- published: 04 Sep 2016
- views: 295476
Paris Wells is an Australian singer songwriter based in Melbourne. She has released two albums and one EP. Wells has played at festivals such as Falls Festival, Big Day Out, Meredith and Sydney Music Festival. She has supported Justin Timberlake, Rod Stewart, Plan B, Robyn and Jamie Lidell on tour.
Wells was a Fairfax employee working in the advertising sales department, when she started performing tiny underground gigs with DJ friends in Melbourne.
Her early gigs at local bars consisted mostly "toasting" over funk breaks, but after forming a creative partnership with Ryan Ritchie (aka RHyNO), a songwriter and artist with group True Live, she released her debut EP of her own material, Mum Hasn't Slept Yet, with label Illusive Sounds. Wells was then offered slots on the festival circuit, playing the Meredith Music Festival, Falls Festival and the Sydney festivals.
Wells released her first album, entitled Keep It, in July 2008.
Wells' song "Grace Baby" was picked up for a Myer's television advertising campaign. The singer was awarded the $10,000 Jessica Michalik Contemporary Music Endowment, an annual grant given to promising acts by the producers of the Big Day Out.
In slang, "old school" or "old skool" can refer to anything that is from an earlier era or anything that may be considered "old-fashioned". The term is commonly used to suggest a high regard for something that has been shown to have lasting value or quality.
It may refer to:
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活動邀約請訊息人人粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kungfuentertainment/?fref=ts BR - Keep It Old School 歌曲介紹 以精湛的freestyle功力聞名於饒舌圈的BR,已經靠著文思泉湧的靈活反應能力在各大battle比賽中揚名立萬,但除此之外,BR最常被挑戰的點就是「到底BR有沒有寫完整首歌曲的能力?」這一切的問題都在"We Keep It Old School"歌曲中得到了解答,一貫流暢flow與超緊繃的韻腳設計,帶出一首酣暢淋灕的台灣嘻哈史記,不論你是新樂迷或是老樂迷,這一首歌都該當作教科書的存在,一直流傳下去... 大支引領的饒舌軍團即將推出全新混音專輯---八卦掌 地下嘻哈歌迷引頸期盼的混音專輯「八卦掌」終於要正式上架了!由饒舌歌手大支創辦的人人有功練音樂工作室早在2003年就陸續培養各路饒舌英才,如今他的子弟兵們即將推出全新混音專輯「八卦掌」。從去年就開始預告惹得嘻哈粉絲心癢癢,「八卦掌」由人人有功練中的RPG, BR, 韓森, 熊仔, 以及R-Flow領銜創作,其中也邀請到實況仙女教主開水小姐以及同為人人有功練工作室的DMC冠軍DJ DJ Mr.Gin共同激盪創作火花。八卦掌收錄了他們的心血,曲風多變,包括調皮逗趣的輕鬆小品,火力十足的霸氣爽歌,更少不了人人有功練一脈相傳的寓意深遠意識饒舌。作品由於饒舌歌手們在同屋簷下彼此交流討論,激盪出許多合作作品。 伴隨著「八卦掌」的發行,創作的原班人馬將在5/2以及5/3展開全台北中南的密集巡演,歌迷們絕對不容錯過此難得的強大卡司! 人人有功練「八卦掌」混音帶 巡演資訊 預售:400 / 現場:500 5/2(六) 15:30入場 台南藝文展演中心 - 拾壹庫(台南市北門路二段30號) 預售票購買連結:http://goo.gl/eP922d...
Todo mundo sabe que o BR é zoeiro..... mas não sabíamos que era tão zoeiro ao ponto de zoar o batizado da própria cidade kkkkkkkk PQP, temos que ser estudados pelos alienígenas para ser entendido o porquê do Brasileiro ser tão criativo MDS! Em falar nisso, por que não faz uma maratona completa assistindo TODA a playlist FAZ ME RIR de uma vez? Aqui: http://bit.ly/FazmeRir ↓ VÍDEO DO INSTAGRAM CITADO (@AlexBronk): https://www.instagram.com/p/BSegieBhr-u/?r=wa1 ✅ *Conheça o Quem Perde Sai da Mesa ➟ http://bit.ly/QuemPerde ✅ *Conheça o Canal Paulo Nideck* ➟ http://bit.ly/PauloNideck ◉ ANUNCIE ↓ SEU CANAL ➝ http://bit.ly/AnuncieNoContente ◉ SEJA ↓ PATRÃO ➝ http://patreon.com/Contente #ConTV é sua revista eletrônica no YouTube — no canal tem notícias FODAS, com bom HUMOR, sobre: YouTuber...
BR HUE é uma série de videos engraçados de tombos de brasileiros. Todos os videos engraçados de fails, tombos são licenciados. Caso você queira nos enviar videos engraçados para narrar é só enviar no facebook do canal ou diretamente para o dono pelo whatsapp. Quem faz? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008575967622&fref;=ts Curta a pagina do faz teu nome https://www.facebook.com/fazteunome Eu recomendo: Consiga a licença dos melhores fails pela Jukin Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/JukinVideoDotCom E Fail Army: https://www.youtube.com/user/failarmy é nois
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活動邀約請訊息人人粉專 https://www.facebook.com/kungfuentertainment/?fref=ts
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www.pariswells.com.au RocKwiz - www.sbs.com.au/rockwiz/
Paris Wells performs Grace Baby live on Sunrise
For exclusive Moshcam content, click here to SUBSCRIBE: http://moshc.am/MoshcamSubscribe To watch the full Paris Wells concert, click here: http://moshc.am/ParisWellsFullConcert -------------------------- Connect with Moshcam: Facebook - http://moshc.am/MoshcamFacebook Twitter - http://moshc.am/MoshcamTwitter Official Website - http://moshcam.com Google+ - http://moshc.am/MoshcamGooglePlus Instagram - http://moshc.am/MoshcamInstagram Tumblr - http://moshc.am/MoshcamTumblr -------------------------- Download our FREE app: http://moshc.am/MoshcamAppStore http://moshc.am/MoshcamGooglePlay
Start Paris Wells FULL CONCERT playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZDYlephNPk&feature;=share&list;=SP4h2XGENb6qgXUhWVQM4tGYsmCq5Mr02d Paris Wells performing Fuck Your Soul live at Metro Theatre in Sydney on 2 February 2008 Love live music? SUBSCRIBE for thousands more live videos and new gigs uploaded weekly: http://www.youtube.com/moshcam Paris Wells a singer in the mould of the great soul vocalists of the last century, drawing influence and style from artists such as Betty Davis, Rene Gayer, Annie Lennox and Janis Joplin. Simultaneously, Paris sustains a contemporary style with her live toasting performances, mix-tapes with popular local DJ's, guest vocals to her full live show with band. Paris is a sensation on stage and is someone you will be hearing a lot more of. Live Paris oft...
Start Paris Wells FULL CONCERT playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZDYlephNPk&feature;=share&list;=SP4h2XGENb6qgXUhWVQM4tGYsmCq5Mr02d Paris Wells performing Walk On The Wild Side (Lou Reed) live at Metro Theatre in Sydney on 2 February 2008 Love live music? SUBSCRIBE for thousands more live videos and new gigs uploaded weekly: http://www.youtube.com/moshcam Paris Wells a singer in the mould of the great soul vocalists of the last century, drawing influence and style from artists such as Betty Davis, Rene Gayer, Annie Lennox and Janis Joplin. Simultaneously, Paris sustains a contemporary style with her live toasting performances, mix-tapes with popular local DJ's, guest vocals to her full live show with band. Paris is a sensation on stage and is someone you will be hearing a lot more ...
Start Paris Wells FULL CONCERT playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZDYlephNPk&feature;=share&list;=SP4h2XGENb6qgXUhWVQM4tGYsmCq5Mr02d Paris Wells performing Grace Baby live at Metro Theatre in Sydney on 2 February 2008 Love live music? SUBSCRIBE for thousands more live videos and new gigs uploaded weekly: http://www.youtube.com/moshcam Paris Wells a singer in the mould of the great soul vocalists of the last century, drawing influence and style from artists such as Betty Davis, Rene Gayer, Annie Lennox and Janis Joplin. Simultaneously, Paris sustains a contemporary style with her live toasting performances, mix-tapes with popular local DJ's, guest vocals to her full live show with band. Paris is a sensation on stage and is someone you will be hearing a lot more of. Live Paris often p...
Start Paris Wells FULL CONCERT playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZDYlephNPk&feature;=share&list;=SP4h2XGENb6qgXUhWVQM4tGYsmCq5Mr02d Paris Wells performing Firetruck Man live at Metro Theatre in Sydney on 2 February 2008 Love live music? SUBSCRIBE for thousands more live videos and new gigs uploaded weekly: http://www.youtube.com/moshcam Paris Wells a singer in the mould of the great soul vocalists of the last century, drawing influence and style from artists such as Betty Davis, Rene Gayer, Annie Lennox and Janis Joplin. Simultaneously, Paris sustains a contemporary style with her live toasting performances, mix-tapes with popular local DJ's, guest vocals to her full live show with band. Paris is a sensation on stage and is someone you will be hearing a lot more of. Live Paris ofte...
Sound Relief - Bliss N Eso with Paris Wells
Mikey's team: Kitty Flanagan, Tom Gleeson Claire's team: Carrie Fisher, Colin Lane Special guests: Craig Hill, Paris Wells
Mikey's team: Meshel Laurie, Eddie Ifft Claire's team: Corinne Grant, Ryan Fitzgerald Special guests: Amy Meredith, Paris Wells
Dr. Monique Y. Wells is known as the Paris Muse of Productivity™. She is committed to helping high-achieving, service-based, six-figure solopreneurs enjoy less stress, more income, greater "job" satisfaction, and more time to spend with family and friends -- guilt-free! -- so that they can find more joy, more passion, and more profits in their businesses.
OiOi gente, não esqueçam de curtir... Mais informações abaixo! Músicas do vídeo: Nothin' On You (feat. Jay Park) Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars Bubbly - Colbie Caillat Gracy Baby- Paris Wells Por Você- Barão Vermelho Meu Face: https://www.facebook.com/nah.tentante.1 Caixa Postal: Nádia Corsi- Caixa Postal n° 3013- CEP: 87040-981 Maringá-PR Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/nadiacorsinah?fref=ts Instagram: @nadiacorsi SnapChat: nahcorsi
01. SATISFACTION (I CAN’T GET NO) – Frejat (tema de Léo) 02. PACK UP – Eliza Doolittle (tema de Irene) 03. GRACE BABY – Paris Wells (tema de Bibi) 04. SUSPICIOUS MIND (VIVA ELVIS) – Elvis Presley (tema de Leila e André) 05. ECO – Jorge Drexler (tema de Raul e Carol) 06. COMMENT TE DIRE ADIEU – Emiliah (tema de locação: Florianópolis) 07. AMOR – Ben E. King (tema de Teodoro) 08. YOU’RE MY EVERYTHING – Sarah Vaugh, Harold Money & His Orchestra (tema de Marina e Pedro) 09. ‘S WONDERFUL – João Gilberto (tema de locação) 10. ROUND MIDNIGHT – Alexandre Elias e Alessandra Maestrini (tema de Norma e Léo) 11. SENZA FINE – Ornella Vanoni (tema de Norma) 12. MON MANEGE A MOI – Bibi Ferreira (tema de Milton)
Mikey's team: Kitty Flanagan, Tom Gleeson Claire's team: Carrie Fisher, Colin Lane Special guests: Craig Hill, Paris Wells. Mikey's team: Cal Wilson, Phil Jamieson Claire's team: Fiona O'Loughlin, Stephen K Amos.
A lesson delivered at the Paris church of Christ on December 25, 2016. "Divine Arithmetic" Preached by Sid Wells (Member). © 2016, Paris church of Christ.
No copyright infringement intended. All contents belong to its rightful owners. This is for entertainment purposes only. what a match from the GOAT! don't forget to put a like and sub to my channel if you like my uploads :) highlights made by me tags: nadal federer djokovic murray tennis best points ever great goat swiss maestro atp season master 1000 grand slam hd indian wells miami paris monte carlo rome madrid grand slam australian open frencho open wimbledon us open montreal toronto cincinnati shanghai london world tour finals barclays emirates compilation tribute monfils la monf roanic nishiori wawrinka thiem dimitrov baby fed acapulco rotterdam highlights dubai rio de janeiro
Leverhulme Doctoral Scholars presentations
Mawrgan Caught up with Paris Wells just before she hoped on stage for Startunes on Thursday 16th July, 2009. She discuss everything from tour, working on her new CD and heading to New York and L.A.
Strongbow Roving Reporter speaks to the one and only Paris Wells after her performance at the Strongbow Orchard...
Matt interviews rock soul hipster Paris Wells.
Orson Welles talks about 'Citizen Kane' in this 1960 interview from the BBC Monitor series. Another version of this interview, published on June 4, 2014, can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7UQhC2n9QA Thanks to Bazarov https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1En33ZoUMsr1trPkBnGa9g
SUBSCRIBE - http://smarturl.it/RockCityYT Paris Wells joins Rock City Networks in the belly of the Sidney Myer Music Bowl for Kiss My Grass 2010! She chats about Christmas/NYE, writing the new album and fat English guys owning pariswells.com! http://www.pariswells.com.au http://smarturl.it/RockCityYT https://twitter.com/rockcitynetwork http://instagram.com/rockcitynetwork http://www.facebook.com/RockCityNetwork http://jaydillon.com.au/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bringing you the best interviews from SYN, 1700, Immigrant Union, Cherry Bar, Cherry Rock, Peter Pan Speedrock, My Dynamite, King of the North, EVEN, Jackson Firebird, Black Cobra, Fu Manchu, Johnny Green, The Clash, John Cooper Clarke, Fad Gal...
Paris Wells performs Grace Baby live on Sunrise
Doug Miles talks with Patricia Wells author "The Food Lover's Guide to Paris". As aired "Book Talk". (www.dougmilesmedia.com)