Daily Life

Ivanka Trump vows she’ll keep fighting for women’s issues as First Daughter

A day after Ivana Trump revealed her desires for an official appointment under Donald Trump's presidency, their daughter, Ivanka, has also revealed her intentions once the family is installed in the White House.

In an interview with her family for 60 minutes in the US, Ivanka ruled out taking an official role in her father's administration, but the eldest daughter of the President-elect has vowed to help advise her father on the women's issues she advocated for during the campaign.

Ivanka Trump during the campaign trail.
Ivanka Trump during the campaign trail. Photo: AP

With Trump revealing last Friday his transition team will include Ivanka, along with her brother's Donald Jnr. and Eric, the fashion entrepreneur has stressed that her most important role is to be a 'daughter' and adviser to help guide her father to the White House.

Often seen as her father's right-hand woman, the 35-year old told reporter Lesley Stahl that her focus will be on advising her father on the "women's issues" she feels most passionate about.

"I've said throughout the campaign that I am very passionate about certain issues. And that I want to fight for them," Ivanka said. "Wage equality, child care: These are things that are very important for me. I'm very passionate about education. Really promoting more opportunities for women. So you know, there are a lot of things that I feel deeply, strongly about."

The mother-of-three, who is set to release her second book Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules of Success, said the role will be "more advisory than anything".


It was heavily noted after the interview that Ivanka omitted raising discussion about abortion. However, her father - who repeatedly labelled himself "pro-life" during the interview - told Stahl he hopes the 43-year-old Roe v. Wade precedent will be overturned, giving each state the power to criminalise abortion.

"Perhaps they'll have to go to another state," he replied, when questioned on the implication state power would have on women seeking an abortion.

60 MINUTES Correspondent  Lesley Stahl interviews President-elect Donald J. Trump and his family shown Tiffany Trump, ...
60 MINUTES Correspondent Lesley Stahl interviews President-elect Donald J. Trump and his family shown Tiffany Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., Donald Trump, Eric Trump, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump at his Manhattan home. Photo: CBS

Ivanka Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention was one of the rare instances "women's issues" were mentioned on the Republican side during the presidential election.

Her speech outlined why companies should work to close the pay gap and support working mothers, with the future first daughter credited for helping her father craft a maternity leave policy that guarantees six weeks of paid leave for new mothers.

"Policies that allow women with children to thrive should not be novelties. They should be the norm," she said.

However, her words were met with derision from advocate groups and her own employees who spoke out against her for not offeringg similar benefits - with fathers and gay couples completely excluded.

Ivanka has also been subjected to backlash against her eponymous clothing line because of her father's 'locker-room' comments along with contradicting maternity leave policies. 

The grass-roots campaign, #Grabyourwallets, has seen women boycotting retailers who sell products associated with the Trump family after the "Grab her by the pussy" video surfaced.

Donald Trump's first wife, Ivana Trump who is the mother of Ivanka, Donald Jnr and Eric revealed last week that she would like to be appointed as the US ambassador for the Czech Republic in her ex-husband's presidential administration.

