
Renovations are disruptive but usually more cost-effective than moving house.

Should you move or renovate?

As a person who has both moved and renovated, let me assure you that both create major disruptions in your lifestyle.

Older people can face challenges getting home loans, but age discrimination is illegal.

Mortgages for older Australians

Young first-home buyers have been big news lately, but people in their 50s or 60s also face trouble getting into the property market.

The property market is still growing, especially in Sydney and Melbourne.

Odds of a rate cut on Tuesday?

Most - but not all - economists expect the Reserve Bank to keep interest rates on hold despite Britain's referendum to leave the European Union.

The Great Australian Dream of property ownership is not dead, but it needs to shift away from the white picket fence.

Property options for the priced-out

It's not going to be much consolation to frustrated would-be first-home buyers, but monthly repayments on the average new mortgage are $254 less than they were at Australia's borrowing peak in November.

Even if the RBA reduces the cash rate again this year, that is no guarantee mortgage rates will fall.

When to fix your mortgage

One of the most common questions mortgage holders ask their broker is: "when is the right time to fix my loan?"

Programs such as Nippers train young people to become excellent performers in the water. We need to adopt the same ...

Save yourself from drowning in debt

The number of Australians wallowing in credit-card debt, mortgage debt, car loans and other forms of debt is a real issue, so perhaps it's time we paid the same level of attention to financial safety as we do to being waterwise.


Student debt cheapest debt of all

There is not much point in repaying student debt early, especially after the removal of discounts at the end of this year.

More Australians are worried about their finances than two years ago.

Tackle bad debt before good debt

Australians are increasingly worried about their finances, but there is a simple technique that everyone can use to become debt free faster.