The tests of Glenn Stevens' Reserve Bank legacy

"It's not a game. It's not a sporting event that we like to spectate on. It's real."
"It's not a game. It's not a sporting event that we like to spectate on. It's real." Louie Douvis
by Editorial

Glenn Stevens safely guided the Australian economy through a decade containing both its biggest-ever resources boom and the most severe global financial crisis in generations.

As prime ministers and treasurers came and went, he helped extend the economy's unbroken run of growth to a quarter century. Inflation averaged in the middle of his 2-3 per cent growth target.

And he did not resort to the extreme monetary measures employed by the world's major central banks. Following his predecessor, Ian Macfarlane, he made the Reserve Bank of Australia credible at home and respected abroad: a relatively recent phenomenon the nation now takes for granted. 

Yet the ultimate judgment on the Stevens decade may come if his deputy and successor Phillip Lowe is forced to deal with the legacy of resting so much of the nation's modern prosperity on a single institution.

Nov 7 Stevens raises rates three weeks before the Federal election.
Oct 12 Federal government guarantees bank deposits as CBA takes over Bank West.
Aug John Howard announces in parliament “Interest rates will always be lower under a coalition government”.
Ben Bernanke
Mar 2008 Stevens raises rates to their peak of 7.25 percent.
Nov At G20 in Washington China announces huge stimulus.
Sep 15 Lehmann Brothers files for bankruptcy.
Apr As western Sydney suffers, Daily Telegraph splashes Stevens on its front page. Headline: “Is this the most useless man in Australia?”.
Nov 2 RBA moves to cut rates
A turbulent decade
Apr 9, 2009 Interest rates bottom at 3 percent.
Aug Iron ore prices start a huge rebound.
Sep RBA becomes first major central bank to lift rates post GFC.
Click buttons for main event details
May The Age newspaper reveals a foreign bribery scandal at RBA subsidiary Securency. Stevens says: “It is quite easily the most unpleasant and difficult set of issues I have had to deal with.”
Oct 2011 Greek debt crisis triggers global panic.
Australian cash rate (%)
Sep 2006 Phase One: The commodity boom
Nov 2015 US raises interest rates from zero, taking pressure off the AUD. Stevens: “We should just chill out.”
Glenn Stevens was appointed RBA Governor replacing Ian Macfarlane following his retirement.
Feb 2012 Australian dollar peaks at $US1.09.
Cash rate
Second Greek bail-out triggers euro-zone crisis
Policy rates - G3
Capital inflow
Apr 2013 Stevens re-appointed for abridged three-year term.
Oct 2010 Julia Gillard forms minority government
Feb 2007 “I don't think any central bank could accept the notion that somehow a rate change is off limits for one year out of three. That would be crazy.” - Glenn Stevens
May Taper tantrum hits emerging markets as the Fed considers ending Quantitative Easing.
Sep Tony Abbott wins government.
Oct 7 RBA starts unprecedented rate cuts.
Very low global rates have pushed up the Aussie
* Since April 2013, the Bank of Japan’s main operating target has been the money base
Policy interest rates–G3 (%)
Australia has cut reliance on foreign debt to finance investment
Australian net capital inflow (% of nominal GDP)
* Includes March quarter only
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

Over the past two years, the Reserve Bank has reluctantly been pulled toward the vortex of the extreme monetary measures, cutting its cash rate to a record low 1.5 per cent. As Mr Stevens said in his two-hour farewell interview with The Australian Financial Review, a capital-importing economy can stand apart only so much from global policy shifts.

Trying to resist amid a global currency war would likely strengthen the Australian dollar, driving up unemployment in the absence of offsetting productivity gains.

As well, the low inflation target regime is being questioned as prices growth undershoots the 2-3 per cent target zone for years on end.

As Mr Stevens notes, inflation has moved above and below target without shredding the regime's credibility. But that cannot continue indefinitely.

As it is, plentiful cheap money has stoked the housing market, where in cities such as Melbourne and Sydney prices have climbed since the financial crisis to levels that "discomfort" Mr Stevens. Expensive housing stock, inflated by high household leverage and now Chinese money, remains a vulnerability for the banking sector and the economy.

Australia has just gone 25 years without recession
GDP growth
GDP growth (%)
Budget balance
The big three inidcators
The new problem: Inflation is too weak
Consumer price inflation* (%)
* Excluding interest charges prior to the September quarter 1998 and adjusted for the tax changes of 1999–2000
The elusive surplus
Australian government budget balance* (% of nominal GDP)
Underlying cash balance; 2016-17 Budget
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

No matter how credible, Australia's central bank can only do so much with its single instrument of the interest rate it charges the banks to deposit cash overnight with it.

Even prime ministers mistakenly suggest that its movements should be reflected one-for-one in the price banks charge their borrowers to invest in housing. If things do turn pear-shaped on his watch, Mr Lowe could look to Mr Stevens' examples of deploying his instrument vigorously when needed, even when politically inconvenient. Mr Stevens caused political heartburn for the Howard government when a mini-breakout in resources boom inflation prompted him to lift interest rates during the 2007 election.

As he explains in his Financial Review interview, holding back in the face of the compelling case to tighten would have damaged the Reserve Bank's credibility. This credibility came in handy less than a year later when Lehmann Brothers collapsed. Mr Stevens led the global central bank response, cutting the cash rate by a whopping 100 basis points in one go, helping Australia avoid recession.

During his decade, Mr Stevens' glass-half-full view of the world has encouraged Australians to grasp the opportunities rather than dwell on the difficulties: Yet, as he expands on in his interview, 25 years of economic growth has generated a complacency that now takes the nation's modern prosperity for granted. The political debate has turned into a sort of spectator sport, and become outright "febrile" in the debate over bank culture.

The budget has been allowed to slip and government debt build up. A "narrow sense of fairness" rules out needed policies – such as budget cuts – where only a single person would lose. So Australians effectively have voted for higher taxes, thinking that they will be piled onto others, not them. Yet all of us need to accept that "we don't get stuff for nothing". Reluctant to enter Australia's dysfunctional political debate, this 36-year Reserve Bank veteran leaves with some plain truths about the nation's modern prosperity he helped create.

Read next

How Glenn Stevens rode the tidal wave of the GFC

Glenn Stevens full exit interview