New design: Hassell moves into space curation with $6 million FreeState merger

What people look for in buildings is changing: Hassell managing director Rob Backhouse, left, CEO Gerard Corcoran and ...
What people look for in buildings is changing: Hassell managing director Rob Backhouse, left, CEO Gerard Corcoran and FreeState creative director Adam Scott. Wayne Taylor

Hassell has acquired British firm FreeState in a $6 million deal that moves the architecture giant beyond design into the business of curating events and programming client spaces.

The tie-up between Australia's second-largest design firm and an agency that has historically worked with consumer brands including Sony, Nokia and Virgin Atlantic aims to tap the growing demand of users for buildings and places that offer experiences, rather than just be locations.

The commercial property business has already moved beyond simply selling and leasing space. The emerging world of "proptech" – as seen in the growth of platforms such as Equiem – is giving landlords the ability to service and respond to individual users of their space, rather than just the corporate tenant signing a lease. What Hassell is now seeking to do is consult on the ongoing use of spaces – whether traditional offices or public spaces – to make them more attractive to users.

"If you think of it as an asset, increasingly that asset will be dependent on the richness and diversity and attractiveness of the experience as well as the physical manifestation of a building," said Hassell chief executive Gerard Corcoran. 

"If you're a visitor in Sydney and you're walking down George St and your smartphone connects to a building that wants to attract you there... and it sways [you] away from another building, there's a competitive advantage to the attractiveness of the overall experience of that asset."

Branding buildings

There are very few "branded" buildings. But as cities densify and CBDs become places where people increasingly live and spend time – rather than just commute to and from – the notion will become more important, said FreeState creative director Adam Scott.

"We're saying developments should behave more like brands," said Mr Scott. "On a daily basis they have to be thinking about the market, and making sure that marketability is within every gesture, every move."

Hassell rival Woods Bagot is also responding to changing lifestyles with a focus on large cities, but that was not the same thing, Mr Corcoran said. 

"It's sort of similar, but if you look at the way Woods Bagot are positioned, it's much more big data driven and technology driven, still informing some human centred elements," he said. "Our perspective is the other end of the telescope. We start with people and then we talk about the data and the technology. It's a degree of emphasis, but I think it's an important difference in emphasis."

Hassell is already using FreeState in workplace design. Employers have always been interested in how their workers behave over time, managing director Rob Backhouse said.

"The client's concern is often not just moving in, it's the 10 years they're going to spend there; what it does to their people and their business," he said.

Interacting with designs

One such client is engineering firm Arup, which is considering how it can expose visitors and staff more directly to its work in the 5000 square metres of new office space it will take in Lendlease's Melbourne Quarter development from the end of 2018.

"We want to bring that out and have our staff interact with the things we design within the office," said Arup Buildings principal and office leader, Joseph Correnza. "It could be a materials library, a components library within our space."

To do that, the design process required different perspective, Mr Correnza said. 

"'Let's walk through the space, for example, putting our client's hats or shoes on. What would you want to happen?'," Mr Correnza said, recalling a conversation with Mr Scott. "If you're a client walking into a space or through a space, what are the experiences and the things that would attract you to want to be there, to want to collaborate in that space?"

The FreeState acquisition also gives Hassell a way to extend its business – and revenue stream – beyond the design and construction of an asset. That is necessary anyway as architecture has to reinvent itself, Mr Corcoran said. 

"The industry is in the middle of, and will continue to be, in a phase of what everybody calls disruption, where it's the changing way the industry works," he said. "So a lot of the things designers used to do are becoming more regularised more commoditised, like a lot of professional and creative services, and the design industry's not protected from that."

Design skills will still be required, but they will be required to do different things, he said. 

"What's going to be really important for design firms going forward? The complex, the urban, the interaction with people – as buildings get more dynamic, people's demands for services, information, interactivity with place and the building is growing all the time," he said. "That's the strategic backdrop to the merger. There will be other skillsets and capabilities that we'll bring into the practice."