
Human Development, the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs: How are they Interlinked?

Features on The Future of Human Development

How can the human-development approach be used to help policymakers tackle today's complex global challenges?

The Human Development Report Office and Project Syndicate partners to commission a series of articles to mark the 25th anniversary of the Report.

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Biweekly News and Updates

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How has Human Development contributed and influenced the international debate? What are the challenges ahead? Development leaders reflect on these issues in a special series of the HDialogue blog.

20 October 2016 | Milorad Kovacevic, Chief Statistician and Jon Hall, Policy Specialist at HDRO

October 20 is World Statistics Day and a good occasion to reflect on the ever growing attention to statistics.

21 September 2016 | Mathew Friedman, CEO The Mekong Club

Human trafficking, which represents the recruitment, transport, receipt and harboring of people for the purpose of exploiting their labor, affects

12 June 2016 | A HDRO interview with Kailash Satyarthi, 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

How has the world of child labour changed since you first got involved in the field?

For the very first time, The Human Development Report is available in a unique web version.

The web version of the Human Development Report 2015: Work for Human Development contains interactive features that provide enhanced functionality and enable information sharing in our interconnected world.

Human Development Report 2015 Global Launch 

On December 14 2015 UNDP Administrator Helen Clark launched the Human Development Report 'Work for Human Development' in Addis Ababa, along with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia and Human Development Report lead author Selim Jahan, Carlos Lopes of Economic Commision for Africa and Jean Mfasoni of African Union Commission.

Watch a video introducing the report themes, and see speeches, photos and social media from the Global Launch event.

2015 Global Launch Video


Read Global Launch Speech by Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme

Read Global Launch Speech by Selim Jahan, Director of the Human development Report office and lead author of the report

Read Global Launch Speech by Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

2015 Global Launch Photos

View and download photos from the launch event

Human Development Report 2015

Please see the Storify wrap-up for more photos, news articles and videos from the Global Launch week.

Regional and National Launches

Following the Global Launch, 'Work for Human Development' is being launched in many different countries. The report has been launched in  Austria, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Congo Brazzaville, Congo DR, Denmark, Ecuador, Gambia, India, Italy, Japan, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Viet Nam and other countries. Many more launch events will take place over the coming weeks.

Regional Launch Photos

Human Development Report Launches


Please see the Storify wrap-up for more photos, news articles and videos from regional and country launches

Human Development in the News

Human Development Reports recognised as one of the top ten sources of international development data.

17 March 2016
Source: The Guardian

"Despite overall progress, the world should focus more on sustainable work that doesn't put people at risk."

09 February 2016
Source: (Audio) Deutsche Welle (DW)

"The United Nations has recently spoken out on the need for women to have better access to digital technologies to lead to gender equality."

09 February 2016
Source: Pulse.com

"Work is the defining issue of our time, with implications for every country. The world of work is changing rapidly, and the SDGs are very much linked to work. These are precisely the reasons for the theme of work....If not now, when? If if not us, who?"

28 January 2016
Source: Audio via Commonwealth Secretariat

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