
Plant diversity in peril: collector on a mission to grow a new-look landscape

Stephen Ryan says Australian gardeners should be more adventurous.

Some people have the collecting bug and, whether it's for matchboxes or melaleucas, the effect is the same. It leads to much tracking down, reading up and the assembling of acquisitions with a common theme.

For Stephen Ryan it's plants. He came by his latest Cornus a month ago, a C. schindleri subsp. poliophylla with vivid orange stems in winter. It takes the number of dogwoods in his possession to 35.

Plant collector Stephen Ryan in his garden in Mount Macedon.

Plant collector Stephen Ryan in his garden in Mount Macedon.

Photo: Justin McManus

He's been amassing Sambucus as well and now has about 25 species and cultivars of this small genus that includes trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials. Plus he collects Acanthus (about 18 species and cultivars at last count) and Osmanthus (20-odd) and, in a less genus-specific way, an array of unusual plants that can sometimes test the limits of what it is possible to grow in cool, frosty Mount Macedon.

He is also the president of the Plant Trust GPCAA (the Garden Plant Conservation Association of Australia), a body that registers and records plant collections held by home gardeners, botanic gardens, horticulturists, garden societies and commercial nurseries across Australia.

Ryan says Australia is uniquely suited to "serious long-term plant collecting", thanks to its different climates, which enable gardeners to concentrate on whatever genus suits their alpine, desert, tropical, sub-tropical or temperate locale.


"Australia could be a repository for such a huge diversity of plant material because we have every habitat known to man," he says. But instead "we are losing botanical diversity in great chunks".

"The nursery trade is not growing the diversity it used to, a lot of specialist plant societies are struggling, some have disappeared and there are stringent quarantine regulations for importing plants."

On the Plant Trust's books is a collection of cycads in Queensland and groups of camellias in NSW and Victoria. A couple in Ocean Grove are concentrating on Darwinia and a gardener in the Dandenongs on Crocus. There are collections of dry-tolerant salvias, of moisture-loving rhododendrons and of Alister Clark roses.

With about 60 collections of everything from conifers to cannas, the Plant Trust is on a mission to register more collections as a way of preserving the cultivation of species and cultivars.

Ryan, who runs Dicksonia Rare Plants in Mount Macedon, admits that part of his motivation was to give his 26-year-old nursery a point of difference. When he began to collect Cornus in the late 1980s, it was not only because dogwoods grew well in his acid soil and cool temperate climate, but also so he would be seen as "somewhat of an expert in something".

"I grew up here among dogwoods and could pick the different ones out even as a child."

And Cornus was the perfect nursery genus because of its cross-seasonal interest. Some dogwoods flower in winter, others in spring and summer. Some have great autumn foliage and others are better known for their vibrant winter stems. Ryan likes some species for their bark and others for their fruits.

He has planted his new C. schindleri subsp. poliophylla along the back fence of his nursery with the aim of having a colourful winter thicket of different shrubby dogwoods (others include the yellow-stemmed C. sericea 'Flaviramea' and the red-stemmed C. alba 'Sibirica') that he prunes to the ground every second year.

His other dogwoods include a C.Wilsoniana, a tree he grows for its pale bark, a C. mas now covered in small, bright yellow flowers and a perfectly formed C. florida that has become afflicted with athracnose. This persistent fungal disease affects North American – but not Chinese – dogwoods and arrived in Australia more than a decade ago. It has prompted a new wave of American hybrids bred to resist the disease.

Ryan says he always has his eye out for new species and believes the Plant Trust can encourage more of us to try the "weird and different stuff".

"I get worried about people who have to grow something they feel confident about."

The Plant Trust is taking a guided tour of the registered collections (camellias, viburnums, araucarians and pomaderris) at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne on August 13 from 10am. It will be lead by Stephen Ryan and fellow plant collector Virginia Heywood and costs $30/$20 Plant Trust members. Bookings essential by August 8 on 9650 5639 or 0439 034194.

The trust is also holding a plant auction, including many rare species, at Domain House (Dallas Brooks Drive, Melbourne) on September 22. Viewing from 6.30pm, auction at 8pm.

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