Improving productivity and increasing agriculture-related income requires creative solutions - Opia Kumah
Violent extremism affects us all. It pushes the already vulnerable beyond their ability to cope and survive. - Mandisa

"Violent extremism affects us all cutting across national borders. It pushes the already vulnerable beyond their ability to cope and survive. Our latest National Human Development Report 2016 already highlights the fact that where there is insecurity, development suffers, poverty thrives affecting women and children the worst."

Improving productivity and increasing agriculture-related income requires creative solutions - Opia Kumah
Improving productivity and increasing agriculture-related income requires creative solutions - Opia Kumah

The importance of cassava has grown beyond its essence as a staple and food security crop. Cassava is now recognized as an essential industrial crop. It is now recognized as an essential raw material for large scale manufacturing.

UNDP will fully support implementation of programmes of action for the quick roll out of the SDGs across all States - Pa Lamin Beyai
UNDP to fully support quick roll out of the SDGs across all States - Pa Lamin Beyai

As the lead UN agency mandated to eradicate poverty globally, at UNDP we will continue with our central role in supporting the government to achieve its long term development aspirations.

Stateholder engagement key for resource management and sustainable development - Mandisa
Stakeholder engagement key for resource management, sustainable development - Mandisa

We would like to commend the Federal Government of Nigeria and most importantly the pioneering efforts from Cross River State, on the achievements attained so far since the REDD+ Programme started in Nigeria in 2012.

Japan supports initiatives aimed at promoting social cohesion, addressing de-radicalization in North East
Japan supports social cohesion, de-radicalization initiatives in North East

Issues of livelihood support and social cohesion are critical to recovery and stabilization in the North-East. As you may be aware, over 2 million people have been internally displaced and critical infrastructure like schools, hospitals, security posts, roads, water and electricity supply facilities have been destroyed.

With UNDP support, Nigeria moves to improve service delivery in the port sector
With UNDP support, Nigeria moves to improve service delivery in the port sector

In an effort to enhance operational efficiency in the delivery of services within the country’s port sector, Nigeria has launched harmonised Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of all Agencies and Operators at the country’s Seaports.

UNDP will continue to support Nigeria in adopting a sustainable development pathway - Pa Lamin Beyai
UNDP will continue to support Nigeria in adopting a sustainable development pathway - Pa Lamin Beyai

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are no doubt one of the major outcomes of the Paris Agreement, and to a large extent, the centerpiece of the new global climate regime...

Insecurity remains an ever-present threat to peace and development of Nigeria - Fatma Samoura
Insecurity remains an ever-present threat to peace and development of Nigeria - Fatma Samoura

Although the future holds great promise and early efforts of the [new] Government are beginning to bear fruit, the development path ahead will, clearly, not be an easy one. Stakeholders therefore, need to work together to ensure that the great promise of this nation – peace, unity and prosperity-, is realised, not just for the present generation but also the future ones.

Unchecked human security parameters pose serious threats to human development in Nigeria
Unchecked human security parameters pose threats to human development in Nigeria - NHDR2016

“Insecurity remains an ever-present threat to peace and development of the country … and, without a doubt, poses great danger and exacerbates an already fragile economic development landscape as the country grapples with the reality of shifting from over-reliance on oil and gas sector to other sectors." Fatma Samoura

A call to reflect on the challenge of insecurity and development in Nigeria
A call to reflect on the challenge of insecurity and development in Nigeria

On this day two years ago, suspected Boko Haram militants raided Government Secondary School – Chibok in Borno state of Nigeria abducting more than 200 girls in the process. To date, most of these girls are yet to be traced and rescued. But even some of those who were rescued, especially those who fell pregnant as a result of forced marriage to their abductors, were never fully re-integrated into society, adding to their trauma.

The situation in the Maiduguri is critical, there is urgent need for scaled up support - Fatma Samoura
To pursue equitable and sustainable econonmic growth, structural reforms are needed - Fatma Samoura

At the UN, we believe that in order to pursue economic growth that is both equitable and sustainable, a number of structural reforms are needed. This is increasingly becoming more urgent as countries embark of the SDGs implementation process. Going forward, Mr Chairman, we will pursue, together with our national partners, especially the government, an economic diversification programme that elevates the agricultural, non-oil manufacturing, solid minerals and the service sectors, shifting emphasis and attention to higher value adding activities whilst reducing reliance on volatile commodity exports such as oil and gas

The situation in the Maiduguri is critical, there is urgent need for scaled up support - Fatma Samoura
The situation in the Maiduguri is critical, there is urgent need for scaled up support - Fatma Samoura

The situation in Maiduguri is critical, there is need for all development and humanitarian actors to scale up their support to complement efforts by the government in Borno State.” Said Fatma Samoura, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator who is also UNDP Resident Representative, at the end of her first mission to the North East of Nigeria. Ms. Samoura visited Maiduguri 31 March – 1 April 2016 during which period she met State Authorities, humanitarian actors from International Non-Governmental Organisations, Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in camps and informal host communities.

Use post disaster recovery processes as opportunities to build resilient communities - Fatma Samoura
Use post disaster recovery processes as opportunities to build resilient communities - Fatma Samoura

Recovery and reconstruction means building back better. We need to look at what conditions made our infrastructure and livelihoods vulnerable to natural disasters and ensure that these conditions are not replicated during the recovery phase. We need to come up with measures to reduce exposure to future natural hazards – this is the essence of being Resilient. It means having the ability to Prevent, Absorb, Adapt and Transform ourselves in situations of disasters.

Meet UNDP Nigeria's new Resident Representative, Fatma Samoura
Nigeria needs strong institutions, a diversified economy and more for peace and security

Nigeria has experienced growth in the recent past and now is Africa’s largest economy. However, this growth has not translated in poverty reduction and reduced inequalities.” Said new Head of the United Nations System and UNDP Resident Representative, Fatma Samoura during a breakfast meeting with the media today.