What's the best way to invest a $250,000 windfall?

There are almost as many ways to invest a windfall as there are to spend it.
There are almost as many ways to invest a windfall as there are to spend it. Jessica Shapiro

What would you do if $250,000 suddenly dropped in your lap? Here six professionals from different parts of the wealth industry spell out their preferred strategies, from a suburban fixer-upper to a loan to the Swiss government.

Tim Mackay, head of strategy at Quantum Financial

"The best way to invest any sum of money will depend on your personal circumstances and your attitude to risk. It may even be to reduce your mortgage or a super contribution. Unfortunately a share in Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is out reach at $299,000. However, Buffett provided useful advice: "Put 10 per cent of the cash in short-term government bonds and 90 per cent in a very low-cost S&P; 500 index fund." Translating to Australian: a low cost, diversified and liquid index or ETF portfolio. You could construct an 85 per cent growth and 15 per cent defensive portfolio with 40 per cent Australian equity (STW or VAS), 15 per cent property (VAP or DJRE), 30 per cent international equity (take your pick) and 15 per cent fixed interest (VAF or BOND). Stick to your plan and re-balance periodically. As Warren Buffett knows, it's a winning strategy."

Margaret Lomas, founder of Destiny Financial Solutions

"I might be a property expert and heavily weighted in property myself, but I am also a financial adviser who likes to see at least some diversification. I'd use $200,000 as a deposit on property and look to some of those future growth areas heavily weighted in a strong family demographic, with abundant infrastructure plans and diversified employment opportunities. There are at present many options in the outer suburbs of both Brisbane and Melbourne to buy within the early $300,000 price range, which, geared at 75 per cent, would allow the purchase of two. Then I would place the balance of funds into a managed fund with an alternate asset base – perhaps an Australian share fund. This would provide not only some diversification, but the ability to keep some cash liquid to meet any calls for cash which the investor might unexpectedly face."

Elizabeth Moran, director FIIG Securities

"Investors continue to search for yield with one eye on the central banks. Many experienced investors know that bonds can earn between 2 to 12 per cent per annum or more, and offer fantastic diversification. I'd use the $250,000 to invest in 15 to 20 high yield bonds that would collectively earn between 6 and 10 per cent per annum. The high number of bonds in the portfolio lowers risk by broadening the range of maturity dates, companies, industries, and returns. I'd include three or four US dollar denominated bonds such as Fortescue, Virgin and TransAlta, a Canadian based diversified power generator. The remaining bonds would be in Australian dollars and include names like G8 Education, McPhersons and NextDC. In a low interest rate environment, bonds provide the income and the certainty many investors are looking for."

Mal James, founder of James Buyer Advocates

"A lump sum of $250,000 invested well over the next 10 years should see you return towards four times that money with minimal risk and minimal additional cash flow, if history is anything to go by. I would look for a home with the classic three Ps – Price (near the median for the area), Position (near a train and shops) and Property (Good land to price ratio and floor plan that requires no major changes, but has limited cosmetic wow factor). Borrowing $750,000 will see you acquire a $900,000 property plus stamp duty with a bit extra up your sleeve. Rent the property at $800 per week and your cash flow at 5 per cent is more or less neutral. Yes, interest rates may go up, but so should your rent. Now do nothing for 10 years and prepare to reap the rewards."

Andrew Moir, director of Evans & Partners

"Assuming the recipient of the windfall has a long term outlook to judiciously maximise the benefit of this capital and assuming, as most investors are, their current wealth is tied up in assets within Australia, I would recommend going for growth offshore. While equity markets are not overly cheap at present there are numerous opportunities globally to invest for long term growth – much more than I am seeing here within Australian listed capital markets. I would personally focus on giving the capital to manager(s) who philosophically recognise globalisation and how new technologies are breaking down traditional barriers. Therefore they either invest in businesses that have the ability to disrupt traditional businesses like media, banking, retail and telephony and/or businesses which are well protected from the effects of disruption where they have distinct technical advantages and highly entrenched competitive positions."

Doug Turek, managing director of Professional Wealth

"If you are worried about the frothy price of shares, then why not lend $250,000 to the Swiss government? They strike me as a lower credit risk than our Commonwealth government. Note, however, in 10 years they will give you back $236,276 not $250,000. The missing $13,723 they require you pay them in interest. These bonds of course are yielding a negative 0.54 per cent annually. Of course if you can stomach a bit more risk you could lend to the Germans. They will charge you a lesser $2241. The Japanese, only $1868. No wonder the humble Australian bond which used to yield 6 per cent need now only offer to pay you 1.8 per cent every year for 10 years. This is crap. I say we all go on a bond buying strike. And while at it let's ask Nick Xenophon to ask a different question of Central Banks … Are lenders and depositors getting their fair share? Should the mandate of the RBA be changed to include this objective?"