Fed chair Janet Yellen pierces Donald Trump's fiscal euphoria

"There is not a lot of fiscal space should a shock to the economy occur," Dr Yellen said.
"There is not a lot of fiscal space should a shock to the economy occur," Dr Yellen said. PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS

Australian shares could be supported by a lower Australian dollar as US Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen warned that Donald Trump's planned budget stimulus could force US interest rates higher. 

But, with a tight jobs market and already high national debt levels, an overheating economy adds to the risks investors face.

Dr Yellen has challenged Mr Trump's plan to unleash massive fiscal stimulus. The Fed chair all but promised that the central bank will raise interest rates next month before the president elect is in office and asserted the independence of the Fed, which faces greater interference by a Republican leadership. Dr Yellen, who made it clear she would not stand down, told a Congressional committee that unlike in 2008-09, the economy today was "operating relatively close to full employment" and there was less excess capacity.

Mr Trump has pledged big corporate tax cuts and infrastructure investment to stimulate the economy. The rallying US dollar, rising bond yields and boost to shares in response to Mr Trump's victory are guided by expectations of an expansionary fiscal package that could have "inflationary consequences" and force the Fed to react hawkishly.

That surge in the value of the US dollar pushed the Australian dollar to as low as US73.79¢ and dramatically reduced expectations of the Reserve Bank of Australia's willingness to keep cutting rates. Traders are tipping that in 12 months' time rates will be higher than they are today and even though some economists think more easing lies ahead, Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe has indicated that might not be the right course of action. "It is unlikely to be in the public interest, given current projections for the economy, to encourage a noticeable rise in household indebtedness," he said on Tuesday.

Australian investors are quietly upbeat about the boost of a lower Australian dollar, which will help company profits shake-off a soft quarter of trading, but that optimism is tempered by the belief that a Trump presidency brings more volatility. The S&P;/ASX 200 Index advanced 21 points or 0.4 per cent on Friday to 5359 points, down 11 points for the week. At the same time, 10-year bonds have extended a sell-off and caused a correction in the once high-flying yield stocks. The Australian 10-year bond yield hit a 10-month high of 2.73 per cent.

"The reality is that no-one really knows what is going to come of the Trump administration's policy agenda, what the Congress Republicans will permit to go through," said fund manager Dom Giuliano, deputy chief investment officer at Magellan. "They have typically been hawkish on spending and the size of the debt so there's some horse trading which needs to take place." 

He urged some context on the sell-off in the bond market, saying treasury yields are only back to where they were a year ago. "So let's just put that into perspective, it's not like markets have gone absolutely crazy in terms of their reappraisal of where 10-year bond rates need to be." Market volatility has been abnormally low because of the trillions of dollars of co-ordinated central bank stimulus; that too would reverse, Mr Giuliano predicted. 

Higher rates ahead for the US was welcome news for the Reserve Bank said Raaz Bhuyan, a principal at fund manager WaveStone. "It takes the pressure off them to cut rates. The resultant fall in the Aussie improves Australia's competitiveness and helps with the transition of the economy. Given it's so early in the piece, hard to call it a win yet but certainly good for the local markets."

He did question how long it would take before the market reacted negatively to China's latest run of yuan devaluation as the Chinese currency falls to 2008 levels against the US dollar.

Philip Parker, chairman and chief investment officer at Altair Asset Management, thinks the Australian currency will get to a low of US65¢ over the next year. "If the infrastructure spend occurs in the USA and a company tax rate cut of 20 per cent transpires, then the US economy should do well and our thesis over the last few years and ongoing would still be to be exposed to listed Australian companies earning the majority of their profits in foreign jurisdictions," he said.

"There's a bit of guess work going on whether it will be good Trump or bad Trump, the assumption is it's going to be good Trump with the reaction of the market," George Clapham from Arnhem Investment Management said. "If you look at the policies there's a lot of stimulus despite the fact the American economy's been growing slowly," he said. 

Mr Clapham put less faith in the ability for inflationary expectations to turnaround in Australia as they have in the US. 

"We've got some different issues in Australia," he said. "We're going ex- a property boom, the US has got a way to go with their housing starts whereas ours are at peak levels. There's more wage inflation in the US than Australia and we're getting negative real income growth effectively." The housing market "has bailed out the resource decline to some degree, but what's the next card?" He described the quality of trading updates in the annual general meeting season as "pretty average".

Mr Bhuyan thinks Mr Trump's self-described unpredictability "equals volatility". "With Republicans now in control of all arms of government in the US, this is the best chance for government spending to increase the productive capacity of the US and if prudently financed, will be very good for markets."