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The Typepad Team
San Francisco, Tokyo, New York City, Paris
Typepad loves you.
Interests: design, media, blogs, fun
Recent Activity
We are so excited to announce that the multiple usernames and password protection for individual posts and Pages is now out of Beta and all subscribers should see this option. To quickly recap, with this... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2016 at Everything Typepad
In addition to your own content, you can share posts from other blogs by adding their RSS feed to your sidebar. You can share content from some of your favorite websites in just a couple... Continue reading
Posted Sep 27, 2016 at Everything Typepad
A feature that's been around for a while, but goes unnoticed by many, is the integration of Bitly. Post permalinks can often be too long to fit into a forced character limit by social media... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2016 at Everything Typepad
At the end of every post on your blog is the post footer, a section that provides information about the post for the benefit of your readers. By default, this displays the name of the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2016 at Everything Typepad
It's almost a new season and what better way to kick it off by letting us know what you'd love to see added to Typepad! Is there something that would make composing posts easier? Maybe... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Your life takes place on the go, usually with your smart phone in your hand. Odds are there's going to be a thing or two you want to blog about. With the new improved mobile... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2016 at Everything Typepad
When was the last time you saved a backup of your blog post? Oh, you didn't know you could do that? Well today is the day to learn about saving a back up of your... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Typepad has a large number of looks and designs out there for you to choose from, but maybe there's a little something you want to change, like increasing your banner size or changing the color... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2016 at Everything Typepad
After blogging for some time, you may find that you write about certain topics frequently, from recipes to health advice, TV show reviews, family photos and more. As your blog continues to grow, make it... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2016 at Everything Typepad
The Design Lab for our Nimble responsive theme has been out to our Beta users for a while now, and we're hoping to get that out to all users later this year. As we work... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2016 at Everything Typepad
You're probably familiar with the main areas of the Design tab for your blog within Typepad. Here you can update the layout and content for your blog's design. Depending on what design you are using,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2016 at Everything Typepad
A few weeks ago, we announced that you could now create multiple usernames for password protection and also password protect each post on an individual level so that only specific usernames can view them. You... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Your support team is only ever a click or two away, and we take pride in being able to say that we offer support every day of the year. We all reside in different areas... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Adding third-party scripts to a blog post can help enhance your content and Typepad allows you to add HTML and embedding in your post. You can add things like an image from Flickr, a pin... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2016 at Everything Typepad
When we blog, we tend to find a groove in how we compose–our rhythm, if you will. That can often times lead to tunnel vision, seeing only what we are focused on, and know we... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2016 at Everything Typepad
We've been working hard on a few new features that we think you're going to love and we're happy to announce that they've been released to our Beta Team members! First of all, Beta Team... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Many blogs, especially those run by individuals rather than organizations, have just one author and that works well in many cases. But sometimes you may find that a friend or colleague has a lot to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2016 at Everything Typepad
When you browse the Internet, there are a lot of sites to visit and sites to go to. One of the easiest ways to remember a site you want to revisit is when it has... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2016 at Everything Typepad
We love getting comments! Sometimes we love them so much, we want to show them off right on the front page of our blog. We have received requests asking if there is a way to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Did you know Typepad is on Pinterest? It's true! We love pinning and repinning great content from Typepad blogs in every genre, and we're always looking for great, inspirational content. Are you on Pinterest? Drop... Continue reading
Posted Jul 9, 2016 at Everything Typepad
There are areas in your Typepad account that you may not remember, or even know, exist. Do you know where you can consider enabling Disqus comments, setting up Google Analytics, using Typekit for custom fonts,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2016 at Everything Typepad
One of Typepad's most versatile features is one that's been around awhile so you might have overlooked it. It's the Embed Your Own HTML module. Have ads you would like to display on your blog?... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2016 at Everything Typepad
Did you know Typepad is on Pinterest? It's true! We love pinning and repinning great content from Typepad blogs in every genre, and we're always looking for great, inspirational content. Are you on Pinterest? Drop... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2016 at Everything Typepad
It's been a couple of years since we released the Signature module, so we feel this is as good a time as any to refresh your memory and explore the different ways in which it... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2016 at Everything Typepad