Jacqueline Maley已認證帳戶


Journalisticalist Email me: jmaley@fairfaxmedia.com.au

Sydney Morning Herald and Age

已封鎖 @JacquelineMaley

你確定要查看這些推文嗎?檢視推文並不會解除封鎖 @JacquelineMaley。

  1. Coming up at 3pm...me on radio! My show airs on ABC local 3-5pm on your digital radio or mobile app!

  2. Is Melania Trump her husband's greatest victim or his greatest enabler? My column this week on the First Lady-elect:

  3. Broken Homes: How Australia's child protection system is failing our most vulnerable kids

  4. Paul Keating on on the US: "This society of ours is a better society than the United States. It's more even, it's more fair."

  5. Didn't read this at the time, reading now and weeping

  6. I'm just going to stop reading the news now, and only read fiction.

  7. I'll be hosting my first ever radio show on ABC at 3pm today. I'll be comin at ya on digital radio and on your ABC radio app on smartphone.

  8. Prime Ministers are always banging on about jobs. And yet they make the worst unemployed people ever. My column:

  9. Our story today. Minister has called presser for 9.30 to announce response to complaints of mistreatment in custody

  10. Just recorded the best-researched episode of ever with and - reviewing a very special podcast!

  11. NSW gov announced a review into "behaviour management" in juvenile jails after our story today.They say coincidence:

  12. Used to hate it, now Googling toddler pumpkin suits. Je suis Halloween hypocrite

  13. Handy graphic showing Australia is at the "stingy" end when it comes to paid parental leave. via

  14. "all about the little guy". Terrific carton from

  15. And yet Hockey says double dipping on mat leave is greatest moral challenge of our time (to paraphrase)

  16. Pig-headed Tony Abbott shoots off his mouth - 's excellent column on backpage today via


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