UNDP Alternative Financing Lab - the next big thing is a lot of small (and smart things)!

We mobilized over EUR 3 million across a series of experiments with alternative financing mechanisms. Next - UNDP Alternative Financing Lab.

In the land of bear, wolf and lynx – Risnjak National Park

It is late September, one of the last wonderful weeks in this year's Indian summer. There is the Rijeka-Zagreb Motorway, mist, tunnels and sunshine... We drive through a couple of more bends, and suddenly we face Risnjak – a bare stone massif rising from the lush vegetation of the region of Gorski kotar, and a National park annually visited by approximately 17 thousand visitors.

Crowdfunding As a Potential Behemoth: A Billion Euro Industry Waiting To Happen

Industry experts, NGO’s and private companies, government representative and numerous curious individuals - having them all at one place to discuss future of crowdfunding in our region meant another step ahead is made.

Tilagus – latin word for a bay that looks like three connected lakes. In Croatian – Telašćica Nature Park!

As we wrote in June, UNDP-GEF project PARCS in cooperation with National Geographic Croatia presents all nineteen protected areas - National Parks and Nature Parks in Croatia with a series of stories.

Better Together – Social Inclusion of Roma in Croatia

The Project that has been implemented by UNDP is completed, but this does not mean the end for activities we have supported, initiated or strengthened! Our main partners, actors and beneficiaries are citizens of Roma background from two counties Sisak –Moslavina and Međimurje. They were included in planning different interventions, executions of small community actions, mobile team activities and a number of cultural and educational events. They were also included in the activities of social and school cooperatives.

WE Engage – an online tool for onshore wind farm developers to engage with local communities – NOW available in Croatian!

Under the WISE Power project, a web tool that supports potential investors and local community in participation in planning and implementation of wind energy projects has been developed. This tool is now available in Croatian language!

STORY: Coming From Behind of the Wall of Silence - Delivering Rights for Victims of Sexual Violence in War

Creating a law to recognize the survivors, give some form of compensation and ensure improved access to adequate health care and psycho-social support, is one of the good examples of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) projects on transitional justice to date.

Renewable Solutions for Green villages in the ‘stans’

  Introducing Greenvillages from Marko Capek on Vimeo. Written by Marko Capek We asked ourselves “How to bring energy access to rural Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic?” Of course, the energy would have to be green and renewable as it provides immediate solution for electricity access.  So we invited...

Parks of Croatia – a practical guide for visitors and nature lovers

The Parks of Croatia brochure, is a practical guide to the Croatian protected areas - the eight national and eleven nature parks. Each one is unique in its natural beauty and features, but equally valuable, which is confirmed by about 2.7 million visitors who are attracted to them every year. The brochure will...

Solar energy brings electricity and life to rural areas of Croatia

Ilija Radulović and Nada Hajdin together with their two daughters, live in a remote part of Karlovac County, where they breed cattle and produce milk. This would not be so strange, that until recently they haven't lived without electricity „Without electricity and refrigerators, we could not even think about selling...