Want the real Rome? Then roam its cobbled backstreets

The writer's love affair with Rome had a humble beginning ... cobblestones.
The writer's love affair with Rome had a humble beginning ... cobblestones. Gregory Baldwin
by Josephine McKenna

It began with the cobblestones. The love affair, I mean. My love affair with Rome. To be fair, my passion for Italy took off 35 years ago, after I studied the language at university in Melbourne.

Then I made my first visit here in 1981. More visits followed over the years.

But it wasn’t until I landed in Rome a decade ago next July, with just a few suitcases, that those stones got under my skin.

Mention a deep love of Rome and most people assume it’s amore: as in Sophia Loren in black stilettos and a lacy suspender belt whispering “Ti amo”, or Audrey Hepburn clutching Gregory Peck on the back of a Vespa as they buzz around the Colosseum.

I did try that once – riding on the back of a Vespa around the Colosseum. And it was fabulous. But the romance didn’t last.

My passion for the Eternal City, however, remains steadfast. There’s something about living here and being able to snatch corners of it on your own – strolling along a deserted alley late at night or standing in front of the Pantheon at dawn. I won’t waste your time sharing my obsession with Datterini tomatoes, spaghetti alle vongole or even the finest Brunello to be had – or this column will never be finished.

Tourists trample Trastevere

Since moving here in 2007, I’ve only ever lived in Trastevere – more by accident than design. I’ve taken various apartments in this area: some shared, some all to myself. I love that Trastevere is an easy 20-minute walk from the Pantheon in one direction, with the Vatican in the other.

Once the home of the working class and aspiring artists, Trastevere is now overrun with tourists snapping shots of the washing strung overhead, along with loud bar-hopping students from any number of nearby American-run universities.

The neighbourhood used to be the preserve of elderly women dressed in black, shredding vegetables in their doorways, then sharing the just-cooked minestrone with neighbours in the stairwell of their palazzos.

Now there are greasy takeaways serving french fries and pizza by the slice on every corner; the walls are covered with the worst kind of graffiti and a bar is offering “porno shots” for €1 just metres from my home.

Challenges and colourful eccentrics

Thankfully Trastevere still has its share of colourful eccentrics who confirm the reputation of the Romans for being rude, arrogant and rather hilarious. Near my apartment, there’s a woman who screams at her five Jack Russells in Roman dialect whenever they emerge for a pee, while a close-knit group of local men regularly play cards in a grungy piazza down the road. The game often descends into a shouting match where the players toss their cards at each other in disgust.

Naturally Rome is filled with challenges – from the heat in summer to the regular strikes and the art of choosing the right moment to queue at the post office or banks. Take a number and wait.

At least beneath their bravado, the Romans have a great sense of humour. “Roma is like a ‘big mamma’, she welcomes everyone,” says Roberto, my local newspaper vendor. “But we make fun of everyone. And when we swear, it’s a compliment. Did you know one of our favourite sayings is “Eat, drink and now f--- off!’”

Hmm. No I didn’t, actually.

But back to those cobblestones. If I can sleep through the disco music from the nearby bars, I rise early on a Sunday and run along the Tiber River to Piazza del Popolo to stare at the 13th-century BC obelisk that Emperor Augustus stole from the Egyptians. On the way home, I drop in at one of my favourite churches, the Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, to marvel (before the tourists pour in) at Fra Lippi’s 1493 fresco of the Assumption, and the Michelangelo sculpture on the other side of the aisle.

True, a decade on, my passion for Rome ebbs and flows. But I’m still not ready to leave. I fell in love with the city all over again in August – when the locals left.

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