Last updated: November 19, 2016

Girl’s body frozen after death

Girl’s body frozen after death
The 14-year-old cancer sufferer asked to be frozen in the hope of being brought back to life, after a landmark legal ruling.

Melanoma diagnosis in hours

Melanoma diagnosis in hours
A new Australian blood test cuts the diagnosis time to just six hours, instead of up to three weeks with surgical biopsy.

Accused exonerated in trial

Accused exonerated in trial
A protein long blamed for causing Alzheimer’s disease is an unsung hero that tries to fight off the illness.

Low-fat milk kids ‘gain kilos’

Low-fat milk kids ‘gain kilos’
Parents who give their children low-fat milk may actually be increasing their risk of obesity, research suggests.

Game could diagnose dementia

Game could diagnose dementia
The world’s biggest study into dementia has offered a novel way to spot it early | WATCH

Low-fat risks child obesity

Low-fat risks child obesity
Parents who give their young children low-fat milk may actually be increasing their risk of obesity, research suggests.

Pluto knocked out of kilter

Pluto knocked out of kilter
Pluto was knocked out of whack by a heart attack, according to new analyses of images beamed back last year.

New pill will dole out doses for weeks

New pill will dole out doses for weeks
A new drug capsule which lasts in the body for weeks allows patients to take a full prescription in one dose.

Industry fights cattle patent

Industry fights cattle patent
A patent on the genetic makeup and DNA of ­cattle in Australia will be fought in the Federal Court.

Coffee brewed by the numbers

Coffee brewed by the numbers
Scientists have stepped up the quest for the ideal cuppa, with a model for the mathematically perfect coffee.

Alcohol link to prostate cancer

Alcohol link to prostate cancer
Even a couple of drinks a day could raise men’s risk of prostate cancer by a fifth, new research suggests.

Microbes trump metadata

Microbes trump metadata
CSI investigators of the future could take more notice of mobile phones’ microbes than their metadata.

A supermoon on the rise

A supermoon on the rise
It is one of the cosmic world’s most enduring mysteries, but last night was no illusion | PHOTOS

Brain training is only so useful

Brain training is only so useful
Middle-aged people worried about their memory might need to start brain training early to delay onset of dementia.

Goldie seeks breather from world

Goldie seeks breather from world
Goldie Hawn created the MindUP program because ‘our children were suffering and the world was upside-down’.

Traffic rules study for robo-car

Traffic rules study for robo-car
People hurt in crashes involving driverless cars may not be covered by existing compulsory third-party insurance.

DNA is not your health destiny

DNA is not your health destiny
Clean living can slash your risk for heart disease even if your genes are heavily stacked against you.

How to see the Supermoon

How to see the Supermoon
Top tips on how to take a great photograph of tonight’s Supermoon, plus when and where to watch.

War declared on veteran suicides

War declared on veteran suicides
Jeff Kennett has urged former Australian Defence Force personnel to “mobilise” against the stigma of mental illness.

‘Binned’ eggs boost IVF chances

‘Binned’ eggs boost IVF chances
Women could have a ­better chance of giving birth via IVF thanks to a technique generating eggs from spare ovary cells.

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