Glenn Stevens admits Sydney house prices 'give me some discomfort'

Glenn Stevens: The exit interview

Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens has conceded that he has "some discomfort' about rising Sydney house prices, but argued that these concerns need to be weighed up against the need to stimulate economic activity.

And he also pointed out that Australia had a new "two speed" economy, with strong growth in states such as NSW, while resource-rich states, such as Western Australia and Queensland, had seen growth rates slump as the mining boom had ended.

In an interview with The Australian Financial Review, Mr Stevens pointed out that there were some mixed evidence as to the strength of the housing market.

Although real estate auction clearance rates are high, the number of houses being put up for auction had fallen, and lending for housing had slowed.

Glenn Stevens may be the last governor we'll see without a PhD.
Glenn Stevens may be the last governor we'll see without a PhD. Louie Douvis

"Prices are probably rising smartly in some areas, but in other areas they're not, and in some cities in the country, they're falling," he said, in what is the clearest acknowledgement to date that the central bank is concerned about outsized price rises in some sectors of the market.

"So I think it's a mixed picture. It's not without risk, and it certainly gives me some discomfort, but then we're balancing that against the other obligations we have to pursue."

Striking a balance

The task for the Reserve Bank, he said, was "to balance all these things and make a decision that neither completely ignores the financial stability and housing concerns, nor let them completely dictate the decision.

"That's the balance that we've tried to strike".

** Monthly hedonic price index; series breaks occurred in April 2016 and May 2016 due to changes in methods used to calculate the index
Housing prices (year-ended growth, seasonally adjusted, %)
Housing prices
Building approvals
* ABS and Australian Property Monitors (APM) are quarterly stratified median price indices; Residex is a quarterly repeat sales price index
Loan approvals
Australia’s achilles heel
House prices have fallen twice on Stevens watch
Housing supply is finally catching up with demand
Private residential building approvals (monthly)
* Excludes refinancing   ** Includes refinancing
An APRA crackdown on investor loans has helped owner occupiers
Housing loan approvals ($b)
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

Stevens argued that very low interest rates had stimulated borrowing for housing, which boosted domestic demand.

"Most of the domestic effects of cheap money comes through the household sector. Higher house prices than otherwise, more borrowing than otherwise, wealth effects, lower saving rate, etc."

But he added, "the thing that I've tried to grapple with is – that's where we get the effects, but do we actually want households to engage in a major levering-up from here?

"It's not that what they did before was disastrous – that clearly hasn't been. But from here, how much more do you want?"

Nov 7 Stevens raises rates three weeks before the Federal election.
Oct 12 Federal government guarantees bank deposits as CBA takes over Bank West.
Aug John Howard announces in parliament “Interest rates will always be lower under a coalition government”.
Ben Bernanke
Mar 2008 Stevens raises rates to their peak of 7.25 percent.
Nov At G20 in Washington China announces huge stimulus.
Sep 15 Lehmann Brothers files for bankruptcy.
Apr As western Sydney suffers, Daily Telegraph splashes Stevens on its front page. Headline: “Is this the most useless man in Australia?”.
Nov 2 RBA moves to cut rates
A turbulent decade
Apr 9, 2009 Interest rates bottom at 3 percent.
Aug Iron ore prices start a huge rebound.
Sep RBA becomes first major central bank to lift rates post GFC.
Click buttons for main event details
May The Age newspaper reveals a foreign bribery scandal at RBA subsidiary Securency. Stevens says: “It is quite easily the most unpleasant and difficult set of issues I have had to deal with.”
Oct 2011 Greek debt crisis triggers global panic.
Australian cash rate (%)
Sep 2006 Phase One: The commodity boom
Nov 2015 US raises interest rates from zero, taking pressure off the AUD. Stevens: “We should just chill out.”
Glenn Stevens was appointed RBA Governor replacing Ian Macfarlane following his retirement.
Feb 2012 Australian dollar peaks at $US1.09.
Cash rate
Second Greek bail-out triggers euro-zone crisis
Policy rates - G3
Capital inflow
Apr 2013 Stevens re-appointed for abridged three-year term.
Oct 2010 Julia Gillard forms minority government
Feb 2007 “I don't think any central bank could accept the notion that somehow a rate change is off limits for one year out of three. That would be crazy.” - Glenn Stevens
May Taper tantrum hits emerging markets as the Fed considers ending Quantitative Easing.
Sep Tony Abbott wins government.
Oct 7 RBA starts unprecedented rate cuts.
Very low global rates have pushed up the Aussie
* Since April 2013, the Bank of Japan’s main operating target has been the money base
Policy interest rates–G3 (%)
Australia has cut reliance on foreign debt to finance investment
Australian net capital inflow (% of nominal GDP)
* Includes March quarter only
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

Two-speed story

He said the Reserve Bank remained confident there was little evidence of a widespread bubble in house prices.

"As the facts at the moment are, the credit growth of households is running about 6 per cent. Fractionally less if you take account of a build-up in mortgage offsets and so on".

He added, "I don't think you can say this is a terrible risk. If it was 10 per cent or 15 per cent – that would be a different story".

Mr Stevens noted that although housing prices were volatile, and moved around from month to month, but over the year, on a nationwide basis, the rise in house prices has been "positive, but it's not unusually strong and it's actually negative in some cities".

He added that there was evidence of "a two-speed economy story" in the latest housing price movements.

"It's probably not that surprising that parts of Sydney are leading the charge, because this economy is leading the country at the present time."

This, he added, is something "which, actually, we needed if we're to manage the transition after the mining boom".

Read next

How Glenn Stevens rode the tidal wave of the GFC

Glenn Stevens full exit interview