International Day of Solidarity with Anti-fascist Prisoners, Cardiff.


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Radical Wales


Anti-fascists in South Wales support all who have lost their freedom in the struggle against the far-right.

On the Inter...national Day of Solidarity with Anti-Fascist Prisoners, we encourage everyone to write to them:…/july-25-2016-antifa-pris…/

We also stand against the prison system. Our banner reads ‘No to prisons’ in Welsh, in opposition to the mega-prison being built in North Wales and similar plans in Manchester.

Prisons and the state provide no solution to fascist violence. They only reinforce the conditions which allow fascism to grow: the destruction of communities, racist scapegoating and poverty.

We do not celebrate the recent imprisonment of many of the UK far-right’s main organisers after Dover. Instead we continue to organise in our communities and build our movement. The only real solution to fascism is radical social change and militant self-defence.

Support Michelle Smith, imprisoned for opposing fascists in Dover: Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network

Support the struggle against the new prison in Manchester: Manchester No Prisons

Support your local Anti-Fascist Network / Valleys Antifascists // Antiffa'r Cymoedd / Swansea Antifa




Mae gwrth-ffasgwyr yn Ne Cymru yn cefnogi pawb sydd wedi colli eu rhyddid yn yr ymgyrch yn erbyn ffasgiaeth.

Ar y Diwrnod Rhyngwladol o Gydsafiad gyda Charcharorion Gwrth-Ffasgaidd, rydym yn annog pawb i ysgrifennu atynt hwy:

Rydyn ni hefyd yn sefyll yn erbyn carchardai. Nid ydy carchardai neu’r wladwriaeth yn cynnig modd o ddelio gyda ffasgaeth yn effeithiol. Maent yn atgyfnerthu’r system sydd yn gadael i ffasgaeth tyfu trwy ddinistrio cymunedau, atgyfnerthu ffiniau hiliol ac yn creu tlodi.

Nid ydym yn dathlu carchariad nifer o ffasgwyr yn sgil Dover. Rydym yn parhau i drefnu ac i dyfu ein mudiad. Yr unig fodd o ddelio gyda ffasgaeth yw trwy newid cymdeithasol a hunanamddiffyniad cymunedol.

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Coming up in Merseyside. Show comrades in Merseyside Anti-Fascist Network some support:

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Anti-fascists in South Wales will be taking action in solidarity with antifa prisoners worldwide this weekend. Get in touch for details!

In the year since the first July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners in 2015, there has been a disturbing increase of Far Right activity worldwide. Every day brings news…

If you're interested in getting involved in the anti-fascist struggle in South Wales, now is the time to get in touch!

A lot of people are talking about joining the Labour Party party today. Without commenting specifically - organisers of Jewdas have differing opinions on Labour... and on parliamentary politics in general - it is at least a blessing to see so many people mobilised and wanting to take action.

There is also of course the very real possibility that Jeremy Corbyn IS the Messiah.

But whether or not you want to join Labour, or Momentum, or a Union (definitely do this one) can we also suggest - Join or support your local Antifa!

One of the biggest concerns at the moment is racism, and racist violence, and there is going to be a lot of work to do in coming months. If you are in London, get in touch with London Antifascists. Otherwise check out and contact your local org. If you don't have the time or energy to get involved yourself, do some fundraising or buy a t-shirt

Also if you are interested in joining Jewish Anti Fascist Action, and maybe setting up something new then get in touch with us at

Out of the shuls and into the streets

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The Anti-Fascist Network is a network of independent and grassroots groups working together against the rise of racism and fascism in our communities. Anti-fascists have opposed the EDL and similar…
London Antifascists

As the fallout of #brexit is now hitting home, and the reported (and under reported) cases of racist and xenophobic violence against migrants increases, now mor...e than ever we must be vigilant against the "right turn" in British politics that is manifesting itself on our streets and communities.

If you see or hear any racist incidents and are confident and able to intervene then do so. We feel this, as ever, is a small but increasing vocal minority of people that are making their anti-immigrant feelings known. They must be challenged, however you see fit, and we must build confidence and expand an anti-fascist, anti-racist solidarity across society.

We must also not fall for the mistakes of stereo-typing those that voted leave as rabid and idealogically committed racists, to abandon them is to give space to those far-right forces all too happy to lead them into their movement.

Lets be vigilant, lets stick together, lets kick racism out of racists, and reform an anti-racist working class movement against capital and state power.

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National Action neo-nazis getting cozy with South Wales Police:

Looks like National Action have quite a cozy relationship with South Wales Police...

Here’s something that caught our attention here at AFN. We’re clear what conclusions we can draw from it, but encourage you to make up your own minds. The posh boy neo nazis of National Action rece…

Spotted in Newport // Heddiw yng Nghasnewydd

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Via 30th anniversary of the miners strike

Miners learned to help each other underground , it never leaves you for the rest of your life . 77 yrs old and he tried in vain to save her ,Bernard Kenny we salute you.

After seeing the praise given to the arresting police officers in tackling Thomas Mair, it's also right to acknowledge the ex miner and mines rescue team member for trying to tackle Mair as he was attacking Jo Cox and who received serious injuries as a consequence.

A 77-year-old former miner was named today as the pensioner who was stabbed as he bravely tried to tackle Jo Cox’s killer.


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Bristol Antifascists

See you on the streets!

Following yesterday's Welsh Assembly elections we'd like to congratulate the Monster Raving Loony Party for winning more votes than the two National Front numpties who stood in the South Wales East region.

Antifa don't take a position on elections, but we feel that this is a result we can all celebrate.

Well done all who saw off the EDL in High Wycombe last weekend. Check out the newly-formed Wycombe Antifa if you're in the area.

A few of our local racists made the journey. Looks like one of our favourites, Russell Williams from Treorchy, had a bad day. He's been threatening people over the internet with his BB gun again!
Steady on there Russ, don't go forgetting what happened last time you used that thing:…/edl-s-russel-williams-shoots-hi…/


Lets also not forget that time you filled our inbox with messages grassing up Pippen and all your "infidel" mates. I'm sure they appreciate that, we definitely do.

Give it up now Russ mate, Hitler is dead.

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Swansea Antifa

The teenage mutant ninja nazis of National Action are calling their weak attempt to attack the demo against White Pride a fortnight ago ""Operation #OccupyCommunism""...

How sweet.

Excellent article. Relevant after Swansea.

Alternative title: 'Don't bring your kids to demos happening meters away from violent neo-nazis, for f**k sake' (we saw a lot of this in Swansea).

As neo-nazis and anti-fascists prepare to head to Dover this weekend, Ed Goddard takes a look at the importance of violence as a tool in the anti-racist toolkit both in the struggles of the past and present.

We were proud to stand with Swansea locals and confront fascists on Saturday.

Good report of what Antifa did on the day:

Our statement on Saturday's opposition to "White Pride Worldwide":

Our statement on Saturday’s opposition to “White Pride Worldwide” On Saturday anti-fascists from Anti-Fascist Network groups across Wales and England joined locals to oppose the National Front’s...

Meeting point will be announced later tonight. Stay safe, travel in groups, head for central Swansea.
We'll never let the fascists have the streets.

Sáb 11:00 em UTCTBA
24 pessoas interessadas · 17 pessoas confirmaram presença

We'll be joining comrades in Swansea Antifa this Saturday. Get down there!
Below is their statement on fascists violence and the need for self-defence:

We can’t discount the possibility of far-right violence and people needing to defend themselves on Saturday. Organising a community celebration – with children and other vulnerable people involved – makes the risk even greater. We also can’t trust the police to protect us from attack – on previous demonstrations, the far-right... have been allowed to hurl rocks and other missiles at protestors, whilst using the police as a shield. Many of us have experience of the police ignoring injustice and even persecuting minorities.

It’s also possible that the fascists will not follow police instructions and may roam in separate groups, intent on attack. The people who will be celebrating “white pride” are not uneducated or simply misguided, they are hard-core ideological fascists, with tattoos of swastikas on their bodies and a staunch belief in the genocide of society’s most vulnerable. It is impossible to hug racism out of them, as recently suggested. All we can do is contain and oppose them effectively.

With this in mind, antifa have organised an alternative to the community celebration which will begin beforehand. We will go where the fascists go and make sure that they cannot travel through the streets freely, abusing and attacking who they wish.

Join us. Keep an eye on our page – details will be released tomorrow.

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Sáb 11:00 em UTCTBA
24 pessoas interessadas · 17 pessoas confirmaram presença

This is it. All out to oppose nazi scum in Swansea this weekend!

Sáb 11:00 em UTCTBA
24 pessoas interessadas · 17 pessoas confirmaram presença
London Antifascists

** Against all terrorists **

Bombs have exploded in several locations in Brussels with multiple fatalities. We offer our solidarity to the people affected and t...o Muslims and migrants that will no doubt be targeted because of it.

As we have experienced in London, the terrorist attacks in July 7th, 2005 were an attack on all working class people and sought to punish working class people for the actions of the ruling class. Like in London, the transport system has been targeted, ordinary people have been killed and injured. Across the Middle East and parts of Africa, these are daily attacks but rarely reported in the Western media.

We see our solidarity with those in Brussels as an continuation of our solidarity with all working class and poor people facing brutal systems of war, poverty, authoritarianism and racism across the world.

Against all terrorists, from the state to the street! #brussels

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