Dreamworld accident: safety emerges as key issue but it's come too late

Dreamworld family's heartbreak

The 1.8 million people who flock to Dreamworld each year don't think twice about safety before jumping on one of the 40 rides at Australia's largest theme park.

They might be a bit scared or gripped with trepidation before they take the plunge on the Tower of Terror or The Claw, but they assume Dreamworld – which opened on the Gold Coast in 1981 – has built its reputation on safety.

All that was shattered on Tuesday when four people were killed on the Thunder River Rapids – a ride which is billed by Dreamworld as for the family, where kids as young as two-years old can sit with their parents. It's also raised questions about whether there is enough regulation in the amusement park sector.

And it's cast a harsh light on listed company Ardent Leisure, which owns Dreamworld, and their approach to health and safety. Since the accident, unions have produced evidence which they claim shows Ardent have been at best defensive – and at worst obstructive – on occupational health and safety issues.

David Turner, left, partner of Kate Goodchild, and Kate and Luke Dorsett's father Shayne Goodchild spoke on Friday of ...
David Turner, left, partner of Kate Goodchild, and Kate and Luke Dorsett's father Shayne Goodchild spoke on Friday of their grief at the shocking accident. Karleen Minney

The chair of Ardent Leisure's high-profile safety, sustainability and environment committee Roger Davis says he "can't remember" any concerns raised about the ride that claimed the lives of four visitors.

Davis, who is also chairman of the Bank of Queensland, told AFR Weekend the board committee relied on internal and external audits and maintenance checks but that he had "never heard anything like this in the company's 35-year history".

"There's a lot of meetings and a lot of data ... and we go through it as comprehensively as we can for both our domestic and international operations I'm not aware of any specific problem or safety concern," he says.

Response criticised

Ardent Leisure's embattled chief executive Deborah Thomas and the management team's response to the tragedy has also been heavily criticised, resulting in Friday's memorial day being cancelled while Dreamworld is closed until further notice as police and forensic teams still work out what went so horribly wrong on Tuesday afternoon.

Three of the Dreamworld victims: partners Roozi Araghi and Luke Dorsett and Kate Goodchild.
Three of the Dreamworld victims: partners Roozi Araghi and Luke Dorsett and Kate Goodchild. Facebook

All rides at Dreamworld on Queensland's Sunset Strip are required to have a detailed maintenance inspection every 12 months.

The inspection is not conducted by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland – the regulator for the state government – but by accredited private sector engineers.

As obliged by Workplace Health and Safety regulations, the inspection involves a full check of the operational history and maintenance log-book, as well as checking critical components of each ride. The engineer then sends his report to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland to be approved by the regulator.

It's not an unusual arrangement – outsourcing accreditation is quite common across a number of industries. But in the wake of Tuesday's tragic accident questions are being asked whether this self-regulatory environment is the best way to ensure safety for families at theme parks across the country.

It's not clear what caused the accident. Two devices collided either owing to mechanical failure or lack of human ...
It's not clear what caused the accident. Two devices collided either owing to mechanical failure or lack of human intervention. Channel Nine News

Dreamworld says it has forged a "highly productive and respectful" relationship with the safety regulator, characterised by open and unlimited information sharing.

Relationship under strain

But that relationship appears to have come under strain recently in the face of the union's right-to-information request in April 2015.

For more than a year, Dreamworld fought against the Australian Workers' Union's bid for confidential safety reports provided to WHSQ – which were released this week.

Excerpts from inspector's 2012 report on Dreamworld rides, showing most rides were not fit for purpose.
Excerpts from inspector's 2012 report on Dreamworld rides, showing most rides were not fit for purpose. Supplied

A stack of documents show accredited inspectors have raised concerns about Dreamworld safety regime for years and claim management targeted employees who spoke out about safety issues.

"It is my opinion that Dreamworld management target employees who speak up for themselves. This is why employees have come to me. Unfortunately when I raise issues with management directly they use the defence of not following the grievance procedure," a complaint to WHSQ said in August 2014.

While the documents released to the union in July this year revealed the park would generally take on the regulator's recommendations, there were times when it resisted.

A 2012 report revealed a WHSQ inspector found 13 attractions – including the Thunder River Rapids Ride – were "not fit for service" after examining their air compressors.

Within hours of the accident at Dreamworld members of the public started bring flowers to the site.
Within hours of the accident at Dreamworld members of the public started bring flowers to the site. Glenn Hunt

Dreamworld engineering disputed the findings and sought to go past the inspector and appeal directly to WHSQ.

The inspector indicated in his report that management "refuses to correspond with me directly at all to discuss the issues relating to the inspection reports and what is being done to return the vessels to a satisfactory condition for continued operation".

Union concerned about staff levels

The AWU has raised concerns that "unsafe" staffing levels could have led to the tragic accident – the worst at an Australian theme park since a rollercoaster fire at Luna Park in 1979 which killed nine people.

The union says it discovered Dreamworld diverts from manufacturers' guidelines for rides following incidents in November 2014 where the Cyclone rollercoaster allegedly took off without visitors wearing their harnesses.

When the union sought guidelines for the ride's manning levels, the company allegedly told it that it had a different operating system in place which the regulator oversaw through audits.

AWU state secretary Ben Swan said the union ultimately had to source the staff level recommendation from the original manufacturer in Utah. "They didn't meet it," he says.

Swan says he was unaware if Dreamworld was diverting from the manufacturer's guidelines on the Thunder River Rapids ride.

It's a long time since a theme park has claimed so many lives. A fire in the ghost train ride a Luna Park in Sydney in ...
It's a long time since a theme park has claimed so many lives. A fire in the ghost train ride a Luna Park in Sydney in June 1979 claimed 9 lives. SMH

"But if they're prepared to deviate from the manufacturer's recommendations in one instance, does that mean they deviate in other rides?" he asked.

Swan has called the Dreamworld accident a "wake-up call" to toughen up regulations in sector, saying there should be tighter scrutiny on what goes on in amusement parks due to their high-risk environment and exposure to the public.

"An amusement park is not like any other workplace, it's not a mining environment or a quarry where the general public don't have access to it."

University of Newcastle law associate professor Neil Foster said there were provisions in work health and safety laws that imposed specific duties on amusement ride equipment, including requirements for daily testing, regular maintenance and inspection by qualified persons.

However, he says there was a good argument for making sure inspections happen more regularly.

'You'd have to have an army of inspectors'

Employment law specialist and Ashurst partner Ian Humphreys says private certification inspectors was not unusual – it happens across a range of sector including the building industry.

"There are limits on the government resources, not just in amusement ride areas but across industry general, governments of both political persuasions have over the years sought to find more efficient methods of assessing various things. You would have to have an army of inspectors to inspect every work place in Queensland," he says.

The company has been criticised for continuing with its AGM on Thursday, including a bonus for CEO, Deborah Thomas, ...
The company has been criticised for continuing with its AGM on Thursday, including a bonus for CEO, Deborah Thomas, right. Neil Balnaves, chairman, on left. Christopher Pearce

But he says amusement parks were unique.

"There are many industries with complex machinery but what is particularly obvious about theme parks is the significant interaction with members of the public," he says.

The world's largest theme park operator, the US-listed Six Flags, knows about dealing with tragedies.

In 2013 at its Six Flags Over Texas theme park a woman died after falling from a 14-storey rollercoaster.

Six Flags says there was no mechanical failure of the ride and that it intended to vigorously defend the civil legal action taken against it. About 18 months later it agreed to settle a lawsuit, the terms of which are confidential.

Despite the tragedy, Six Flags had rigorous safety and inspection procedures – many of which are detailed in their annual reports going back several years.

"During the off-season, maintenance personnel examine the rides and repair, refurbish and rebuild them where necessary. This process includes X-raying and magnafluxing [a further examination for minute cracks and defects] steel portions of certain rides at high stress points. We have approximately 800 full time employees who devote substantially all of their time to maintaining the parks and our rides and attractions," the annual report says.

But sometimes it can never be enough.

Ardent Leisure CEO Deborah Thomas after a private memorial was held at Dreamworld on Friday.
Ardent Leisure CEO Deborah Thomas after a private memorial was held at Dreamworld on Friday. Tertius Pickard

Now Ardent Leisure, a name that will soon change to Main Event Entertainment, is dealing with similar prospects to Six Flags. Dreamworld's boss Davidson said on Friday the theme park would remain closed at least until the funerals of the four dead tourists, three of whom are from Canberra and one from NSW.

The key message it seems at this early stage is that the safety and inspection procedures may have needed an overhaul. Unlike Six Flags there is nowhere near the same level of detail in Ardent's annual report – theme park safety barely scores a mention – of the extent of its safety and inspection procedures and this week unions and court documents have raised serious concerns about how such an important part of the company's business may not have been as good as it could have been.

Ardent has a highly respected director Roger Davis as its Chair of the company's Safety, Sustainability and Environment Committee. Davis, in addition to being chairman of the Bank of Queensland, is a director of Aristocrat Leisure and knows about corporate responsibilities. But his workload was questioned this week by the Australian Shareholders Association.

His response was clear.

"The old saying – get a man to do a good job, get a busy man," says Davis. "I fulfil my duties well at this company. I would not take on responsibilities that I could not meet."

The Six Flags theme park had insurance covering excess liabilities of up to $100 million, at a cost of at least $2.5 million per year.

Ardent's total insurance bill in 2016 was $3.6 million – but this is the total cost across the entire company and includes the directors' indemnity.

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland has about 245 inspectors on the ground and made 32,000 workplace visits, issuing 2346 statutory notices and investigating 209 incidents and complaints, according to information provided by the state government.

Theme park safety blitz

But Queensland Employment and Industrial Relations Minister Grace Grace has flagged a safety blitz of Gold Coast theme parks from Saturday as part of a wider state-wide audit of workplace health and safety processes.

She says she is open to greater regulation in the sector, including harsher penalties for companies who breach workplace safety rules, saying Queensland needed to protect the reputation of its multi-billion dollar tourism industry. The audit will be completed by November.

"We will consider all options. We want to be world's best practice and to restore public confidence in our theme parks before the Christmas period," she says.

"If things need to be fixed or if there needs to be more regulation we will do it."