Nassim Khadem

Deputy Editor, BusinessDay. Reporting on tax and regulation.

Women who negotiate for pay rises are 30 per cent more likely than men who negotiate to receive feedback that they are ...

Why managers won't give staff feedback

Among the top reasons managers hesitate to give feedback to their employees, according to a study conducted by LeanIn.Org and McKinsey, is fear the employee may have an "emotional breakdown".

Companies sent income to low-tax Singapore.

ATO investigates 35 e-commerce companies

Thirty-five e-commerce companies are under review or audit by the Australian Taxation Office for routing income through low-tax nations such as Singapore to avoid paying tax locally.


Twitter will never completely limit free speech

Twitter can't completely eliminate abuse and trolls without limiting free speech, says former Twitter executive Kirstine Stewart, but the company is revisiting its polices to prevent harassment.