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Is your dream home actually a shipping container?

The reality for many interiors addicts is that owning a unique home in their dream suburb is a goal that may not ever be within reach - without, say, a lottery win or discovering an abandoned suitcase of money at the bottom of the garden. So we look for alternatives: a fixer-upper in a less convenient suburb, moving to the country, or a sustainable build-your-own option like the latest economical home trend - shipping container conversions.

Why shipping containers?

Shipping containers are the perfect building blocks for a home. They are designed to carry heavy loads, resist harsh weather conditions, be stacked on top of each other - and they look minimalist and cool.

Using 'cargotecture' is not only less expensive than traditional building materials but it's good for the environment, making use of recycled materials (a 40ft shipping container is basically 3,500kg of steel) and reducing the amount of traditional building materials needed.

It also encourages people to live in more compact and sustainable spaces. On that note, it's common to see the flat top (roof) of a container used as an edible garden space. But please - as Portlandia warned us all - don't take micro-living too far.

How much do they cost?


In Australia, they can be one of the cheapest ways to build at around $1,200 per square metre. Quotes from a range of Australian providers suggest you'll get something simple from around $23,600 and pay $300,000 for an architectural design. Transporting the building to the site, council fees and connection to water and power services are obviously additional.

How do I get started?

You can't just ring up a shipping container company and enquire on how to get one of those babies on your vacant lot. Shipping container companies work in vast quantities only, so you're best to seek out individuals in the business of selling safe, recycled containers. In Australia, we'd recommend Sydney-based Container Build Group, Rubix Modular in Brisbane, and Cube Modular Homes in Perth.

And this tip from home experts Domain: "Gateway Containers in Melbourne sell standard containers or those with only a basic fit-out, enabling DIY homemakers the opportunity to save even more money by effectively building their own home from the shell up."

What else can I use one for?

The containers are versatile: you'll see them as granny/student flats in backyards, pop-up shops, rec rooms, and pools.

But what are the downsides?

While there are many benefits, there is also a healthy deal of cynicism over how 'good for the environment' these clever creations actually are. For starters, steel is not an ideal material for warm climates. As we all know, steel is excellent at conducting heat so if you plant one of these in say, Brisbane, it will literally become a sweat box. Making the containers insulated will be as complex and expensive as it would be in a normal brick home. Plus, and this is really worrying, the coatings used to make them durable for ocean transport contain a number of harmful chemicals including lead-based paints.

Brian Pagnotta at Arch Daily says, "Reusing containers seems to be a low energy alternative, however, few people factor in the amount of energy required to make the box habitable. The entire structure needs to be sandblasted bare, floors need to be replaced, and openings need to be cut with a torch or fireman's saw. The average container eventually produces nearly a thousand pounds of hazardous waste before it can be used as a structure. All of this, coupled with the fossil fuels required to move the container into place with heavy machinery, contribute significantly to its ecological footprint."