Gender gap costs sub-Sahara Africa $US95 billion a year: New UNDP report

Nairobi, Kenya, 28 August 2016 – Gender inequality is costing sub-Saharan Africa on average $US95 billion a year, peaking at US$105 billion in 2014– or six percent of the region’s GDP – jeopardising the continent’s efforts for inclusive human development and economic growth, according to the Africa Human...

Ensuring Sustainable Peace and Socio-economic Transformation for cross border communities

UNDP Administrator Helen Clark met with local peace committee elders in the Ethio-Kenyan border town of Moyale to commend their work and also highlight the UN’s commitment to support efforts aimed at bringing about peace and sustainable development to the cross border region.    The UN, in partnership with the...

Building Resilience of Refugee Hosting Communities

The government of Japan has provided US$1.4 million to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for a new intervention that seeks to enhance the livelihoods of host communities in the Gambela region of Ethiopia and strengthen peaceful co-existence with refugees. The intervention builds on existing disaster...

South-South Cooperation for Economic Transformation

State ministers and other senior government officials are taking part in an intensive executive training workshop around the theme accelerating economic development and transformation organized by UNDP in collaboration with Ethiopia Ministry of Public Service and Human Resource Development. UNDP has brought on...

Ethiopia's National SDG consultation explores mainstreaming, finance and M&E;

26 April 2016, Addis Ababa - There is really no scarcity of global resources to meet development goals, State Minister Dr. Abraham Tekeste of Ethiopia’s National Planning Commission (NPC) boldly noted to participants attending a national consultation workshop on the rollout of the Sustainable Development Goals...

UNDP trains policymakers on climate resilient green growth development

Senior government officials from various ministries and agencies are taking part in a two-day intensive training on climate resilient green growth development. The training is organized by the United Nations Development Programme as part of its advanced leadership programme and in collaboration with the Ministry of...

Japan partnership with UNDP continues to build Ethiopia’s Peacekeeping capacity

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today signed USD 200 thousand agreement with the Ethiopian Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC)to continue supporting the center’s training and capacity development initiatives around peacekeeping.   The government of Japan has supported the PSTC since 2013,...

Understanding Better the Value of Ethiopia's Forests

Ethiopia held a validation workshop for a cutting-edge UNRED + study that seeks to bring to light the country’s forest ecosystem’s contribution to the national income. The UNREDD + targeted support through UNDP and UNEP, which took a year to complete, came about in response to a direct request for assistance...

South-South Cooperation on sustainable forest management

A high level Ethiopian government delegation is now back in the country following a successful experience and knowledge sharing visit to South Korea and China. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and UNREDD facilitated the visit by the high level delegation, which was led by the Minister of Environment,...

Building Ethiopia’s Resilience: Climate Action Report Identifies Cross Sector Issues

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4 January 2016 — Ethiopia has outlined its latest progress and challenges on its efforts to address the country’s vulnerability to climate change.   The comprehensive multi-sector update is part of Ethiopia’s second national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate...

Democratic Institutions Endorse new Forum

Ethiopia’s seven key public democratic institutions have endorsed the establishment of a Democratic Institutions’ Forum (DIF), which will be set up with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).   Prior to the DIF the country’s public democratic institutions received capacity building support...

“Address challenges and seize opportunities of the new world of work”, UNDP urges

2 billion people lifted out of low human development, in last 25 years, now focus on work is needed to galvanize progress, alerts the 2015 Human Development Report. Addis Ababa, 14 December 2015 —Fast technological progress, deepening globalization, aging societies and environmental challenges are rapidly transforming...

Ethiopia and Kenya join hands on cross-border initiative to boost sub-regional peace and development

Moyale, Kenya - The governments of Ethiopia and Kenya, in partnership with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the United Nations today launched an innovative, comprehensive and integrated cross-border initiative to foster peace and sustainable development in the northern Marsabit county of Kenya and the southern Borana Zone in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia Celebrates Global Entrepreneurship Week

Ethiopia is joining this year’s Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) celebrations under the theme Make it Happen by rolling out a series of local entrepreneurship boosting events nationwide targeting over 150 thousand people across the country.

Ethiopia's Latest MDG Report

Ethiopia has launched its latest Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Report in Addis Ababa as part of the UN Week Celebrations activities that commemorate the establishment of the United Nations on 24th October 1945. The MDG progress reports have in the past been used as a strong advocacy tool to accelerate...

Piloting Weather Insurance for Farmers to build Resilience

In late October 2015, a total of 12,000 smallholder farmers in four regions started to benefit from Ethiopia’s first weather index insurance claims payment to cover the loss for this year’s crop failure due to El Nino. The weather index insurance claims paid out 2.6 million ET birr covering a total of around the...

Knowledge for Life - Ethiopia Celebrates International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction

Ethiopia celebrated the 2015 International Day of Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) under the global theme Knowledge for Life with the government stating its commitment for expanding the set of policy guidelines to allow for enhanced stakeholder engagement on the ground.

Building Capacity to Conserve Ethiopia’s Forestry to Promote Livelihoods & Protect Biodiversity

The Ministry of Environment and Forest  has partnered with UNDP and Norway and to launch a three-year (2015-2019) US$ 22 million programme that  will help tackle the need for institutional strengthening to develop Ethiopia’s forest sector.    The programme focuses on developing, conserving and sustainably...

Environmental Financing - GEF/UNDP supported Gene Bank Conserves Biodiversity & Ensures Food Security

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator, Ms. Helen Clark and Global Environment Facility (GEF) CEO and Chairperson Ms. Naoko Ishii, made a joint site visit to Africa’s largest and oldest gene bank, on the sidelines of the Third Financing for Development Conference taking place in Addis Ababa...

Ethiopia Invests in Protection of its National Parks

Ethiopia’s prime minister has signed a regulation that now legally places seven national parks as protected areas, including the Simien National Park, which is on UNESCO’s world heritage site. The Simien National Park, with outstanding landscape created millions of years ago, is home to a number of threatened species...

Assessing the Economic Value of Ethiopia’s Forest Ecosystem

Ethiopia will be undertaking an assessment exercise to understand better the economic value of the forest sector and feed this information into the development and implementation of the country’s new five year development plan 2015-2020. The assessment is planned as part of the United Nations initiative on...

Strengthening capacities on post conflict recovery

Senior and mid-level military and police officers as well as civilians from Ethiopia, Tanzania, Djibouti, Rwanda and Sudan have been trained on post conflict recovery ahead of their deployment to the United Nations peace keeping operations and peace support operations. The ten day training was organized by...

Investing in Training to Scale up Local Resource Mobilisation

An intensive training session on tax policy analysis and revenue forecasting has been successfully held for 25 trainees drawn from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED), Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA), as well as Oromia and Addis Ababa revenue bureaus. The training, which took...

Promoting Sustainable Technologies to Meet Ethiopia’s Growing Energy Needs

Addis Ababa, 1 October 2015 (joint press release) - The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) have partnered with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE) to help the country tackle its energy needs give its large and growing population and the...

Reflecting on the Human Development Approach: Past, Present and Future

Director of the Human Development Report Office, Mr. Selim Jahan, addressed a Joint UNDP-UNECA Policy Forum on the topic “ human development Approach: Past, Present and Future” held in Addis Ababa on 7th August 2015. With 2015 marking the 25th anniversary of the first Human Development Report Mr. Jahan...

Getting Familiar with the SDGs

UNDP partnered with UNDESA and Ethiopia’s National Planning Commission to familiarise participants from various public sectors with the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Addis Ababa Agenda for Action, which was agreed upon at the end of the third financing for development conference hosted by...

UNSG visits Entrepreneurship Intervention for Women and Female Youth

United Nations Secretary General Ban Kii-moon visited a UNDP supported entrepreneurship development project that trains and equips Ethiopian women and female youth from vulnerable backgrounds to access the export market in traditional hand-weaving, spinning, embroidery, crotchet, and hand-knitting, as well as...

Enhancing Ethiopia’s Climate Information Capacity

2 July 2015, Addis Ababa: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has handed over almost US$ two million worth of equipment to the National Meteorological Agency (NMA). The equipment, including 40 automatic weather stations, is expected to help strengthen Ethiopia’s early warning network to monitor,...

UNDP-Microsoft Partnership Helps Ethiopian Entrepreneurs to Build their Business

Young entrepreneurs will be undergoing a Build Your Business (BYB) training sessions that aims to develop the knowledge and skills of those looking to sustain existing businesses as well as those wishing to start a new micro and small enterprise. The training is part of UNDP’s partnership with Microsoft East Africa...

Embracing the new global development agenda

Experts from the United Nations Development Programme spoke at the Civil Service University about the role of civil servants in embracing the new global development agenda. Organized by the university as part of its public lecture series, the event enabled the participants understand the Sustainable Development...

UNCTAD Certifies Entrepreneurship Trainers

The first batch of local entrepreneurship trainers from the Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) have been certified by UNCTAD under the Empretec model. The trainers, who are lecturers at local university or local business owners, were drawn from Addis Ababa, Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, and SNNP regions. The...

African Countries Identify 12 Key Priorities for Enhanced Climate Action

Twelve recommendations to improve the regional response to climate change have been agreed to following a meeting of Africa Region, Addis Ababa on 7-8 May, 2015. The meeting, gathering twelve African countries, was part of a series of Climate Vulnerable Forum workshops currently being convened though to June 2015...

National Human Development Report for Ethiopia: Highlighting Issues for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

  UNDP has launched its flagship National Human Development Report (NHDR) for Ethiopia which computes region-specific human development indices and explores issues that could help in Accelerating Inclusive Growth for Sustainable Human Development in Ethiopia. The report examines development trajectories over a ten...

Ethiopia Unveil Country’s First National Logistics Strategy

Each year, Ethiopia spends heavily on trade logistics-related costs, a condition that is partly attributable to its land-locked status as of the early 1990s. While the Government of Ethiopia clearly outlines that ease of transporting goods and services across the country is key in building its development trajectory...

Japan Partners UNDP to continue support for Peacekeeping Training in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, March 25, 2015-The Government of Ethiopia today signed a USD150 thousand agreement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to extend the ongoing project support for the Peacekeeping Training at the Ethiopian International Peacekeeping Training Centre (EIPKTC) since its establishment in...

Lighting the Fire of Commitment – Ethiopia gets rid of its ivory stockpile

Smoke rose high from the lush compound of the Ethiopia's Botanical Gardens as Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen walked away having lit the torch that would burn down around 6.1 tons of illegal trafficked ivory. According to the deputy prime minister, the move to counter the blackmarket trading of ivory and...

2015 UNDP Entrepreneurship Award Celebrates Ethiopian Entrepreneurs

The 2015 UNDP Entrepreneurship Award presented over $61,000 to seven winning Ethiopian Entrepreneurs and two runners up during a ceremony held at Sheraton Addis in the presence of His Excellency Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.