Federal Politics

Peter Dutton says Australia is in "discussions" in a bid to resettle people found to be refugees.

457 occupation list to be 'condensed', says Dutton

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has continued the "Australia-first" jobs pitch, seized upon by both major parties in the wake of Donald Trump's election, confirming the Turnbull government will condense the number of occupations eligible for a 457 visa.

Attack on cartoonist Leak 'absolutely ridiculous', Dutton

Cartoonist Bill Leak.

Politicians across the world are "taking advantage of the populist vote" and using "immigration as an election tool", making maintaining section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act more important than ever, the UN special rapporteur has found.

Hewson slams Dutton over Fraser criticism

Peter Dutton said Malcolm Fraser made mistakes bringing some people to Australia in the 1970s.

Former Liberal leader John Hewson has accused the Coalition of "cheap political arse-covering" over attempts to link Malcolm Fraser's 1970s immigration policies to gang activity and Islamic radicalisation.

Australia responsible for damage to offshore detainees: UN report

The detention centre on Nauru.

Australia is responsible for the "damage" inflicted on asylum seekers and refugees in offshore detention, with the "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" resulting from its "punitive" attitude towards boat arrivals, according to a United Nations investigation.

Shorten claim of a million foreign workers questioned

Labor leader Bill Shorten has started calling Turnbull's company tax cuts "Donald Trump's tax cuts".

After a week of rhetoric from Bill Shorten about the need to protect Australian jobs, he Opposition Leader has criticised Malcolm Turnbull and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton over the number of foreigners allowed into Australia with work rights.

'Priority' tax cuts set to go on hold over summer

"It is vital that we get this right": Treasurer Scott Morrison.

The Turnbull government's plan to cut company taxes is set to be delayed until 2017, with a pair of union busting bills, backpacker tax and superannuation changes to take centre stage in the final two weeks of parliament.

Turnbull champions free trade before APEC meeting

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull delivered a strident defence of free trade.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says the world must embrace free trade, not retreat from it, in a major economic speech that sharply contrasts with the more isolationist rhetoric of US president-elect Donald Trump.