Beware of stocks that stray from core competencies

iSentia CEO John Croll just lost a third of his market cap.
iSentia CEO John Croll just lost a third of his market cap. Louie Douvis

The only thing worse than a company that strays from its core business into an area outside of its core competency is a company that strays into an area outside its core competency and then watches while the investment blows up.

Shareholders in these sorts of companies usually have two good reasons for being angry at management.

First, management changed the risk profile of the business without asking.

Second, management failed to stay on top of an operation that carried higher operational risks. Mistakes like this are very heavily punished in today's market. Investors are increasingly short term in their thinking and will dump stocks like a hot potato at the first sign of trouble.

The recent punishment meted out by the market to media intelligence company iSentia Group and online automotive advertising company are good examples of this short termism at work.

A profit downgrade on Thursday at iSentia's annual meeting prompted a 26 per cent plunge in the company's share price.

The extraordinary thing about this share price collapse was that the losses suffered on Thursday were almost four times greater than the cost of the business which caused a profit downgrade.

The iSentia content marketing division will report a $2 million loss in the first half of this financial year but a positive contribution is expected in the full year.

A decline in earnings in the content marketing business, which expanded last year with the purchase of King ContentĀ for $48 million, has triggered a reduction in market capitalisation of about $174 million. Some shareholders regard that as an over reaction.

For many investors the prime reason for investing in iSentia was to get access to its strong recurring cash flows from its media monitoring and analysis business. Content marketing is volatile business that chief executive John Croll said had "lost revenue momentum due to decisions made in regards to strategy, new business development and client retention in FY17".

He is replacing the CEO who founded the business and sold it to iSentia, Craig Hodges. strayed from its core business of online car sales advertising with the purchase for $60 million of a half share in auto finance broker Stratton in 2014.

The auto finance business suffered a reduction in volume in the fourth quarter of 2016 because of capacity reduction at a major lender.

Since then the stock has lost a quarter of its market capitalisation or about $836 million in value.

Once again, a company which strayed from its core business, which offered investors strong recurring cash flows, is suffering because of the poor performance of a volatile and less predictable business.

Disclosure: The author's super fund owns shares in iSentia.