Revealed: new breed of public service super-executive

The Immigration Department in Canberra is soon to reveal a new breed of super-executive; but only the "exceptionally talented" need apply.

A small number of Immigration managers working at EL2 level are soon to be promoted to the role of "senior director".

The Immigration Department is set to reveal a new breed of public service super-executive.******
The Immigration Department is set to reveal a new breed of public service super-executive.****** Photo: Virginia Star

They will still be EL2, but with a higher wage and many of the perks of Senior Executive Service life which might include a dedicated carpark, an executive assistant, in charge numerous sections and staff and reporting directly to one of the department's first assistant secretaries.

Insiders say the new "talent and leadership identification" initiative is simply a way to get around the cap imposed on all departments on the numbers in their Senior Executive Service with the new "super EL2s" becoming  members of the SES in all but name.

But the department says its just part of its "commitment to leadership development."

The SES cap sets an approved upper limit on the number of highly paid Senior Executive Service roles that each Australian Public Service department and agency can employ.


Any increase to the cap must be approved by public service minister Michaelia Cash.

The department did not answer questions on whether it was using its new EL2 program to enlarge its SES by stealth, but a spokesman said the initiative was more about grooming promising talent for a future in the senior executive ranks.

"The progression from standard EL2 to the newly created position of Senior Director EL2 is a talent and leadership identification initiative," the DIBP spokesman told Fairfax.

"A limited number of Senior Director roles have been created for exceptionally talented EL2s who demonstrate the potential to move into the SES in the near future.

"The Senior Director role was introduced as part of our ongoing commitment to leadership development."

The spokesman said the lucky few EL2s would be stretched in their new roles.

"The roles are identified as stretch opportunities by the Department's Talent Management Advisory Committee and then employees are selected to fill them," he said.

"Senior Directors have responsibility for delivering high priority and complex projects or functions which are beyond the expectations and requirements of standard EL2 positions.

"Closing dates depend on when positions are advertised.

"All substantive EL2s in the department are eligible to apply when Expressions of Interest are called to fill Senior Director roles.

"As noted above, the Senior Director role was introduced as part of our ongoing commitment to leadership development."
