Last updated: August 16, 2016

Working for your husband

Working for your husband
I recently started working part-time for my husband. Does he need to pay my compulsory 9.5 per cent super contribution?

The Coach: Family SMSFs

The Coach: Family SMSFs
A family SMSF can deliver advantages, but you need to be aware of the pitfalls and ongoing complexities.

The Coach: Centrelink pensions

The Coach: Centrelink pensions
My parents want to buy a villa but put it in my brother’s name. Will that affect their Centrelink pension?

Teaching kids to save

Teaching kids to save
Saving to buy a major item like your first car is often the first step towards building the habit of lifelong saving.

The Coach: SMSFs and artworks

The Coach: SMSFs and artworks
The new rules on “Collectibles and Personal Use Assets” owned by a SMSF apply to assets purchased after July 1, 2011.

The Coach: Insurance bonds

The Coach: Insurance bonds
Superannuation remains a very tax effective way to save for retirement.

The coach: SMSF caps

The coach: SMSF caps
How do I check how much of the SMSF superannuation cap I have available under the new rules?

Super opportunities

Super opportunities
What superannuation concessions are available to me as the end of the financial year approaches?

Transition to retirement strategy

Transition to retirement strategy
A TTR strategy involves transferring your super balance into an account-based pension (allocated pension).

Corporate v individual trustee

Corporate v individual trustee
There are pros and cons to be considered in deciding whether to an establish individual or corporate trustee structure.

Super changes are only proposals

Super changes are only proposals
The changes to superannuation announced in the budget are proposals until legislation is enacted.

Budget superannuation changes

Budget superannuation changes
Budget proposals will require the passage of legislation before they are implemented.

Binding death benefits

Binding death benefits
A Binding Death Benefit nomination is an instruction on who is to receive super benefits when a member dies.

Your duty to tell the truth

Your duty to tell the truth
If you give up smoking, you can can apply to have your insurance premiums reduced. But what if you start again?

Income taxed at progressive rates

Income taxed at progressive rates
I am confused about tax rates with the coverage I am reading leading up to the budget.

Be aware of fees and costs

Be aware of fees and costs
What is the difference between switching fees and ‘buy/sell’ costs in an investment portfolio?

Inherited shares — sell or transfer?

Inherited shares — sell or transfer?
I have inherited shares I want to move into my super fund. Must I sell the shares, or can I transfer ownership?

Jury payments in the dock

Jury payments in the dock
What are the tax implications of payment for jury service?

Beware dangers of high yield

Beware dangers of high yield
Should I just go buy shares with high dividends for income in retirement?

Ensuring your fund meets your ESG

Ensuring your fund meets your ESG
We would like to avoid investing in companies associated with coal, gambling, tobacco and the military.

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