[ Canberra Times ]

More than 1000 domestic violence charges laid in Canberra in past 12 months

Date: November 18 2016

Katie Burgess

One murder. One attempted murder. Almost 50 death threats.

This is Canberra's black record for family violence in the past 12 months. 

Police in Canberra have laid more than 1000 charges related to family violence in the past year. About four in five of those charges were for physical assaults.

ACT Policing's Deputy Chief Police Officer Commander Mark Walters deemed the figures "unacceptable".

"Family violence remains a serious issue across Australia and sadly it's an all too common occurrence in the ACT," Commander Walters said.

"On average we attend every day eight to 12 incidents of family violence. Many of those offences relate to very serious crimes, murder, attempted murder, threats to kill, and serious violent assaults. That is unacceptable."

Of the 1000-plus charges laid from last November to October this year, 800 were for family violence related assault, assault causing actual bodily harm and assault causing grievous bodily harm.

More than 50 of the charges were for choking, suffocating or strangling a person. There were also 46 threats to kill. 

ACT Policing were unable to provide figures on how many offenders the charges related to.

On top of the 1000 family violence related charges, there were 270 charges for justice procedures including breaching a domestic violence or protection order.

The release of the figures came one day after two men were due to face court charged in two separate instances of serious family violence. 

But despite this, Commander Walters acknowledged family violence crimes were still under-reported in the territory. 

"It's the same as other crimes, if people see  people breaking into a car they'll  report it. Family violence is out there and it needs to be reported so we can respond,"  Commander Walters said.

"It's important for people to understand family violence isn't just restricted to physical violence, it extends to psychological and financial abuse. The victims  of family violence are not always women and children, men can be victims of family violence as well.

"This is occurring right across the ACT. It could be occurring in your neighbourhood, it could be occurring in your street or even next door so that's why we want people to be very vigilant and to encourage them to report it."

Domestic Violence Crisis Service chief executive Mirjana Wilson said the figures were "disheartening".

"But it also shows that the ACT's criminal justice pro-arrest policy in family violence matters is being implemented," Ms Wilson said.

"DVCS welcomes ACT Policing's strong commitment to addressing family violence in our community and recognition that it is more than an issue of physical violence."

ACT Policing will be a part of the Uniforms Unite Against Family Violence stalls  running in mjor shopping hubs around Canberra on Saturday, November 19, ahead of White Ribbon Day on November 25. 

The Domestic Violence Crisis Service is available for support on all family violence matters 24/7 on 6280 0900. To report family violence, call Triple-0 in an emergency or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.