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Since hitting a 17-month high above $US6000 on November 11, copper has dropped nearly 10 per cent.

Copper extends slide

​Copper clocked its biggest weekly fall in a month as the US dollar soared to a 14-year high.

Since it was floated in 1983, the Australian dollar tends to move up or down in ways that limit inflation pressure and ...

How little Oz rolls with the economic punches

How has poor little Oz managed to keep our economy growing continuously for 25 years while, in the same period, other economies have suffered a recession or even two? We've had good insurance policies.

Charities should start taking a stand instead of waiting until they are shamed into it.

Workers pay price as charities turn their back

In December 2015 James Evans hatched a plan with the National Union of Workers to go under cover to expose wage fraud at a third party fund raiser for some of the country's most well known charities.

Simon Crowe, Founder of Grill d.

Grill'd in court: inside a big-league bun fight

A key adage of the corporate world is "don't go into business with a friend". Or, as American oil baron John D. Rockefeller famously put it: "A friendship built on business can be glorious, while a business built on friendship can be murder."

NBN contractor Alcatel-Lucen used its Shanghai-based subsidiary to make fibre optical and copper components used to link ...

Government loaning NBN $20 billion to finish roll-out

NBN Co has abandoned plans to borrow money from debt markets to complete the roll out and will instead borrow $19.5 billion from the federal government "on commercial terms". This takes total government contributions to the project to nearly $50 billion.  

Myer's turnaround is not rocket science, nor is it easy.

Myer stages a revival that proves critics wrong

The fact that investors and retail experts are overjoyed about Myer reporting a 1.6 per cent improvement in sales in the first quarter of the 2017 financial year says a lot about the state of department stores in Australia.

Outspoken founder Ruslan Kogan started the company in his parent's garage in Melbourne in 2006.

Christmas comes early for Kogan

Online retailer Kogan has upgraded its guidance by up to 30 per cent and tipped a "strong Christmas trading period" at its first annual general meeting as a listed company.

Small Business