January.

