Menu for 6

Time plan for dinner on Saturday at 8pm


  • Prepare the Indian-Style Gazpacho to the end of step 2.
  • Prepare the Butter Chicken to the end of step 3.

Saturday 6pm

  • Prepare the Seafood Malabar to the end of step 2.


  • Prepare the Cardamom & Coconut Pulau to the end of step 2.
  • Prepare the Peshvari Naan to the end of step 3.


  • Continue the Seafood Malabar from step 3.


  • Continue the Peshvari Naan from step 4.


  • Continue the Butter Chicken from step 4.
  • Continue the Cardamom & Coconut Pulau from step 3.

Just before serving

  • Continue the Indian-Style Gazpacho from step 3.